Introduce Yourself : Excited to be here! by Sallie Olson

Excited to be here!

Hello everyone! I just joined and thought I'd poke my head out into the open to introduce myself. I'm a writer with four novels, a novella, and some short-stories indie-published who is interested in expanding into screenwriting. A serious back injury forced me to retire from a lifetime of physically demanding jobs, (horse trainer/riding instructor, photographer, and truck driver, to name a few), but retired doesn't mean dead. In my book, it means I finally get to put my time and energy into something I've always loved and wanted to do more: Writing! I'm a mom, grandma, animal lover, artist, and armchair philosopher. I'm also fascinated with ancient cultures. When I dive down a rabbit hole, I tend to go until I find the bottom, and then I grab a shovel and keep digging! The interesting things I learn often find their way into my stories...sometimes with a twist! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and learning about an industry I currently know almost nothing about! Weeeee! I love learning new things! Okay...going back to my quiet corner now. :D

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sallie Olson. Sorry to hear about the back injury. Which ancient culture are you fascinated with the most?

Leonardo Ramirez

So glad you're with us Sallie Olson! Like you, I made the leap to screenwriting from authoring books and I LOVE it! Sounds like you're an amazing researcher as well! What are you currently working on?

David Abrookin

Nice to meet you, Sallie Olson! "Retired doesn't mean dead" is a really important thing for people to remember, and love how much passion you have for writing!

Sallie Olson

Maurice Vaughan Ancient Egypt has always been my first love! But I find ancient Sumer equally as fascinating! And...and...and... ;)

Leonardo Ramirez At the moment I am immersing myself in "How to write a Screenplay" books, videos, webinars, and courses because I want to convert my Quest of the Guardians book series into screenplays. I was working on two spin-offs from that series, but my persnickety muse insisted that I do the screenplays first, for some reason. I don't know how it is for other writers, but when my muse sets her jaw and digs in her heels, it's pointless to resist. LOL

Thanks, David Abrookin! Nice to meet you, as well! :)

Maurice Vaughan

I liked learning about Ancient Egypt growing up, Sallie Olson. And Ancient Greece. One of the first scripts I ever wrote was kinda like an ancient Greece version of "Power Rangers."

Here's a great blog for up-and-coming screenwriters:

Leonardo Ramirez

Sallie Olson - the book series sounds super interesting! I love it that you’ve made the leap. Writers that scribe for both prose and screen are few. I think you’ll enjoy it especially since you’re a researcher. Addiction to learning keeps things fresh!

Ciara Smith

Glad to meet another who is transitioning from books to screenwriting! I wish you the best of luck!

Sallie Olson

Maurice Vaughan Oooo, yeah! Greece is a good one, too! I picked up a CD of "The Music of Ancient Greece" at a museum once. It's sooooo cool! But I can't listen to it when I'm driving because my mind (soul?) drifts away and forgets to pay attention to the road, haha! Thanks for the blog link, I'll check that out!

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Sallie! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Sallie Olson

Leonardo Ramirez I am surprised to hear that writers who scribe for both prose and screen are few! I would've guessed that the desire to see our stories on the big screen would motivate the majority of writers to make the leap, lol!

And how refreshing to find myself amongst people who appreciate the joys of researching and learning new things! I've grown accustomed to heavy sighs and eye-rolling. LOL! My adult daughters admitted to me recently that they snicker behind my back every time I fall down a rabbit hole. But guess who they call when they have a question about history? Haha!

Sallie Olson

Ciara Smith Thanks! Good luck to you, as well! :) Are you, like me, finding the transition fresh and exciting? It's like embarking on a new adventure!

Sallie Olson

Matthew Parvin Nice to meet you, as well! :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sallie Olson. I think I've heard of ancient Sumer. It was probably during World History in school. Or Ancient History. It's been so long. Haha

Leonardo Ramirez

Sallie Olson Exactly! Same here - I'm the one my adult daughter comes to with questions about assignments she's working on while in college. But I'm happy to do it! I say that there are few because I rarely see movies where the screenwriter is the same person who wrote the book. Yet that is something that audiences would love to see!

Ciara Smith

Sallie Olson Yes very much so! Book writing was a very stressful process for, stretching my ideas across so many thousands words. The format of screenwriting fits the way I see my stories!

Sam Rivera

Happy to meet an author! Welcome to Stage 32 Sallie Olson! Be sure to check out the screenwriting and authoring lounges>>

Sallie Olson

Sam Rivera Thank you! I'll check those out!

John Clive Carter

I’ve written novels in the past too, but I’m now focusing on screenplays. Quicker to develop and edit and much, much easier to get feedback. They're all stories of course, and can always be turned into novels later.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Good for you, Sallie. I too love diving into the ancient cultures. So much fascinating information there and so much of those old wisdoms and myths are being proven true in modern times. Wishing you continuing success with all your creative projects.

