Screenwriting : Loglines: Before or After? by Nelson Isava

Nelson Isava

Loglines: Before or After?

A question for my fellow writers: I am almost done with my latest feature film treatment. Would you guys say it's not smart to start crafting and posting the logline before even a draft of the script is completed? I keep going back to the fact that having a logline already crafted is at least helpful in keeping the narrative thread of the story clear and well defined while I'm writing... what are your thoughts?

Maurice Vaughan

I write the logline when I outline a script, Nelson Isava. Then I use the logline as a guide as I write and rewrite the script. Sometimes I rewrite the logline after I'm done rewriting the script.

I usually wait until I have a final script to post the logline on Stage 32 and other sites. That way, a producer, director, etc. can download the script right away if they're intrigued by the logline.

Dan MaxXx

I dont know how a two sentence logline is gonna help you execute 90-120 pages of story-craft.

Michael Elliott

Dan...give it a try and see what happens. I use to think the same as you. Not any more.

Marcel Nault Jr.

I wrote mine before touching the script. But, to each his or her own method, as long as you know the story in and out, and it has a semblance of a structure at the beginning.

Tracy Richardson Talent Agent

I just recently pitched my logline and Synopsis without a script. I knew when I came up with the concept that I would hire a screenwriter, however the logline and Synopsis reflects that fact. You can read it for yourself on my profile page. It's called "RAT'S" . Hope this helps you.

Tracy Richardson Talent Agent

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thomas Moore

I think it's a good idea to keep that.

Thomas Moore

Have the logline first I mean

Emily J

WME Story Editor recommends writing them before you write your script, and I can see why, it gives you a good blue print to go back to when you're lost. But I do tend to write a loose one when I'm coming up with an idea and then finessing it (so it's very different) after I finish

Craig D Griffiths

If I know “The story” I can write it first. But often the true nature of the story is revealed in the writing.

Tim Bragg

My log lines tend to fall into place as I am writing the story.

Laurie Ashbourne

before. always before. it can be refined after, but written before, proves out the concept and serves as the foundation and roadmap of your structure.

Ewan Dunbar

If you have an idea of how to sum up your movie in a longline it’s good to write it down. You can always edit it later as the script develops.

Jim Boston

Nelson, I'm like Laurie in that I like to start with the logline before I even start the script. (I can always change the logline after I've reached the script's "FADE OUT" page.)

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