Introduce Yourself : Hi to all of my old creative friends and a hearty welcome to all of the new ones. by Lee Shargel

Lee Shargel

Hi to all of my old creative friends and a hearty welcome to all of the new ones.

Well, I have been busy to say the least. Next week I am off to New York for the Simon & Schuster author event at the Westin Hotel, Times Square and then I am off to the Hollywood Pitch-Fest at the Marriot Marquis Hotel also in Times Square. Both events promise to open new doors and I hope to make some good connections there. My next 2 books out later this year also hold a lot of promise for me. Yes, I have been busy. Honestly, I have made a lot of great friends on Stage 32 and got some very good feedback on two of my screenplays. This is a very competitive business, and I encourage all of you to keep on pluggin' away. Let's be friends and share ideas and experiences.

Lee Shargel

Hi Genny, I am in your corner wishing you the very best!

Renita Sherell

Happy to be a part of this creative community! I’m passionate about writing and my art. Grateful to have a space where we exist and support one another. Much love, filmmaking fam! - Renita

Happiness Mpase

Hi Lee. Wishing you all the best!

MB Stevens

Lee Shargel Enjoy your trip to the Big Apple. Onward and upward.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Lee. I've seen you around Stage 32. Thanks for the encouragement, and you keep on pluggin' away also.

Lee Shargel

Thanks to all for your good wishes. I am so pleased to be part of this group. I will have a complete report on my New York trip upon my return. Thanks again.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lee. Looking forward to the report. Enjoy New York.

Amanda Toney

Hi Lee, it's been great to see you around Stage 32 and in the Writers' Room - hopefully you are learning a lot and moving your career forward.

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