Hello there. I hope you all are being productive and successful. I have my fingers crossed for you, whatever your endeavor. I am trying to be more outgoing, but it has been tough. How have the rest of you introverts been managing? How do you network when you prefer not to talk to people? This is my biggest hurdle at the moment. Second biggest is having too many ideas and too little time. I wish I could clone myself...then make one of the clones the most confident extrovert in existence. sigh
(7 features complete, 5 tv shows in progress)
Thanks for the spot of encouragement, Jessica! Impressive catalogue! Sometimes you just got to break out of that shell and step out of your comfort zone. I think the lounge here is a good start in regard to meeting people. You're not alone in your endeavors. Keep up the excellent work!
I can relate. In person mixers are awkward, but I try to stay for at least an hour. I try to find a movie to talk about, or I ask someone what they've worked on.
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Incredibly impressive collection of features you've completed! I'm envious. I'd trade my extrovertedness for your writing efficiency any day! Cheers!
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You just have to not care what people think, every writer is in the same boat, and there is not that many of us. It takes a special person. Like You. A writer cloning themselves like that, seems like a decent comedy,, especially if in secret.. So.. what one of you wrote this and emailed it???
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"prefer not to talk to people"...I can relate.lol It's peopley out there. RVA, huh? That's where I'm from. I miss it, but I imagine it's changed quite a bit since I was there. All the best!