Y'all. I saw this over the weekend and I truly have not been able to stop thinking about it, & in a way that a movie hasn't done to me in a lonnnnnnnng time.
I also am quite aware that this movie is divisive, to say the least.
Have you seen DON'T LOOK UP, yet? I'd love to know what you think about it!
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It's in my Netflix downloads.
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Well made, well acted, well cast. But I thought the heavy-handed satire sort of overwhelmed the rest.
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Such a crazy movie! Definitely one I'll remember
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Loved it!
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I loved it! McKay and cast have held a mirror up to us. Some of us will be mortified by what we see, others will be enraged at the satire.
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I really enjoyed this film. There were clear jabs at current society and the cast was STACKED. I really enjoyed the first ending at the dinner table and the soundtrack is amazing as well!
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I haven't watched the movie yet, Kawan, but that was my reaction when I saw the promo for the movie (the cast was STACKED).
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It's great - a modern Dr. Strangelove. I think the message won't land with the audience who need to hear it and in an odd ironic twist, where the film's message is that we should be listening to science, rather than celebrity culture, Leo has been fielding a lot of questions on the science of the film . . .
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There is SO much to talk about around this film, right?! I laughed so hard throughout the very vast majority of it, but I have numerous friends who are like "I can never see this movie again" because it wrecked them that hard ...which absolutely makes me want to watch it again and find little details that I might have missed before & certainly, because I'm masochist, see if it guts me anew.
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I enjoyed the movie personally. It kept my attention start to finish. Not to mention the drama was pretty funny. The reason it’s getting backlash is because it’s critical of the US Government. Any film that is critical of government is bound to get backlash, but that shouldn’t suggest it’s a bad film.
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It lost my attention 30 minutes in (I struggled since the beginning) From the comments here I´m starting to believe I should go back to finish it! i was not interested or enjoying the piece at all.I am sorry EOIN but Doctor Strangelove, one of my all time favorite movies can not be a reference for this film ! Anyone against?
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It made me laugh 1 time. I thought the movie was depressing and slow because it was just 2 hours of reminding me how sad of a state the US is in.
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AND this movie is proof that there is no such thing as bad publicity in film. Look at how many people are talking about it. Love it or hate it, controversy sells.
Kevin I would have to disagree. I saw Matrix Resurrections and told all my friends not to bother watching it. Terrible film.
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Yeah I watched it last week and it's an interesting movie.
It kind of reminds me in a way of the movie Idiocracy from 2006, that shows the stupid stuff human civilization embraces and what it does to society.
Interesting film, although if I'm completely honest stuff like this scares me in the every day because I see the patterns and then start thinking where all this is leading.
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Robert, that we can agree on and I havent even seen Matrix Ressurections. Aside from everything i’ve heard about it, the trailer alone tells me it’s a joyless cash grab.
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Brilliant film - to terrify and make you laugh hysterically at the same time is not easy. This could actually happen. MTG as POTUS? We laughed about a certain someone else when he announced his candidacy. We're closer to this reality every day.
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We haven't seen it yet as it seemed to want to hit home the way Idiocracy did, and I'm sure it will. So... maybe over a drunken weekend. Can we turn it into a drinking game? I'll watch it with you then! LOL
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"I write scripts that blend absurdist comedy with dark tragedy and drama". I think this quote gets at the heart of the strong reactions to this movie. The tragedy component means the laughs aren't going to be guffaws, more like uncomfortable recognitions - "yeah, damnit, it very well could go down like this"...
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As a sustainability consultant and climate activist myself, this movie was painful to watch. It's like seeing my whole life flash before me, as I experience that every day of my life. Leo and his team have done an amazing job at creating a parallel between reality and fiction, to the point where it felt very real (to me).
I am very glad it had an effect on you, because we need so much more coverage of the climate crisis on TV today more than ever!!! Let's do something about it, Angela Cristantello !! I'm all UP for it (pun intended :P) !
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Yes. Seen it. You are right – highly divisive and controversial. Why? Because (in my opinion) the antagonist is not really the female president, but you and me. So a lot of folks don’t like that idea. Rarely does a film portray people in general as “the problem”. Having said that – the film I feel fails to give good reasons (as in you should always throw a little empathy into the character of your antagonists). It could have been relatively simple to show the fact we are bombarded every second of every day with media; and we struggle to pay our bills; and we are constantly pressed on fears...No wonder most don’t want to lookup.
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Just heard about this movie! It’s made quite an impact! About time we started seeing movies with strong messaging that reflects societies concerns/dilemmas. That’s what art is for, to disrupt, to make people think, so we inspire answers! How many deserving subjects have not been addressed over the past few years! Thank god this was made! Fingers crossed for more to come!