Success Stories: DEC'11 Congrats to Julie Shackman and Sara Elizabeth Timmins!

Emily J

Congrats to Julie Shackman and Sara Elizabeth Timmins!

Sending a HUGE SHOUT OUT to writer Julia Shackman and producer (and Stage 32 exec and educator) Sara Elizabeth Timmins! Julie just signed a shopping agreement with Sara Elizabeth after pitching her festive romance IP on Stage 32!!! Congrats to you both!!!

Sam Rivera

Congrats Julia! This is exciting news to hear!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you so much Emily J Samantha and Vikki - here's hoping for an option agreement! x

Niki H

So exciting! Well done Julie! Sara Elizabeth is great - I'm sure you'll keep up with the successes!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you Niki H - she is great and so lovely!

Maurice Vaughan

That's great! Congratulations, Julie and Sara Elizabeth! :D

Sandra Isabel Correia

That’s so cool :)) Congratulations Julia Shackman, dreams come true :))

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you Jason

Nick Waters

Awesome, congrats!

JR Rodriguez


Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you Nick, JR and Bill!

Dan Dillman

super cool congratulations

Geoff Hall


Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you Donna Tiberio Dan and Geoff!

Matthew Kelcourse

Awesome! Happy NEW year :-)

Leonardo Ramirez

Sweet! Congratulations!!

Bradford Richardson

Whoo! Go, Julie and Sara!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thanks Bradford Richardson - just gotta keep fingers crossed that we get an option agreement!

Leonardo Ramirez

You are very welcome Julie Georgina Shackman . All the best!

Christa Biyela

Wow. Congratulations!!!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you Christa - still gpt a long way to go, but at least it's hopefully the first step! x

Christa Biyela

Julie Georgina Shackman That's all it takes. Enjoy the process.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

You're welcome!

Osagie Bill Aigbogun


Julie Georgina Shackman
Osagie Bill Aigbogun

The pleasure is all mine Julie Georgina Shackman

Laurie Williams

Congrats on your success!!

Cecile George

So happy for you, Julia! Congrats!

David Abrookin

Congrats to Julie and Sara! Excited to hear more as things progress!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you so much Laurie Williams Cecile and David - here's hoping!

Donna Tiberio

congrats Julie!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you Donna Tiberio

DT Houston

Festive Romance, okay! Congrats!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you DT Houston

Donna Tiberio

congrats Jullia!

Julie Georgina Shackman

Thank you Donna Tiberio

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