Introduce Yourself : Just Call me Renee by Francelene Aprahamian

Just Call me Renee

First off although I took a screenwriting class years ago, however,I am overall a creative.

I have production assistant ( 2 films)experience as well as being involved in a 48 film short film, that was fun. I created my own 2 short films as well.

I am that person who visually sees things in the mind at times being also empathic my visuals get stuck justt out of reach. If anyone else can understand the mind meld it would be great.

I am here to network and move forward on my projects with like minded Creatives. I enjoy many kinds of films and shows especially great twisty entertainment.

Recently I have at times watch 3 movies a day. My main job is as a mindset trainer helping people understand how reality works...

Thanks for reading.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Francelene! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Leonardo Ramirez

Hi Renee! Very nice to meet you and welcome to Stage 32. What genres do you write?

Sydney Summers

Hi, Renee! Welcome to the community :) I love hearing about your creative journey and all the cool projects you've been part of! Creating your own short films and diving into the 48-hour film challenge is awesome. I totally get the mind meld thing—sometimes those visuals just stick, right?

Networking with fellow creatives is such a good move. And your job as a mindset trainer must give you some unique insights into storytelling. Keep at it—your passion and creativity are super inspiring! If you have any interest in your more screenwriting classes or other learning opportunities I would love to tell you more, you can email me at

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Francelene Aprahamian. What movies have you watched lately?

Francelene Aprahamian

Maurice, so many movies most of which the names escape me. I do recall Palm Swingers on interesting take on swinging. Also Don't Worry Darling with Harry Styles was good. A few I have seen more than Once like the newer Matrix and Upside Down ( ? ) with Kirsten Dunst.

Francelene Aprahamian

Leonardo, I write mostly supernatural meets drama, I like unusual movies. Admittedly that has recently had mixed results in viewing things I can't unsee...yikes

My way of viewing reality leads me to analyze the character motives a bit..

Maurice Vaughan

Upside Down is on my watch list, Francelene Aprahamian. I don't know much about it, which is how I like it when I see a new movie.

Francelene Aprahamian

Okay yes I tend to be an adrenaline junkie watching film it has to affect me in the first 5 minutes or so for me to continue. Lately I feel watching with others I am beginning to be more patient, or my mind wanders to other thoughts altogether.

Carlos Javier

Same as well, might some reduces to comprehend and at the time look up sub-titles makes easier

Remains the same trouble,

Carlos Javier

brief content, ever seen Chavo del 8 memorable quote "esta mas que sabido" business does not takes alternatives yes/no

Pat Alexander

Hey Francelene Aprahamian nice to meet you! What are some of the lessons you've learned from being a production assistant on set? Anything you wished you'd known before you started?

Asmaa Jamil

Welcome and you joined the right place.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to Stage 32, Francelene Aprahamian! We're currently celebrating Stage 32's July Filmmakers Club, a month long series of FREE events, resources, and free prize giveaways to help our members learn more about indie filmmaking and to make new networking connections. You can join in NOW by reading today's blog- Successful Networking for a Film Career by Producer, Jason Mirch! Then make sure that you participate in this week's challenges that are outlined in the blog so that you are eligible for Friday's free prize!

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