Screenwriting : LET'S HAVE SOME FUN..... by taking a break from all that Fancy, City Slickin', Holllywood Writin' !!!!! by Bill Brock

Bill Brock

LET'S HAVE SOME FUN..... by taking a break from all that Fancy, City Slickin', Holllywood Writin' !!!!!

Just as the billboard suggests.... The more way HORRIBLER, the more way BETTERER!!!!

See what I did there?

In one or two paragraphs, explain away one of your favorite movies, BUT don't give the title. Allow fellow screenwriting eggheads to guess!

So? Let's get this party started!!  Brock presented the idea, so he goes first.

So there's this sick kid in bed who likes to pick tons of pimples off her face and due to strep throat, her voice is all CrEePy. These two doctors show up and she's so sick, she pukes soup right in their face while yelling bad stuff about their mothers. During the tornado, the bed flies around the room and twists the girl's neck all around.Then one of the doctors flies out the window and falls down a bunch of stairs. The End.

Maurice Vaughan

I got it, Bill Brock. "The Exorcist."

Here's mine: There's this group, right? They go to a theme park that's on an island. The group sees extinct things that are alive. Everyone's having a great time... Then the extinct things that are alive get loose and chase them. After fighting for their lives, some of the group jumps on a helicopter and leaves the island.

Shaun Baland

A guy who shouldn't go to jail has to go to jail and ends up with another guy in jail, but escapes, and then meets up with that same guy on the beach after jail

Craig D Griffiths

An unemployed clown decides to kill a few dickheads and ends up in Arkham, oh yeah he has a laughing disease and a burgeoning comedy career.

Ty Strange

A married sociopathic cougar seduces a disillusioned young man fresh out of college, who decides to spice things up by dating the cougar's daughter at the same time. Oh là là! Our young lad ends up being a home wrecker twice over, ultimately running off with the daughter who's wearing the ring from another man, thus making up for lost time spent studying in college.

Bill Brock

A pro race car driver gets into a brutal argument with his car when he makes the car mad when he buys a more fancier race car. The first car kills the more fancier race car, then drives away from the murder scene to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Maurice Vaughan

Yep, Ty Strange. "Jurassic Park."

E Langley

Two losers become friends and plan a move to Miami.

Robin Gregory

Oh my gosh, these are all hilarious. Great idea, Bill Brock .

Robin Gregory

A wife and husband grapple with starched sheets, a spooky tax inspector, an LGBTQ daughter, and thyroid singularity that's going to wipe out the universe.

Maria Restivo Glassner

One plastic surgeon must run for his life before two dead chicks, that also happen to be his ex-wives, force him to make them beautiful forever.

Bill Brock

E Langley Hmmmmm. Not a lot of detail here. Your entry is a head scratcher. Don't give it away. Perhaps add a bit more! : )

Bill Brock

Robin Gregory Thanks, Robin. Glad you are enjoying these. The industry continues to stress Perfect Scripts and Pitches, but I find this activity just as entertaining! Didn't see the movie, but are you horribly describing that "Anywhere All The Time, At Once, Today, Tomorrow" movie? (or whatever it's called.) Didn't see it. The only thing I know about it is that Miss Curtis won an Oscar. Am I correct?

E Langley

Not a chance, Bill. 'Horribly' is the prompt. Keep scratching. A beyond well known film.

Maria Restivo Glassner DEATH BECOMES HER.

Bill Brock

Maria Restivo Glassner Oooooooooooh! This must be the Great, and Incredibly Funny, DEATH BECOMES HER! Haven't seen it since it was released, but remember having a good time watching it!

Bill Brock

I'm surprised no one has come up with the title of my second entry. Anyone? Anyone? Is this mic on?

Maria Restivo Glassner

Bill Brock Is the second one the exorcist? I must admit I have never seen it!

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Bill Brock Oh I just read the second one, is that Christine? Also haven't seen it just keep hearing about it. lol

Bill Brock

Brock's Third Entry (Try to keep up with THIS one.) : Some dude wants to dress up like a lady so he can be on a TV show. He falls in love with a lady on the show while he's also a lady, and she pushes him away, but then suggests the fake lady date her dad, whose a man. The lady dude doesn't want the man because he's not gay and digs chicks instead. Then the lady dude's girlfriend gets involved when she catches him trying on one of her outfits. The male chauvinist TV director doesn't get along with the lady dude because the lady dude is constantly, man-to-man, calling him out. The lady dude's roommate thinks he's crazy for wearing all the wigs and dresses just so he can be on a TV show. Oh, plus there's an actor on the show who falls in love with the lady dude. The End.

