Screenwriting : Stuck in a Funk by Maria Restivo Glassner

Maria Restivo Glassner

Stuck in a Funk

I've had a year that has just hammered me physically and psychologically. Whenever I try to focus back on my writing, I feel like a broken wind-up toy. So how do you battle through? I am starting a class on Sunday and want to put my best foot forward and present more of the real me.

Craig D Griffiths

Don’t put a focus on it. What happens if you don’t? Some writing will not be written.

By putting stress on it makes it larger than it is, and this means it will eventually become insurmountable.

Writing a short story.

Ty Strange

Sorry the year has left you hammered, Maria Restivo Glassner. I've had my share of those times and if there's one thing I've learned from them is that battling through rarely works. It may actually prolong the experience. For me, instead of trying to focus on new work, I circle back to past projects, re-reading one that I love, and in the re-reading of it, I find my enthusiasm and excitement for writing returns. It may not happen over night but it does provide a grounding effect that helps me through the tough times. Reaching out here on Stage32 and sharing goes a long ways toward a better year for you.

Arthur Charpentier

I basically don't have such a problem, I've come up with a lot of ideas in ten years, so I can work on any unfinished project.

However, walking helps me, I walk around the apartment until my brain starts thinking about the plot.

Geoff Hall

Maria Restivo Glassner what good’s a story without a storyteller. Look after yourself first, then worry about the writing later.

I had such a year last year: In January I had the COVID vax. I then had a reaction to it. Still not having recovered from that, I then got Covid from my wife after her visit to New York and I followed that with long Covid, the asthma flaring up and on and on it went.

Throughout this time I just didn’t push it, because I couldn’t write, but when I did, it was maybe once per week, until I had a bit more energy and focus. Take it easy, Maria. Chill for a while. Don’t pressurise yourself or you may burn out. We want you to be recover!

Daniel Stuelpnagel

I feel your sensibilities there, great progress just expressing the real experience. I get a coil-bound sketchbook of 11 X 14” 140-lb. watercolor paper, at Michael’s craft store, Staples, art-supply store or something similar, a bunch of pens, markers, highlighters, open up the whole center spread and do sketches, flowcharts, word maps, doodles, thought bubbles, mindmaps, a creative space to start fresh with no immediate goals just empty space and opening a channel.

Dan MaxXx

All my mentors who write for a living drink

Bill Brock

@Dan MaxXx. Truer words were never spoken, Dan.... Brilliant!

Bill Brock

@Geoff Hall. Hey, Jeff. So sorry to hear about your complications with COVID and Asthma. Medical tip: One of my favorite YouTube influencers is Dr. Eric Berg. He talks about Asthma quite a bit and has stated that Vitamin D3 capsules can relieve asthma symptoms immensely! A combination of the capsules and daily sunlight should help you. Also, because lungs become inflamed during an asthma attack, cancel foods that cause INFLAMMATION (Wheat products- bread, crackers, cereals, ect.) This, too, could lead you to some great health benefits with no more reliance on your inhaler! Best of luck!

J. Austin Gentry

Hi Maria, start with one character development profile, go one character at a time, then write multiple outlines encasing these characters and note their reactions in different scenes as they dialogue with each other... So, the answer is sometimes you're forced to kick away all of your debris you're dealing with and get into the weeds of your story lines and the characters that support them.

Bill Brock

Personally, I find great peace through my religion. I thank my higher power each and every morning for another day of life as I rise from my bed. Adopt a religion. You may discover peace and happiness. Worship your body. Find solace through exercise. I've always been physically active, have been a member of my local gym since first moving into town in 2005. I have a dog and walk her daily for 30 minutes, My gym's sauna also provides amazing relief from stress, even though I'm blessed with very little to worry about. Sweating in a 170 degree room for 20 to 30 minutes is pure heaven! Best of luck in your quest.

Maria Restivo Glassner

Daniel Stuelpnagel I really enjoy drawing so that may help me start flowing in a less threatening way. Thanks!Craig D Griffiths I think where I'm at is partly worrying my rewrites won't be perfect. I really want the next round of work to shine and I question whether the writing I have done while going through a lot is any good. Yet I don't want to wait to get back to it when I'm in a better place because there is no guarantee that will occur. I could be waiting a lifetime.

