Introduce Yourself : Today (8/19) is my birthday, and I'm making progress! by Vincent Paterno

Vincent Paterno

Today (8/19) is my birthday, and I'm making progress!

The pitch deck for my rom-com "Stand Tall!" recently received rave reviews from an executive, while another exec was so impressed with the script I sent that he suggested I forward it to comedy producers such as Seth Rogen or Judd Apatow. As of this writing, I have nearly 900 members in my network and I'd enjoy having more, especially from potential collaborators in writing smart comedy features.

Stephen Olson

That is some progress. I hope they gave you the contact information.

Vincent Paterno

I believe I can obtain it myself, though I'll initially limit it to a query, letting them know the 95-page script and a 24-page pitch deck are available.

Fiona Linton-Brohamer

Happy birthday!!!

David P Perlmutter

Hey Vincent Paterno, fantastic news on your pitch. Congratulations. I’m David and as well as an author and extra, I’m part of the LOUNGE CREW team. Good luck with all your projects.

Geoff Hall

Haha, small men on step ladders! That says an awful lot about the X Y chromosome differential. And here’s wishing you a belated happy birthday too.

Vincent Paterno

Actually, he's not small (six feet), but she's quite tall (16-foot-1 1/8, though this image doesn't quite represent their discrepancy). He's a scientist whose Resizer device was supposed to boost her height from 5-foot-4 3/8 to a showgirl-like 6-foot-2... but a mishap instead makes her three times bigger. With her new stature, this petite Vegas waitress becomes a beloved Sin City showroom headliner.

Richard Harrison

That's brilliant mate, well done!!!!! That's a massive compliment to you!

Billy Kwack

Happy birthday Vincent, hope all is well

Geoff Hall

Vincent Paterno Ah, gotcha. So not exactly the Attack of the 50 foot Woman!

Paul DeLesDerniers

Buon Campleanno amico! The only thing better than a woman is more woman! So I'm going to "Stand Tall' when this movie comes out.

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on the rave reviews, Vincent Paterno! Vincent's pitch deck for "Stand Tall!" is amazing, everyone!

Vincent Paterno

Nope, it's a rom-com spin on "giant woman" movies -- in fact, heroine Colleen Cossitt -- less than one-third the height of 50 feet -- tells a press conference, "I;m here to entertain people, not attack them." She's a gentle giant who becomes a Vegas icon.

Maurice Vaughan

Happy belated Birthday, Vincent Paterno!

Vincent Paterno

Paul, Colleen Cossitt says "thank you."

Elizabeth Francois

That's brilliant Vincent! I often times advise writers to create pitch deck, even if it's incomplete, unfortunately a lot of them scoff at this. I practice the "just in case" concept I learned from my Dad, 'cause it never hurts to be prepared, just in case...

Maurice Vaughan

Great advice, Elizabeth. I make pitch decks for all of my feature scripts, TV shows, and unscripted shows. I submitted a feature script to a producer last week and he needed to see a pitch deck along with the script. Great because I already had one done!

Enza Fangio

Vincent, that's fabulous!

I'm also currently working on my pitch decks. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about putting them together. I missed out on a great opportunity when I queried a production company, they liked the pitch but asked to see my pitch deck. I didn't have one and didn't want to slap something together at the last minute. I didn't know how important pitch decks have become.

Maurice Vaughan

I learned a lot as I worked on pitch decks, Enza. And I'm still learning things. My current pitch decks are WAY better than the ones I made when I first started. You'll get better as you continue making decks.

Vincent Paterno

To anyone who'd like to see the pitch deck, please email me at

Eon C. Rambally

Wishing you the best! Happy birthday Vincent!

Alexander Chance

Happy Bday! And wishing you all the success in the world.

Maria Restivo Glassner

Happy Birthday and congratulations!!

L. Tom Deaver

Happy Birthday and may you have many more and much happiness in life. And congratulations on your success!! I'm currently working on the first draft of a comedy. Do you have any recommendations for writing comedy?

Vincent Paterno

Let the comedy come out of the character, not the situation. Make sure the humor ties into the story - no jokes for jokes' sake.

L. Tom Deaver

Very good advice. Thank you for your time, wisdom, and knowledge.

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