Bill Brock

Maria Restivo Glassner Good guess, but..................................................................................................... NO.

Bill Brock

Maria Restivo Glassner My first one was THE EXORCIST. Someone already guessed correctly.

Timothy Liebe

Maurice Vaughn, that's JURASSIC PARK (or any of the JURASSIC movies, honestly!). While I'm sure Steven Spielberg and Michael Crichton's estate is delighted at all the royalties that come in (while as a director Spielberg might be in the running for GOAT, as a producer he's released a LOT of crap between these and the TRANSFORMER movies), I'm surprised that people are still going to see these....

Anyway, here's mine: When a thinly-disguised Fascistic media magnate (aren't they all?) dies, a reporter goes on a quest to uncover the identity of who his final words were referring to...only it's not a "who", it's a what!

Timothy Liebe

Craig D Griffiths—"a burgeoning comedy career"?!?!? Well, that's ONE way to put it!


E Langley

Timothy Liebe CITIZEN KANE. "Rosebud." (What IRL Hearst called his Mistress' lady parts.)

Timothy Liebe

E Langley—yeah, that WAS pretty obvious, wasn't it?

Okay, let's see if I can do a bit more of a challenge....

A historian who's afraid to fly puts his life (and phobia) on the line to chase down the supposedly-insane Commander of a state-of-the-art vessel, even though nobody believes his story at first.

Maria Restivo Glassner

After a man's daughter gets violated he takes revenge on the alleged assaulter by falling in love with him.

Robin Gregory

Bill Brock Ha! Glad you like my logline. Yep, Jaime Lee Curtis won an Oscar for her role as a horrifying IRS agent in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. Michelle Yeoh won Best Actress.

Timothy Liebe

Maria Restivo Glassner - THE SKIN I LIVE IN! Quite the...interesting movie, that one....

Robin Gregory

Bill Brock Second logline: CHRISTINE?

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Timonthy Liebe You got it!! hhaha yup.

Bill Brock

Ty Strange Bravo, TY! One of the GREATEST COMEDY SCRIPTS of all time!

Bill Brock

Robin Gregory Nope! Someone guessed CHRISTINE also! Can't wait for the Big Reveal. No one seems to know....

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Bill Brock it's not like those old fashioned love bug movies is it?

Jenean McBrearty

Bill Brock...really? The Exorcist. What other movie has a twisty headed, foul-mouthed, teenager and a flying priest?

Debbie Croysdale

A vein rich hedonist suddenly becomes estranged from his daily life financially & morally then gets played sexually so tries to kill himself by jumping through a glass roof but fails.

Ty Strange

Debbie Croysdale: Vanilla Sky?

Debbie Croysdale

@Ty Great guess but no. Clue 1997!

Ty Strange

Debbie Croysdale: The Game!

Bill Brock

Maria Restivo Glassner You got it! THE LOVE BUG! My parents took me to the drive-in to see it when I was only 5 years old! I've attached Herbie's attempted suicide scene below.

Rutger Oosterhoff

The girl in red that could not hide in completely a black an white world.

Rutger Oosterhoff

African slurfs in the Alpes around 200 BC. The s....d P...c war

Vikki Harris

The lone survivor of space drilling team has the nerves ( I mean the courage) to return to outer space and face her demon ( I mean alien).

Maria Restivo Glassner

Bill Brock Haha! Wow it's so funny those love bug movies seem so light and fun until you really look under the hood. Thanks Bill! This is a really fun post.

Bill Brock

Vikki Harris HA! VIKKI ! I take it your film title is in your description? I"m going to go with........ ALIEN!

Bill Brock

Maria Restivo Glassner Hey?! I was in LOVE BUG PARADISE when I was a 5-year-old kid! Granted, as an adult, it's now goofy and dripping in sugar-coated sentimentality. But back in the day, HERBIE WAS THE MAN!!!! : )

Bill Brock

Rutger Oosterhoff Okay, this is a long shot, but I'm going to guess-- Schindler's List?

Rutger Oosterhoff

Yes, first one is correct!!

E Langley

With no guesses, time to reveal: "Two losers become friends and plan a move to Miami."

