HI. I am an actor who usually plays that compassionate mom who will serve you a warm, home-baked cookie... and then criticize all of your life choices.
I love to act and be part of the process of creating films but I am also a single mother of 3 who loves to travel, bake, ride horses, and figure skate.
I recently wrapped the main supporting role in a film called All the Beautiful Things where I played a depressed, suicidal character. The film is headed to the festival circuit and I hope it does well. The writing is fantastic and I was honored to be part of it.
I am grateful for all of the work I have done since moving to LA 2 years ago.
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Karin Knebl "I am an actor who usually plays that compassionate mom who will serve you a warm, home-baked cookie... and then criticize all of your life choices." Haha I can picture that scene in a movie or show.
Congratulations on the main supporting role in "All the Beautiful Things"! Hope it does great on the festival circuit!
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Nice to meet you. I am an actress of stage, film, v.o. and playwright.
Take care!!
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Hi Maurice. It's nice to meet you. I'd love to hear about your projects too.
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Hi Maria. Nice to meet you. Where do you live? Are you in LA?
Karin Knebl I'm working on a writing job (can't say too much about it) and pitching projects (mainly two feature scripts and two reality TV shows). Are you producing any projects right now?
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Hi Maurice. I am actually in the middle of producing 2 films right now and don't have the bandwidth for another. I am so sorry.
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Dear Karin......here is a miracle for you ......When the United States Government could not get enough Americans to Volunteer to go fight their Crazy War in Vietnam they created a Military-Service-Lottery-Draft signed into law in the Summer of 1969. 'Forgotten Heroes' is the story of the 'Miller-Family' and the effect this law would have on all American families with the lives of innocent young 'American Sons and Daughters'. Dorothy Miller will speak for the hundreds of millions of Mothers who have NEVER BEEN HEARD. They too are the 'Forgotten Heroes'. And when all is said and done we will be once more aware that we all need to do what we can to make sure when our Country goes to War that it better be for a DAMN good reason or we don't go. ~~~~~~~~~ So Karin I read your Intro and yes get a published copy of my Film Script ~~ FORGOTTEN HEROES Summer of 69' .. and then you will know why YOU were BORN.... Time to get the OSCARS !!! Speak soon.... https://www.lulu.com/shop/michael-savage-aka-sirtony/forgotten-heroes-su...
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Hi Michael. What a fascinating story. One of my mom’s cousins was a POW in Vietnam. His name is Edwin Miller from NJ. So I totally relate to your film although I don’t really know Edwin. I will definitely read your screenplay. Have you started filming it yet?
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Karin....God Bless you.... Take a look at the Pic of the Back Cover of Colonel Ray M, MILLER who read the Script and couldn't believe I wrote about the MILLER Family and now you tell me about Edwin Miller... I knew when I read your words about who you are you would be a gift from God..and yes once you read it you will know thiis is the Miracle for All the FORGOTTEN HEROES ..yes the MOTHERS will Finally be heard .... I want to speak with you after you read the script... here is a specal number 818-350-3596 ... and I will tell you about making the film and all the details After you know every word I wrote to help humanity so yes this is a Miracle waiting to be born.... Yes Imagine YOU are DOROTHY MILLER when You read it... I look forward to speaking with you... Blesssings and Yes that is me on the FRONT Cover ..I will tell you all the details after you read the script and then you will understand this historic moment .. aka Miracle speak soon PS watch my Bio Film so you get Inspired !!! here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzZx_1CbBIY Blessings
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Oh no, I wasn't trying to pitch my projects to you, Karin Knebl. I was just mentioning that I was pitching projects, then I asked if you were producing any projects (like "Hey, what are you working on?"). :)
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My Maurice. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I do love hearing about everyone's projects too. I am currently in pre-pre-pre production of a film called Molly. In pre-production of a short comedy called Ketosis that I will be starring in as well and in post production of All the Beautiful Things.
It's fine, Karin Knebl. I should've worded my comment differently, so I apologize. :) I don't know what "Ketosis" means, but I wanna see the movie. Haha I also wanna see your other projects. What genre is "Molly"?
Wait, does Ketosis have to do with a Keto diet, Karin Knebl? :)
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Hi Maurice. Yes. Ketosis is a mockumentary about the Keto diet.
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Welcome. Done some voice work and writing. More into production . Always great to meet actors.
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Hi Karin, the compassionate mom character sounds a lot like a few mothers of the soccer kids I coach. Ahh, yes, always good material. Congrats on Beautiful Things and your success in LA--a big deal!
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I wanna see that mockumentary, Karin Knebl.
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Welcome Karin!
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All the best with your projects Karin. As a producer what are your chosen genre? I'm a screenwriter-producer UK
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Welcome, Karin! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.
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Like to be part of the process of making movies? Grrrrreat!