Hi all,
Been a while since I last posted but quick question, about a month ago I won a pitching competition for one of my scripts and was introduced to an agent who was judging the event. She told me to email her with a sample of my work, which I did, but she advised that it would be a while before she'd be able to read it. I emailed her my pilot script in the last week of June and I'm wondering if enough time has now passed to get back in touch and see if she has read my work, particularly since the script in question is now being pitched to TV channels in the UK by a production company. Generally what is an acceptable amount of time before chasing up agents? Cheers.
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I would say doubly yes. Yes, send her an e-mail at least asks her if she's gotten to it yet (don't seem pushy or antsy). And yes, because it's actively being pitched send her an e-mail. Let her know that you're asking not only out of curiosity but because a production company is pitching it as well (again, don't seem pushy). Be professional, be nice, and see how things play out.
Best of luck, Callum.
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If you get a firm offer from the UK then yes send her a quick note saying just to keep you up to speed that..... has made and offer or expressed interest. Otherwise no, one month is not enough. If she said it would take a while, expect at least another month on that time line. maybe even two.
Callum McKay -- Personally, I'd wait a minimum of 3-4 weeks before reaching out. You won't lose anything by waiting until early August (please remember that many film + TV pros are on vacation right now ... hey, it's summer!). In my first e-mail, I'd ask the agent if he/she received your script, and absolutely nothing else. It doesn't serve you well to be too pushy, quite on the contrary. Of course you wanna know ASAP (we all do, usually) but we're talking about professionals whose stacks of scripts awaiting to be read can be quite high. So, try to be patient ... yet proactive. My two cents. Cordial regards from Helsinki, Finland -- multi-optioned cinescribe Juhani
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If you got serious heat, like a real offer $$ from a tv prod company on your own effort, all you need is a Lawyer to close the deal. Why pay commission fees? Not sure why a prod company is showing your script without paying $$$ an option.
Keep moving. One agent request doesn't mean a commitment, especially if the agent said "it would be a while."