Maria Restivo Glassner

I am sorry you have had your share of hard times @Ty Strange. I appreciate the advice. I'll give it a shot

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Arthur Carpenter pacing might help. Just a way to ground me into the writing before I sit down. I have the ideas I just get stage fright that I won't execute them like I want.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Bill Brock I recently started exercising to help me focus and I'd say it has helped a bit.

Kiril Maksimoski

By keeping screenwriting my freelance gig...Reading how the professional writers cope these days in Hollywood (still most powerful movie industry in the world) just breaks my heart...but I'll never give it all in, as film industry is a dice and I'm a lousy gambler...

On a not so related, boring everyday' s people notes, just got a raise at my day job...not a day striking...

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Geoff Hall so sorry you got hit with all the covid! My chiropractor swears by Nacetyl Cystein in addition to vitamin d, and zinc to help with it. Also congrats again on getting a producer for your project! Excited to see it move forward. I think just talking it out here has helped already. I'm glad u were smart to take it easy last year. I have been dealing with stress from family members and it finally broke me, my own health was suffering and so I'm attempting to create healthy boundaries in the midst of other problems cropping up at the same time. If I can build my walls in time I should be able to make it through. I am just bummed my big plans for this year have gone to the wayside.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Kiril Maksimoski if you made the perfect screenplay and sold it for a good price would you consider the leap?

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Dominic Murphy solid advice! My issue is also my lack of free time. By the time I get it it's late at night or early in the morning. However changing my perspective from a battle to something fun is a good idea. When I'm motivated I can get a lot done. I think I have been more self punishing or something.

Bill Brock

Awesome news, Maria! Trust me, exercise will put you at ease. Yeah, it can be a real drag at times, but the benefits truly are amazing! Start at your own pace and work your way up! You'll FEEL better. Your mind will be at ease and you'll discover a greater happiness. I'm 60 years old and have never felt better (During a Zoom meeting last night, a fellow screenwriter referred to me as "Mr. Excitement.").

I fall asleep within 15 SECONDS each and every night (and this is AFTER my nightly 9 pm cup of coffee!) Consider your diet. I've learned a great deal about the connection of diet and mental wellness. Yes, I do read food labels as I continue to make the effort of cutting SUGAR from my diet. It's not easy because SUGAR is in practically EVERYTHING these days! I'm very happy to report that I've successfully cut out "The Big Three": cookies, ice cream, and soda (Soda is REALLY BAD for you!). Oh, well. Enough for now. I will leave you with this Fun Fact: I haven't been to a McDonald's since 1990 and cut out all fast food in 1993. Good luck! You got this!

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry you've had a rough year, Maria Restivo Glassner. You could try to write a bunch of short scripts for fun to get back into the groove. Maybe 1-3 page scripts. Something that doesn't take a lot of time.

Christopher J. Bounds

I was in the same position where for months I worked on my story only not for it to work very well. I took about a week of doing something else. Not think about it too much, did some reading, and other things. Then spent some quiet time. It helped to rethink things.

Pamela White

I've had it rough for some time. But my problem is different. My spouse is a Kenyan man. We are waiting for his approval to move to the US. And the legal process route has been lengthy. Writing helps me a lot when I take the time to do it.

Lori Jones

Hi Maria. So many of us have felt hammered these last few years so you're not alone there. Your language is intriguing, A broken wind-up toy....battle through... A fun 'question exercise' is to keep going with the word 'because' until you've reached an answer that may be keeping you stuck. For example, (I feel like a wind-up toy because...I feel pressure to succeed...) Then take that answer and keep going. (I feel pressure to succeed because...) Keep going with whatever answers come up. At some point, you will reach a natural stopping point with a definitive answer. :)

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Lori Jones That's a great idea! I just ran through a few answers. It really stops at a generational trauma place. I think fear of succeeding is also part of previous generations fears, and the way they set up the world and reality for the next generation to look only one way at things. It's like a series of cages.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Pamela White I am so sorry. Your life must feel on hold without your husband with you.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Bill Brock yes sugar is pretty bad. I have been enjoying how I feel getting back into exercise, diet is the next thing on my list. It's tougher because my response to stress is junk food.

