Screenwriting : Happy National Screenwriters Day! by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Happy National Screenwriters Day!

Today's our day! How are you celebrating? I'm rewriting a feature script and watching movies, which is one way to support screenwriters.

Morgan Aitken

Too cool for words!

Mike Childress

Maurice Vaughan I am going to trek up to Mount Scriptus where I will purify myself in the waters of Lake Paranthetical after which I will sacrifice my first script on the Altar of Trottier...orrrr I will just figure out what to write next...

Maurice Vaughan

I think it'd be easier to just figure out what to write next, Mike Childress. And a lot safer. Haha

Maurice Vaughan

I'm watching DOUBLE THREAT and NIGHT TRAIN on Amazon Prime Video. Double feature. CJ Walley wrote both of them.

John Snell

Hey Maurice, Happy National Screenwriters Day to you also! I'm also watching movies and working on the latest draft of my latest script. Have a good one!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, John Snell. Happy National Screenwriters Day! What movies are you watching, and what script are you working on?

Maurice Vaughan

DOUBLE THREAT is funny, CJ! It's a fun Action Comedy! Danielle C. Ryan and Matthew Lawrence are great together! I'm gonna take a halftime break, then watch NIGHT TRAIN.

John Snell

Hey Maurice Vaughan. In between mugs of hot tea, I'm just going through the list and checking out some action and martial arts movies on Tubi. Nothing in particular. If it sounds interesting I'll have a look and see. I've been getting coverage on my script, "N-W-G 3 : Rogue Force". So, I'm using the notes and feedback to tighten things up. Thanks for asking. Which of your's were you working on again at the moment?

William Monette

Hi Maurice, Happy National Screenwriters Day to you as well, and everyone else! I'm currently working on a drama feature about a person living with Alzheimer's, and the unlikely friendship and high jinx that develops.

Maurice Vaughan

Hot tea sounds great, John Snell, especially now that it's chilly. Congratulations on the progress with N-W-G 3 : Rogue Force! I'm rewriting a Horror Action feature script. I'm working on other projects on the side too. Two of them are the biggest ideas I've ever had.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, William Monette. Happy National Screenwriters Day! Your Drama feature sounds interesting! Are you outlining, writing, or rewriting it?

John Snell

Wow, that sounds great Marice Vaughan! Get your scare on and best of luck with your ideas, I hope they're a big hit, my friend!

Maurice Vaughan

NIGHT TRAIN is action-packed and intense, CJ! I really like both movies, but NIGHT TRAIN is my favorite. Excellent job on the scripts!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, John Snell. I hope your projects are big hits too!

Patrick "PK" Koepke

Hi Maurice Vaughan! I wanted to reply to this yesterday but I prefer using my desktop over my phone app since the phone wants to autocorrect my verbiage into oblivion. Anyway, I celebrated by starting my second screenplay! The first one is in the festival circuit (logline available in my profile I think), and this next one will be a spec horror story. I'm aiming for a unique twist (hopefully) that looks at a well worn approach in a new way. Only one scene in, but most of the time was spent on the outline. I'm aiming for 100 pages in length.

What movies did you watch this weekend?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Patrick "PK" Koepke. Congratulations on starting your second script! And congratulations on getting one scene done! Unique twist. Sounds intriguing. Keep me posted on the script.


Patrick "PK" Koepke

Maurice Vaughan Will do and thank you. The first screenplay (The Sword of the Celestial Dragon, 118 pages) took 4 months for the first draft, but I was new to screenwriting and still learning things like formatting. Now I have Fade In Pro, so most of that is taken care of. Which of those films do you recommend?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Patrick "PK" Koepke. I didn't have a screenwriting program when I started screenwriting, and it was a headache. I recommend all of those films, especially NIGHT TRAIN.

Patrick "PK" Koepke

Maurice Vaughan I looked on IMDB and it looks like there are three films called NIGHT TRAIN. 1959, 2009, and 2023. To which film were you referring?

Bill Brock

I’m rearranging my sock drawer. It’s a mess.

Maurice Vaughan
Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan Ah, FINAL DESTINATION 5. The one thing I remember from that film: One of the actors is a dead ringer for TOM CRUISE.

Shocked to discover that his career went nowhere.

Maurice Vaughan

Are you missing any socks, Bill Brock?

Maurice Vaughan

Miles Fisher, Bill Brock? He looks similar to Tom Cruise.

Bill Brock

Submitting my horror script, HORROR-FEST, to 4 additional competitions, bringing the current number to 19 nationwide entries for this script.

Here’s a pretty funny side note: One of the competitions is actually called “HorrorFest International” out in Utah. I’m just entering to see if it’s selected. Can you just imagine the judges?—

JUDGE #1: Oh, come on, Hank?! We gotta pick this one! It’s called, HORROR-FEST, dammit! Just like the name of our competition!!

HANK: Well, yeah. I guess so, since you put it THAT way.

Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan Yeah! That’s the guy!

Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan So far, so good. But, it’s a big drawer. Think two-car garage.

Maurice Vaughan

Miles Fisher has one of the best performances in FINAL DESTINATION 5, Bill Brock. This is one first time seeing him in a movie. I checked his IMDb page, and he was in big projects. His last role was in 2019. Who knows? He might make a comeback.

"Bill Brock's script HORROR-FEST wins HorrorFest International!" :D I don't think they'll pick your script because of the title (I don't know the rules though, so who knows?). I'm sure they'll pick your script based off the writing though.

That's a lotta socks.

CJ Walley

Ha, I watched Final Destination 5 only last week and thought Miles Fisher was Dave Franco LOL! Good actor.

Maurice Vaughan

Miles Fisher and Dave Franco do look similar, CJ Walley. They should get cast as brothers in a movie/show.

Bill Brock

Maurice Vaughan The weird thing is that I chose the my script’s title a year ago and just learned of this festival’s existence last week.

: )

John Snell

Hi Patrick Koepke. I have a question. How many projects does Fade In Pro allow you to have in your account for the price of an individual account?

Zackary Goncz

News to me. I'll take any holiday I can though.

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