Screenwriting : Free webcast: What you need to know and succeed as a screenwriter today by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

Free webcast: What you need to know and succeed as a screenwriter today

Join our fearless leader Richard "RB" Botto, WME's Christopher Lockhart, Emmy-nominated writer Wendy West and Jen Gristanti from NBC Writer's On the Verge.\_y5nlW1VqQoeqy5cPJ4Hm9A

Tom Holowach

Aloha, everybody. I'm in Kailua, Hawaii!

Cate Wood Hunter

Hi, I am a screenwriter, content creator and lecturer in animation pre-production from Muizenberg, Cape Town, South Africa

Matthew Ballen

Hey hey hey! Matthew from Brooklyn/Upstate NY!

Cali Gilbert

Hello Everyone! Greetings from LA & San Diego!

Cheryl Scheurer, PhD

Happy Day to all....I'm Cheryl - been a member for about 7 years...I'm a TV Show and Podcast producer and host from Mill Valley, CA

David China Woolf

Hello all from Tel Aviv Israel

Kerry F Booth

Watching from overcast Denver.

Kerry F Booth

Active protagonist - totally my kryptonite.

Anna Barsky

Hi everyone! I'm tuning in from Toronto - Canada!

Amanda Toney

Glad to see everyone in here!

Meeshelle Neal

Hello from Toronto Canada

Amy Volker

Hi everyone! Watching from La La Land!

Amanda Toney

If anyone wants to join us in South Africa, here is the link:, or you can email Eve at for more details.

Cedric Benjamin

Hey Everyone I am an Actor and Screenwriter here in NYC

Mariam Khodeir

Hello everyone, am tuning in from Egypt! Nice to meet you all :)

Linda Frothingham

HI everyone. I love "Find your courage."

Andrés Anton Dura

Join from Netherlands (althought I am Spanish). Really inspiring and I am really jealous of those that will go to South Africa!!!

Amanda Toney

@lindafrothingham - I loved "find your courage" too! Andres -great to have you here from the Netherlands - we have a great Stage 32 community there!

Jill A. Hargrave

Great webinar! Lots of good insights. Christopher Lockhart is a hoot and I love his bit about "Courage." As I'm a night owl, I don't think the South African Safari will work for me as I see it's an early start in the morning to see the animals. Looks like Stage 32 does this every year, so I can't wait to hear about the 2022 destination.

Vasco Saraiva

I missed it. Will it be available on replay?

Martha Caprarotta

Loved the answers to Amanda Toney's opening question about what's most important to a successful screenplay or pilot. Answers: The first 5 pages. The setup of the script. The idea (is it right for this medium? or better as a novel?). A Second Act that works. Followed by so many other great tips and advice that I couldn't write fast enough to capture them all. Will have to watch the replay to capture those I missed! Thanks Amanda Toney for eliciting pearls of wisdom from these awesome panelists!

Amanda Toney

Thank you for the kind words Martha! I'm glad the questions were helpful for you from the panelists!

Amanda Toney

And if you have any questions about the Safari you can contact Eve Hayes who is coordinating the program at

Eve Hayes

Thanks @Amanda Toney for so slickly moderating the webinar! If a webinar can be as amazing as this one was, imagine how much fun we gonna have and knowledge there is to gain in Sept. in South Africa. Happy dance doesn't even cut it. :)

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