Sallie Olson

Nice to meet you, John Clive Carter! Although I've only just begun, I immediately noticed how much less stressful it is to write in the screenplay format. I do hope that's true—that it's easier to get feedback, because trying to find qualified people willing to beta-read a 100k novel can be a challenge...and trying to find several of them so you get a variety of opinions is even harder. LOL

And nice to meet you, too, Pamela Jaye Smith! Totally agree about ancient wisdom and current events. It adds to the fun, huh? LOL

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to Stage 32, Sallie Olson!!

Pamela Jaye Smith

Thanks, Sallie. Right you are, it definitely adds to the fun.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Hi, Maurice. I was just doing some research on ancient Sumeria. What a fascinating culture and really advanced civilization. No doubt there are lots of good story ideas there.

Maurice Vaughan

That's great, Pamela Jaye Smith. What are you researching ancient Sumeria for?

John Michael German


Extravagant experience within all those positions. A mountainous depth of creativity can be rooted through those endeavors. Though my sorry's to the injury.

Enjoy the quiet corner, but do not stay in there too much, this platform needs more of your upbeat and history of knowledge to interact into.

Gratitude into your path.

God Bless,

John German

Elena Maro

Hi Sallie Olson , welcome to Stage32! Very nice to meet you.

I am a Los Angeles based professional film composer and a Stage32 Thought Leader.

I love your story and your "digging deeper and deeper" attitude! I feel the same about obstacles: for every shut door I try another right away and, if there are no doors left, I start knocking the wall down!

Your introduction makes me want to meet with you and sit down together on comfortable armchairs and talk life and philosophy :)

Pamela Jaye Smith

As a mythologist I get to research all sorts of interesting ancient cultures and stories. So much great material in the mythologies of different peoples.

Beatrice Wong

Hi, Sallie,

Nice to meet you!

Sallie Olson

How right you are, John Michael German! Albeit, perhaps not in the way people might assume. Picture a road crew creeping down the highway filling cracks with hot rubber and there's me, wand in hand, imagining (and vocalizing) the critters who'd taken refuge in those cracks screaming and running from the "black ooze of death." LOL! My coworkers didn't think I was serious enough, but I was having fun and it made an otherwise dull job far more interesting...for me, anyway. Haha! And the hundreds of hours spent making salt-brine (I was a snowplow operator in MN for seven years...)...that turned into a salt island that was constantly shifting/sinking/rising in my book, "Drop of Water," with a glass-haired monster living on it too, of course. (What else can live on a salt island? LOL).

Elena Maro Pleasure to meet you! How fun it would be to discuss this comedy called life with a like-minded soul! Perhaps we can make that a reality, someday. :)

Pamela Jaye Smith Oooo, Mythology! So much fodder in those old stories!

Beatrice Wong Hello Beatrice! Nice to meet you, as well!

Maurice Vaughan

That's interesting, Pamela Jaye Smith! I thought you might've been researching ancient Sumeria for a script.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Not at this time, but it may end up in a series of linked stories I'm developing. Meanwhile, really interesting indeed.

Amanda Toney

Welcome to the community Sallie Olson ! Here's a great blog to help teach you how to navigate Stage 32:

DT Houston

Greetings Sallie Olson. Another lemons-to-lemonade person. I love it. Injuries, yes. (Been there, sports.) Dead, heck no. Just a new path. One question: Novel vs. Novella, which do you prefer? Cheers...

Sallie Olson

Thank you for the link, Amanda Toney I will definitely give that a read!

Sallie Olson

DT Houston Novel, definitely. My brain thinks in epic terms with big casts and intertwined plots and subplots. But I make myself write shorter pieces now and then as an exercise in self-discipline, and I try to be brutal in revision and cut anything that doesn't really need to be there. Well, most of the time... I did leave in one unnecessary scene once, just because it fit the character and it was funny. But the story wouldn't have suffered if I'd taken it out. I probably shouldn't indulge myself like that, but... Can I play my rookie card, here? :D

DT Houston

Sallie Olson play two rookie cards. And indulge when it feeds you. Or frees you. You're the boss of you. (And you can always take it out later.). :>)

Morne Patterson

Hi Sallie Olson great to meet you and I love the positive attitude. Well done on the book and wishing you a successful future!

Geoff Hall

Sallie Olson with this rabbit hole, you’ll find there is no bottom. Enjoy the fall, Sallie!

Sallie Olson

Geoff Hall Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <clunk> Oops, hit my head on something...

Catherine Cole

Welcome! You'll love the Stage 32 community! And congrats on all your creative works thus far!

Sallie Olson

Thank you Catherine Cole! I'm already blown away by how friendly and upbeat everyone is!

Catherine Cole

Now into two years of membership, I can attest it's the real deal!

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