Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Towanna Williams


Hi everyone! I'm new to Stage 32 and thought I'd pop in and say hi. Laid off from corporate America in 2020, I was very intentional in investing in myself and the creative things that made me happy. That said, I signed with a print/acting agent and have been spending the last two years doing a lot of commercial, print and industrial work (featured and background). I'm enjoying this ride and am looking to connect with fellow creatives to build my tribe/community. Looking forward to connecting.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Towanna Williams. Congrats on signing with an agent! Karen "Kay" Ross (Stage 32's Community Manager) talks about finding your tribe a lot. Hope you find yours and a lot of success.

Maurice Vaughan
Mariannjely Marval

Welcome Towanna Williams ! and congrats! everything happens for a reason :)

Cherelynn Baker

Welcome to Stage 32!

LarJayne Blackwell

Enjoy the roller coaster ride Towanna. Kudos for taking the leap...way better than corporate unsteady as it can be still a far better day than a 9-5. You got a great look & a fab smile too. Keep on Booking Towanna! LarJayne

Howard Koor

Welcome ..........

Landis Stokes

Welcome! Keep on, keepin' on.

Eyiara Olugunna

Hey Towanna, welcome! You have a great smile!

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you here, Towanna. Love the line about investing in yourself (I'm a true believer) and thrilled to hear you are already seeing the return on that investment.

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