Introduce Yourself : Filmmaker/Animation Producer by Ayman Samman

Ayman Samman

Filmmaker/Animation Producer

Hello Fellow Creatives,

I have been on the platform for a while but haven't been super active. I am a filmmaker/producer based out of Los Angeles. Currently working on an animated comedy series titles Momo's Amerika.

Let me know if I can support you.


Alexandre Ross

Welcome back to the platform your series looks awesome! Are future episodes going to be on YouTube as well?

David C. Velasco

Good luck on your series!

Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna

That’s great. Best of luck

Kelley Costigan

All the best of luck with your project.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Ayman. Glad to connect. Impressive resume. The animated series looks funny.

Monica Mansy

Welcome, Ayman Samman! OMG, I absolutely LOVE your animated series! This is truly HILALrious! Starting with the crazy driving right at the start of the pilot episode (takes me right back to Egypt) to Sara totally disgracing the family by loving soccer - "Soccer eh wa abbat eh met rohey el collaya," to the typical Egyptian meal for Thanksgiving to "JC Benny"... SO EGYPTIAN! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Congrats on creating this and all your success! I'm happy to see you becoming active here. I finally started getting active a few months ago and have found this to be an amazing and inspiring community!

Ayman Samman

Alexandre Ross We're releasing on Youtube while we're pitching. Once it's picked up we'll reassess the new strategy.

Ayman Samman

Monica Mansy thank you so much for taking the time to watch the episodes! I really appreciate it and I'm glad to hear it resonates with you. Have you lived in Egypt?

Ayman Samman

Shona Dutta Charlton David C. Velasco Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna Kelley Costigan Maurice Vaughan thank you guys so much for the support and your kind words! I appreciate it!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome.

Paul Christopher Miller

I'll check your episodes out tonight. Congrats on creating!

Monica Mansy

Ayman Samman, of course! I'm going to finish watching all of them and show them to my family. They'll totally love it! I have never lived in Egypt, but have been there several times. I was born and raised in Houston, TX but I'm first gen American... both my parents are Egyptian (born in Cairo) and I still have family there. So, I totally relate!

Alexandre Ross

Awesome Ayman, that's great stuff, I watched episode 5 on YouTube and really enjoyed it. i'm going to watch the other episodes today. Best of luck with the pitching.

Ayman Samman

Monica Mansy that's awesome! Makes me happy that it's relatable to both generations of immigrants. I can't wait for your parents to see it and hear what they think!

Ayman Samman

Alexandre Ross thank you so much! Please let me know how I can support you?

Ayman Samman

Thank you Aray Brown

Leotien Parlevliet

That looks promising and very actual, Ayman. I just watched it. I like social related subjects.

Adriana Rivera

Nice to meet you Ayman!

Ted Westby

Greetings, Ayman. I hope your new involvement here proves muy prosperous!

Write On!

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