Screenwriting : Just-submitted Pitch to an industry pro! by Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Just-submitted Pitch to an industry pro!

Patience and persistence are the name of the game here! I pitch my best script first! When you know how to represent yourself as a writer, you'll surely get your shot(s)! Do not let your anchor down until you reach your destination! I am enthralled with the opportunity; continuing on this journey! At the very least this Pitch review will be a stepping stone!

Alicia Vaughan

This is awesome Kenneth. All the best to you.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thank you Alicia!

Heinz Olaf Klöppel

Congrats! Let us know how it went - and don't make this a one shot. They always say this business is about not giving up.

Dave Rajkumar

Congratulations Kenneth!! Best of luck on the pitch!

Happiness Mpase

Congratulations! All the best with the pitch.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thank you;Heniz, Dave, and Happiness!

Happiness Mpase

You are welcome!

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thank you Gary!

Evelyne Gauthier

Good luck to you! Fingers crossed! :)

MB Stevens

Hey, Kenneth. No matter what the outcome, you're taking action. Onward and upward.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thank you Evelyne, and MB!

Mark Palmer

Submitted two myself mate so sending you all the positive vibes in the world.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thanks Mark!

Frank Baruch

Hope this pans out for you, Kenneth! Got my fingers crossed for you!

Tasha Lewis

Congratulations! Persistence! Patience! Prayers!

Maurice Vaughan

Best to you on the pitch results, Kenneth Adrian Ellis.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thank you Frank, Tasha, and Maurice!

Angela Cristantello

"When you know how to represent yourself as a writer, you'll surely get your shot(s)! " I could not agree more, Ken, I love this!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kenneth Adrian Ellis.

John Mezes

It's pretty thrilling when you submit a pitch and wait for industry feedback, right Kenneth? Good luck, sir, I'm pulling for you!

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thank you John; Yes, very (much so), very 'THRILLING!'

Molly Peck

Excited for you Kenneth!

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Than you Molly!

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Thank you Karen; your wish is greatly appreciated!

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