"Everybody's talking at me/I don't hear a word they're saying," and "I'm walking here. I'm walking here," clarifies it's MIDNIGHT COWBOY where the core issue is moving from dismal New York to sunny Florida.

"Don't call me Ratso, 'kay?"

Bill Brock

E Langley Hollywood's full of losers. That could've been ANYONE! : )

Bill Brock

Follow directions, people! The assignment calls for entries to be written HORRIBLY! Horribly = FUN. Straight loglines = BORING. Example: I described two doctors as opposed to priests in THE EXORCIST. Plus, the bed simply rises, but in my version, it flies around the room! Oh, one more thing-- there's no tornado in THE EXORCIST.

E Langley

Perhaps, but they don't plan a move to Miami.

Mark Deuce

Big Fish eat people.

E Langley

"We're gonna need a bigger boat," was said in JAWS.

Vikki Harris

Almost Bill Brock : Alien(s).

Maria Restivo Glassner

Bill Brock I too loved the bug!

Niki H

This is exactly the fun i needed in my day today!

Mark Garbett

After his puppy is killed by Theon Greyjoy, a retired dude who just wants to be left alone murders anyone and everyone with a Russian accent. At some point he grabs a room at a hotel to rest up, then with renewed vigor slaughters roughly a bazillion more people, but it still doesn't bring his puppy back cause it's not a Marvel/DC flick and there's no multiverse.

E Langley

Two chicks take a journey that sends them over the edge.

Bill Brock

E Langley THELMA & KAREN...... I mean, LOUISE!!

Bill Brock

Mark Deuce HAHHHAAAHAAAAA, MARK! You nailed it! Your impression of JOHN WICK was Horribly Fun !!!! : )

Bill Brock

So, this class full of kids attend the library to finish some essay homework. One girl is ugly, and kinda looks like she smells like vegetable beef soup, so none of the kids talk to her. Then, all of a sudden, one of the pretty girls applies make up to this skank's face, making her all, like, pretty and stuff. All the guys make goofy smiles at her because now she's HOT!! The End.

Bill Brock

So, this graphic novel author runs out of gas in a snow storm and his legs get attacked by frostbite and he passes out. Luckily, he's rescued by some fat lady who tosses him into a little kiddie bed at her house and locks the bedroom door. The End.

E Langley

Oh, the MISERY? Hobbling anyone?


Mario G. Lopez

A prostitute with a knack for getting tossed out of casinos by her fat ass falls in love with a writer who guzzles every form of alcohol except for Bud Light cuz he's a suicidal douche bag.

Robin Gregory

Bill Brock That's a perfectly disgustingly horrible logline. Are you available to work for the White House?

Whitney Moore

There's an island and there's a volcano on it but it doesn't go off so don't worry. There's these scientists and they go there and then a bunch of people get chased and then they leave and it all happens on one weekend. Oh and it was directed by the guy who did Schindler's List. You should see it!

Paul Rivers

There was a drunk girl swimming and a shark ate most of her, and a green head popped up and a bunch of dumb kids fell into the orchestra pit of the theater I was at, so the drunk sherrif killed the sober shark.

Sam Sokolow

Russell Crowed and everyone was miserable.

E Langley

Mario G. Lopez Sounds like LEAVING LAS VEGAS.

Sam Sokolow Les Misérables, oui?

Maria Restivo Glassner

A woman falls in love with an animal and has him kill her human suitor.

Rutger Oosterhoff

It isn't totally clear what group are the zombies here, could be both; after watching this movie I need a pint to clear up my mind, end up in a pub.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Debbie, it's his birthday party... " The Game" The glass roof did the trick for me.

Mario G. Lopez

E Langley Correct! Leaving Las Vegas

Rutger Oosterhoff The World's End

E Langley

Maria, a tenuous THE SHAPE OF WATER.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Mario G, it's "Shaun of the Dead"

Debbie Croysdale

@Rutger Spot on! Film I meant was The Game. And didn’t we see Michael Douglas suffer. LOL The close ups on his face were priceless.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Hey, it was a great movie! Just as Dougles, to the very end I thought he was being tricked!! Talking about being in the shoes of the protag., seeing and feeling as he does! They don't make them like this often these days.

Debbie Croysdale

@Tye correct. Thanks. THE GAME. Sorry I missed your answer at first but wi fi is wobbly in hotel so only read most recent posts upon connection.

