Introduce Yourself : Hey from a newbie! by Dan Davis

Dan Davis

Hey from a newbie!

Hi, everyone! My name's Dan, I'm from England (U.K). I'm tackling the pandemic in the NHS by day, and a screenwriter tackling comedy by night.

I write mostly comedy, but dabble in other areas and often like to throw a little bit of drama into the mix. My first screenplay Bucket List Boy, is described more as a 'dramedy'.

My next step is ideally to find representation, but along the way I'd love to connect with fellow creatives and always take any advice and guidance that comes my way. I'll never stop learning :)

Dawn Prato

Welcome! You're definitely in the right place for everything you mentioned :) I've lurked around here for a couple years and have recently taken the time to get more invested in what's around the site, so if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch! Or, better yet, you can always fire an email to Jason Mirch - he's the Director of Script Services here (

I look forward to hearing more about your journey!

Kaitlin Moose

Hi Dan - thanks so much for your service as a health worker. And congrats on your screenplay Bucket List Boy. I love comedy, too, though my first short was probably more of a dramedy. This reminds me of an interview I recently saw - I think it was Jason Segel talking about Forgetting Sarah Marshall and how Judd Apatow told him to not worry about making it funny because they're funny people and they'll make it funny, but to focus on making it a good story. Anywhos - your post made me think of that and thought I'd share. Best of luck!

Vital Butinar

Hey Dan Davis.

That's great and keep up the writing.

I just got writing on my first comedy yesterday from an idea I got because I've been learning Spanish during the last year.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hey Dan. You're in the right place! The webinars (under Education) are really stellar and affordable. Under Script Services you can buy a read and feed-back from executives that fit your genre. And hey, if you're ready to pitch that get pitching! Nothing tops the opportunities via Stage32. If you're looking for community, consider joining the WRiter's Room. The time zone change makes it a bit hard, but we have a couple other Brits in there. Cheers!

Dan Davis

Hey Sarah Gabrielle Baron. I will be checking out the script services and I'm keen to get pitching! I've got one that is definitely ready for it and a few almost. I'm looking forward to joining the writers room, I can imagine the time zone is a pain but like you said, I'll find people to chat to :)

Rachel E Smith

Hi Dan, I'm also new to Stage 32, it looks like you have a lot of great things happening! I did my Masters at the University of Manchester! I loved living in England and hope to return one day once things settle down and we can all travel again. Best of luck to you!

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