Filmmaking / Directing : I have been working with AI to do my storyboard opening scene for my feature film and it turned out better than hiring a storyboard artist. by Owen Ratliff

Owen Ratliff

I have been working with AI to do my storyboard opening scene for my feature film and it turned out better than hiring a storyboard artist.

Would love your feedback on my AI storyboards for the opening scene:

Tom Lapke

There are arguments to be made for and against AI, but no matter where you fall, that was awesome. You are obviously making good use of AI in pre-pro. Here is a webinar that will help you in Post-Production taught by our resident AI in entertainment expert, Joshua Young.

How to Use AI to Streamline Your Post-Production:

You are not going to want to miss this webinar. Joshua is an amazing teacher and he is not just an AI evangelist. He understands the ethical uses of AI. Let me know if you have any questions.

Matthew Kelcourse

Hi Owen Ratliff - great work! I'm one of those one the side of AI will never replace the human mind for creative writing or any of the arts for that matter; but using it as a tool to storyboard a story you have written? Nice use of AI (as long as the AI didn't steal artistic property from a human artist like AI is famous for doing). Catch 22.

Bradford Wellington Collins

Having worn all the hats, I realize how many departments this makes obsolete, but there is no creative substitute for instant ideation, (not having to wait for a rendering) to advance a concept QUICKLY so you can stay in the stream of consciousness, The QUALITY creative spark is finite, (you hope it returns as often as possible) so you need to be able to follow it wherever it takes you. I've lost many an idea, stopping to sketch a thought, then lost the rest. AI is a 3 second sketch artist. Lastly AI opens up the ART funnel, previously only those who could MAKE art were appreciated, now every* thought is welcome and well expressed. Just be sure to count the fingers :)

Catherine Mercer

Hello, Everyone Tom is right regarding the argimnents for and against, In my exoperience from what i have seen oif Ai it rauses a few issues for those in industry. The first being images and scripts etc could be altered si thee needs to a swot analysis and security risk threat analysis, The second point it the riks involved being mitigated.

Bradford Richardson

Fantastic, Owen. The creative consistency of the images, plus the fact that each image is specific to your story, really nails the genre and tone and message.

Owen Ratliff

Thanks for the feedback. I am going to use AI to do the budget next.

Xochi Blymyer

I'm a little late to this conversation. I agree with the above, nice work. Only think I've heard from my Art Department friends is don't get too attached to these specific looks. Once you're in prep of your production, open your mind to the Production Designer's ideas. Don't make them try to create in the real world what AI did. Then you get the best of both worlds!

Sam Iwata Aka Liu

I’m not a storyboard artist, but sometimes I have to draw my own boards depending on the budget. To me, a storyboard needs to tell our story with the right aspect ratio, camera angles, and camera movements. I’m attaching a part of an opening scene from one of my projects.

PS: I’m neutral about AI

Mike Boas

Owen, those are striking, moody images that help set the stage.

I agree with Sam, though. The purpose of storyboards is usually to communicate the angle, composition, lenses, cutting style, etc. So your example wouldn’t work for me in showing what shots I’d need.

I’d be curious to see if your method could demonstrate an action sequence shot by shot. For instance, the truck scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark or the bus fight from Shang-Chi.

Owen Ratliff

Mike it can demonstrate an action sequence shot by shot. I did it that way because I have a meeting with some Chinese investors that is interested in funding the film and I just wanted to really see the opening act.

Mike Boas

You definitely have some good beat boards there.

So far I haven’t seen AI do good shot-by-shot action boards. Looking forward to seeing that at some point.

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