Marcel Nault Jr.

I'll play along too. :P

So, there's this bunch of soldiers that embark on a beach, only to get ambushed. Guts, gore, blood... Name it. Everything is blown to proportions! Then, a miracle: someone who prayed to God helped them on the way and the soldiers overcame the odds. Later in the story though, they realize that they have to save someone. The importance of whom is up for debate, literally.

Ingrid Wren

A bunch of Nazis dig in on the dark side of the moon until an armada from earth comes their way. You can guess what happened next...

Whitney Moore

Marcel Nault Jr. Saving Private Ryan?

Bill Brock

E Langley BINGO! You got both!

Bill Brock

Marcel Nault Jr. Hacksaw Ridge. Love Gibson. He's my favorite director.

Bill Brock

Ingrid Wren Hi, Ingrid. Is it "Teenage Mutant Ninja Aussies"?? Just kidding. I have no idea. Hate movies and REALLY hate writing them.

Bill Brock

A high school kid turns his home into a total whore house while his parents are away. The kid makes a lot of cash, which pays for his flight school education. He later enlists in the U. S. Navy and gets paid to fly around. The End.

Ingrid Wren

Risky Business meets Top Gun?

Ingrid Wren

Ah, no Bill Brock An independently financed Finnish film, with some Aussies in it for good measure. Surely someone here knows what it is!

Maria Restivo Glassner

E Langley Nope!

Ingrid Wren
Maria Restivo Glassner

Ingrid Wren haha nope!

Rutger Oosterhoff

204 squares in total and a female who has a 'ceiling fetish.'

Rutger Oosterhoff

Dumb, Dumber and Dumbst in the Wild West.

E Langley



Bill Brock

E Langley Ingrid Wren Well done, ladies! It's basically RISKY BUSINESS, but because it's described so HORRIBLY, I decided to toss in some TOP GUN at the very end. : )

Marian Betts

A child dies and his father buries him in a pet cemetery.

Marian Betts

All-time scariest for me: A baby is born whose father is a giant, hairy monster.

Maurice Vaughan

"Pet Sematary," Marian Betts.

Marian Betts

You got it, Maurice!

Marcel Nault Jr.

Whitney Moore Good answer!

Rutger Oosterhoff

E, Yes, The Queen's Gambit

Rutger Oosterhoff

Ingrid Wren, yes the way Iron Sky was produced was interesting. It had some great artwork in preproduction too. The only thing I never understood is how San Fu Maltha got into the production team as an executive producer, although he's the only Dutch producer I somewhat respect.

Ingrid Wren

Robin, Rutger... nailed it! I enjoyed everything about Iron Sky... in my mind, the weirder the better. I would have liked them to take the humour a bit further, but then, I'm an Aussie, and we specialise in wry humour!

Maria Restivo Glassner

Ingrid Wren E Langley the correct answer for mine is... Beauty and the Beast lol

Ingrid Wren

In the meantime, here's another one for your consideration.

A dancer bloke gets kicked out of competition for making up his own steps. Mad as a cut snake about it, he hooks up with the daggiest sheila in the studio to battle with other drongos to win the big bash.

Mario G. Lopez

Ingrid Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo

Abeeha Alam

There's this young man whose family financially struggles. The young man's friend convinces him to take his place as a tutor for an affluent family. The young man's family sees he has a sweet deal and try to scheme their way into getting other jobs with the wealthy family. There's a secret in the basement and the secret is literally let out. A lot of blackmail and sabotage ensues. In the end, a bunch of people die and there is another secret hiding in the basement.

Timothy Liebe

PARASITE, Abeeha Alam?

E Langley



Timothy Liebe

Ingrid Wren, it's one of my ex-wife's favorite movies! Baz Luhrmann's STRICTLY BALLROOM—the first movie to treat ballroom dancing as martial art.

"Pasa Doble...."

EDITED TO ADD: I see E. Langley beat me to STRICTLY BALLROOM.

Ingrid Wren

Spot on E Langley and Timothy Liebe One of my favourite movies of all time. A little Aussie gem!

E Langley

A buncha guys take a boat trip to visit a fat bald man.

E Langley

More or less simultaneous, Timothy Liebe.

Ingrid Wren

Don't fight about it... you nailed it! I thought the Aussie slang might confuse, but I was wrong!

Ingrid Wren

E Langley Moby Dick?

