Filmmaking / Directing : Created a concept art poster for my next project by Souvik Chakraborty

Souvik Chakraborty

Created a concept art poster for my next project

I have been reading about how AI has been helping many creative endeavors around the world. So, I tried a concept art poster with the help of Ai. Here's how it looks. what do you think? UPDATE: The poster is for a film that has a character who is infected and this story is based on future timelines. The film has been shot and is now getting edited. I created the concept art poster with the help of AI and my digital image editing skills. The prompt was pretty close to the character traits of CUPCAKE in my film. I initially received a few renditions of the same image but did not like it. Until I found this one interesting on Midjourney. I liked what it did, but the skin color and many aspects of the image was making it look more like a cyborg and less human. So I have retouched that and edited some other elements. There are some perspective and lighting shifts also, that are too subtle to notice for some.

Shellie Schmals

Super creepy in an engaging way! To me, her different colored eyes means she still has a little humanity left ... am I on to something? Nice job!

Maurice Vaughan

It looks cool and spooky, Souvik Chakraborty. Haha I'm guessing it's for a Sci-Fi/Horror?

Julia Warren

I agree; very eery, cool stuff.... is this a new genre: zombie android? Am interested in the AI input - would you be able to share a little of the process?

Abdur Mohammed


Doug Nelson

I'm okay with spooky; creepy is not my style but I do have to say that this is a compelling and powerful image - well done.

Victor Titimas

Love it!!:)

Souvik Chakraborty

I have updated my post with the process of making this!

William Schumpert

Has a great layout and presentation. From the placing of the fonts it seems to read ‘Cup ake’. Perhaps shrinking the font size to make room for the C would help.

Tarra Kortekaas

It's good. Was the cropping of the top of her head intentional? I'm with William Schumpert, when you first look at it you read, "Cupake" but my mind immediately turned it into "Cupcake". Making the font smaller could make it a little more in scale. Or attempt another location for the title. When I look at her left eye, the right one on the poster facing the viewer, it has a perfect arch of the brow and the roundness of the eye to put a "C" over it. Just a "What if?" thought. Really cool what can be done with AI.

Steve Captain

I liked it. Had to do a double take on it. Creepy. I saw the text, gathered it was cupcake, and focused on the woman. I agree with the comments above.

Doug Nelson

Where does your eye first focus? On her red eye - on the left vertical third line and on the upper third line - right were it ought to be. It draws attention to the face and then to the words. Locating the red eye where it is indicates something sinister is beginning, reinforced by her cheeks and the red neck. I'm not a creep freak - but it certainly is well constructed.

Leonor LeRu

I loved it! Souvik! Wow! very well done! interesting. Of course several layers were part of the process. Thanks for sharing !

Souvik Chakraborty

I am glad all your creative minds came together with valuable input. I will continue creating more fun stuff with this learning. My sincere thanks!

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