Screenwriting : Writer's Conferences, Labs & Workshops by Cecil Battiste

Cecil Battiste

Writer's Conferences, Labs & Workshops

Has anyone been to any that they recommend? I've been wanting to go to the Austin FF & Writer's Conference for a few years but it is in October and that is not a great month for me to travel. Also, the conference hotel, as of a few years ago, was $350 a night which is comical if nothing else.

Are there any good writer's conferences that are affordable and maybe not as well known but still allow one to meet some important people? Thanks in advance.

Chad Stroman

There are a ton of online resources for free (youtube classes, interviews, websites, podcasts, etc.) and there are a bunch of paid services/classes as well (MasterClass, others by current and former professional screenwriters) and I can't vouch for any specific one.

As far as "travel to" conferences, others would be better suited to give you advice in that arena.

Nathan Smith

I think your best bet is using the online route. So many awesome interviews and "master classes" you can watch for free that will teach you a lot. Love Film Courage as a resource for that. I would suggest looking into film festivals to go to for networking rather than writer's conferences because then you can not only see what's being put out there but meet the people doing it as well.

Cecil Battiste

I might be able to make Austin happen but I am not paying $350 a night to sleep alone. If the room costs that much I am bringing a barrel of monkeys or something to help me pay for it.

Chad Stroman

Cecil Battiste There's always the Motel 6. They'll leave the light on for ya.

Frankie Gaddo

A bit over ten years ago I went to a screenwriting conference in Vancouver that featured Syd Field, Michael Hauge, Linda Sager, and John Truby. I think it was a one off thing and I hadn't of gone if it wasn't for getting in for free. Overall I thought it was helpful. Truby and Hauge were the best for this specific one.

Toronto runs an annual screenwriting conference. Toronto Screenwriting Conference. They seem to feature a mix of Canadian and American writers with execs mixed in. Paul Haggis headlined it a couple years ago. I haven't been.

A popular one is Story Seminar by Robert McKee though I think most of what he says is in his book. I haven't been to this one either as implied.

John David Higham

I much prefer to attend AFF, HPF, SIFF, etc. because that’s the best way for me to meet people. AFF is great for writers and you get the added benefit of hanging out with writers each night at the bar (at least I did in the days of old). Keep in mind that writing is a business (even if you are not making money at it), so expenses can be deducted (I am not an accountant, just sharing my experience), and, yes, there are much more inexpensive places to stay than the Driscoll in Austin.

Doug Nelson

I'd bet there are some in Orlando or Miami or at least in Atlanta.

Justin Murnahan

can split the room with others seeking to go to same events .. it is a hustle just got to think about it like this .. I would sleep three men in a single bed room if I had to just to make a connection in the industry

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