E Langley

Who's fighting?

Sorry, not the Melville classic.

Bill McCormick

Two women want nothing more than to make happy pancakes.

Abeeha Alam

Timothy Liebe and E Langley Correct!!

E Langley

Maybe IMITATION OF LIFE, Bill McCormick?

Maria Restivo Glassner

A guy lives his life in the public eye only he doesn't realize it. When he finally does he leaves and it's all good.

Thunder Levin

A whiny farm boy, an old man who lives in a cave, a murderer and his dog join a terrorist group and destroy a government installation.

Timothy Liebe

E Langley—"Saigon.... Shit. I'm still lonely in Saigon...."

APOCALYPSE NOW—or as I think of it, Francis Coppola's last great film.

Ingrid Wren—STRICTLY BALLROOM is great, and suggests what Baz Luhrmann can do if he's not always trying to razzle-dazzle us. Sometimes the razzle-dazzle works (as I think it does with ROMEO+JULIET and THE GREAT GATSBY), and sometimes...not so much (as I think happened with AUSTRALIA).

Maria Restivo Glassner—have you ever had a movie on the tip of your tongue but can't remember its name...? It's not EdTV, and it's not THE ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, and I know Peter Weir directed it and Jim Carrey starred in it....

I'm going to cheat and Google it, because it's driving me nuts.

EDITED TO ADD: It's THE TRUMAN SHOW. I was on the verge of beating my head against my desk because I knew the movie, but I couldn't remember what it was called....

...and if I'd glanced up to see Ingrid's response, I'd have seen she's gotten it already.

Timothy Liebe

Thunder Levin—ROTFL!

It's STAR WARS! Or STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE as we're expected to call it now....

Would "A whiny farmboy with Daddy issues" also work?

Ingrid Wren

Thunder Levin Star Wars... but now I see Timothy got in first!

E Langley

Timothy Liebe The horror... the horror. Apocalypse Wow.

Rutger Oosterhoff

In the troubled seas of Fishywood, a loanshark, a shrink, and their psychotic relationship goes haywire.

Maria Restivo Glassner
Maria Restivo Glassner

@Timothy Liebe! You got it too! haha yes I hate it when I can't think of the name!

Bill McCormick

You are correct E Langley

E Langley

SHARK TALE Rutger Oosterhoff.

Rutger Oosterhoff

E, it's Analize Fish.

Maurice Vaughan

"Falling Down," M LaVoie?

Marian Betts

No one guessed the film I mentioned earlier: A baby is born whose father is a giant, hairy monster. I should have said that its father was Satan. why I think of it being a giant hairy monster is what it looked like in the film, and what I saw one time when I took codeine for my broken back. The advert for the film is a black stroller on a beach. Any guesses?

Maria Restivo Glassner

Marian Betts Rosemary's baby?

Marian Betts

Maria, yes! It's an old movie, but still gives me the shivers!

Maurice Vaughan

I'd watch a "Falling Down" remake, M LaVoie. Maybe Tom Hardy as the lead.

Maria Restivo Glassner

Marian Betts I think the creepiest part of that movie was the husband's selling his soul for success. Yet the mom was innocent and has suffer the fallout dealing with a baby made by the devil himself and yet, it's hers too. Of course the way it was shot was unique for the time and copied a lot, but the story feels timeless.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Thunder Levin, I thought about this hard, it can't be Star Wars, it must be Young Superman, Osama bin Laden, and John Wick storming the Capitol, killing the dog in the process -- SUPERWICKLADEN UNLEASHED

Marian Betts

I agree with you, Maria. That was the creepiest part! And the one I always remember.

Kathleen Gilmore

E Langley - 2 losers - Miami - Midnight Cowboy?

Timothy Liebe

Kathleen, it's definitely MIDNIGHT COWBOY. I thought "Should I guess?" and then I went, "Nahhh—E. Langley's probably buried under correct answers by now!" I was shocked...SHOCKED!—to realize you were the first person to hazard a guess....

E Langley

Kathleen Gilmore, correct. Bill Brock bitched about it being too hard so I eventually revealed it about 100 posts ago. Then Bill bitched some more.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, M LaVoie. The actor should be an everyday man. Someone we wouldn't expect. Like Michael Douglas in the original movie. Maybe a young, quiet guy who works at a tech company. He could use modern technology (smartphone, smartwatch, a drone, etc.) during his rampage.

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