Geoff Hall

Thank you Maria Restivo Glassner and @BillBrock sorry Bill all of a sudden, tagging isn’t working!

Maria Restivo Glassner

Geoff Hall I know tagging only works sometimes. I thought it was just me.

Brett Howlett

Hey Maria, I feel for you, am sorry you’re in that shitty funked-up place right now. (I’m still trying to dig myself out of a Covid hole.) I can suggest a few things…put no pressure on yourself at all, that includes no expectations. Your broken wind up toy is a great analogy…so what would the kid inside us do? Find another toy of course. You’re not broken, you’re creative. So how to feed/nourish that? What haven’t you done in ages-since you were a kid? Carnival ride? Throw a water balloon at a stranger. Go for it. And know that once you pop out the other side of this funk-hole, you’ll be given a prize…insight into another great character to write about! :-)

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Brett Howlett that was really beautiful advice! Thank you! Talking to everyone here has really helped me not feel so alone in the struggle. The water ballon at the stranger sounds hilarious. With my luck I'll land on the news with that one. However, I may just try a hula hoop again. My class today went decent. I sounded somewhat professional in my delivery and that felt good. Hope your recovery is speedy! My chiropractor has a high tech laser device that's touted to help the lungs with long covid, recover from scar tissue etc. Might be something to look into if that's what your dealing with.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Chris Greenaway Hopefully it's not too late to reconnect. No one sees eye to eye on anything anymore but the bond of filmmaking should be eternal in my book.

Pamela White

Maria Restivo Glassner yes, it's like being frozen in time.

John Fernando

I had/have the same issue. It may be useful to get a diary and book writing sessions for yourself to help establish a routine. I try and do 4 hour sessions 3 times a week. The objective isn't to sit and write a script but to just turn up at your desk for your diary dates. This helps to just establish a routine. I start with some exercises which can be (1) reading a novel for 30 mins (2) journaling (3) taking a self help book and writing notes on it (4) loosely writing a fan fiction TV script or outline, After awhile I started working on my script. I also found using Microsoft One Note helpful in planning a script, Conceptually, it's like a ring binder with sections and sub sections and you can insert different aspects of your script in the sections as well as video, images, research etc.

J. Austin Gentry

Whenever I have to get away from swimming worry or thoughts, I go for a walk and talk... I walk two miles or less round trip and record my notes on my phone... Once I'm happy with it, I play music, until I get back to my place and put my thoughts onto the page... and laugh at myself (hysterically) or actually use some of it. Put energy into your problem Maria.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@John Fernando, I liked the suggestion of big sessions a few times a week instead of necessarily everyday. It feels more attainable, especially when you start without any self pressure more exploratory and fun. I'll try that!

Maria Restivo Glassner

@J. Austin Gentry I def should verbalize my thoughts more. That would help me a lot with pitching (when that day comes again). I am very internal with writing.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@chris greenaway I think this is a pretty complex problem. Stepping away from labels I think there is a movement towards greater sensitivity to how humans of all walks of life should be treated from how toddlers are disciplined to how we look at gender choice etc. There is a vast spectrum where a lot of people can't see eye to eye on what is acceptable ethical behavior. Where as in the past the focus on how we treat each other was not exaclty there. That being said the responsibility of filmmakers and what companies want to be associated with comes into play. I am assuming most big companies do not want to be seen as unethical and err on the side of extra caution. Does that in many ways hurt art? Perhaps. Especially if we view art as a way to express our views of the current landscape. Whether those views are rebulican or democrat or whatever they should all be valid as filmmaking and art in general is an expression or reaction to our times from the unique perspective of the artist. You can approach it by going completely independent and making your own work and being happy at that. Or you can look at it as our society as a whole is going through growing pains and it can feel just as extreme and isolating on both spectrums. I do think there are ways of expressing through our stories when things seem to extreme without being isolating. It just has to be done with tact. I studied philosophy back in the day and I appreciate the problem of extremism one way or the other, because it creates the inability to discuss and have differing opinions without being completely blackballed.

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