Screenwriting : Coming Up with Great Script Ideas by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Coming Up with Great Script Ideas

If you wanna come up with great script ideas, look at the concepts of movies and ask, "What if?"

Example: "What if "The Truman Show" was an Action/Thriller?" Or "What if "The Truman Show" had a group of people instead of just one man?"

Michael David

That's really good advice!

Dan MaxXx

What if the next James Bond wasn't a white guy.... :)

Maurice Vaughan

I'm for it, Dan MaxXx. I would watch a James Bond movie no matter the race.

Robert Russo

I loved the movie Tenet, we need more Tenet. Super cool action scenes, great acting, lots of possibilities.

John Roane


I think it would be great. Doors seem to be opening for all, though slowly. Diversity is good, for we are a diverse nation and it is a diverse world. I was told a while back by a black writer that a white writer cannot and should not write about black people. I say that is nonsense. I cannot write about the inner you and you do not know me, but if we write compassionately and truthfully about our characters, that is the best we can. The world is full of good people and well as bad. We can take or choice.

Maurice Vaughan

I've been meaning to watch "Tenet," Robert Russo.

Maurice Vaughan

"I was told a while back by a black writer that a white writer cannot and should not write about black people. I say that is nonsense." I agree, John Roane. I write many different races.

Cara Rogers

Maurice, quit giving me great new ideas. I'm trying to focus & complete the current ones and it ain't easy my friend. :)

Maurice Vaughan

Haha I apologize, Cara. Yeah, working on scripts is tough. Hope you're having fun though. :)

Matthew Parvin

Great post, Maurice!

Norman Welthagen

I love this concept!

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Maurice: Since childhood, I've viewed so many films and shows that telling stories feels natural to me, and screenwriting was a much better medium for me than crafting novels. What ifs have been rattling around my brain for years, and my favorite films have profoundly influenced my work. For example, Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch and Don Seigel's Dirty Harry are my gold standards for violence and action. I think it safe to assume screenwriters write very little that the work of our predecessors hasn't influenced. Good topic, sir.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Matthew.

Maurice Vaughan

It's a really cool and helpful concept, Norman. I've heard people say it over the years.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Phillip. "I think it safe to assume screenwriters write very little that the work of our predecessors hasn't influenced." And I just found out there's a new "The Wild Bunch" coming out. With Jamie Foxx.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Sam Peckinpah's groundbreaking film used six cameras shot from multiple angles for the action sequences. And Lucien Ballard's cinematography was masterful. It's on AFI's list of the 100 greatest movies.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

I'll be interested to see how the new Wild Bunch develops.

Kiril Maksimoski

In the 90's Tony Scott made some 70's cult classics unauthorized remakes using the same actors from the originals, only in a different studio complained cause probably no-one realized the muse :) it's doable...bur requires a lotta talent...

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Phillip. I didn't know that about Sam Peckinpah and "The Wild Bunch." Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing how the new "The Wild Bunch" develops. Did you like the remake of "The Magnificent Seven"?

Maurice Vaughan

That reminds me of the movie "Be Kind Rewind," Kiril.

Craig D Griffiths

Bond is a British Naval Commander, so we need someone imposing. I was a huge fan of having an Idris Elba as Bond. I would actually watch Idris read a phone book.

I am a huge fan of this kind of idea generation. As well as taking things to far.

I have a story that puts death and “enhanced interrogation” together. Death Row inmates are tortured to get all the information needed to close a case and bring closure to victims and families. That is thanking both concepts to far. Now add a complication. One of the tortures is corrupt. I originally pitched this to Brian Brown’s when he was producing “Twisted Tales”. A bit to violent for the early 90’s TV.

Maurice Vaughan

I agree, Craig. The actor who plays Bond needs to be someone imposing. Idris Elba would be great. I heard (and saw online) that my favorite actor, Denzel Washington, wants to play as Bond. He said, "The next James Bond? They better hurry up! Yes I would!" the Academy Award winner said. "Who’s doing James Bond now..Daniel Craig! Did they shoot another one?"

That's an interesting concept. Are you still pitching it?

Craig D Griffiths

It just sits on my desk. I think it is big enough to be a feature.

The twist in the story was that the prisoner behind tortured is an undercover agent trying to find who the corrupt interrogator is.

Most of the story we think the interrogator is catching the prisoner in lies. It twists and turns. Then the interrogator offers to sedate the prisoner and an accomplice in the morgue will smuggle him out. But they need the location of the unrecoverable money.

That offer is his undoing.

It looks at a number of issues. Death row, Government torture, corruption in the legal system. Good landscape to tell stories.

Maurice Vaughan

It's along the lines of "The Usual Suspects" (with the twists and turns, and tone wise), Craig. But with important issues like Death Row and government torture as you said.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan this is pretty much what happens on all the adaptations of Shakespeare that change the context. Look at Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Geoff. I didn't think about that. It's been so long since I've seen Baz Luhrmann’s "Romeo & Juliet." I think it's my favorite adaptation.

Rosemond Perdue

That's a great exercise.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Rosemond. A writer can come up with tons of ideas with this exercise.

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