Screenwriting : Horror screenplay optioned by Chip Street

Chip Street

Horror screenplay optioned

My horror creature feature screenplay "FAERIES" has been optioned. The producer is now putting together the biz plan, creating some previz, and is developing the concept into a franchise. Wish us luck!

Marcus Hanftaler

That´s amazing! Congratulations! All the best for you feature!

Kim Thai


David L Tamarin

Awesome was this through a connection on this site?

Jason C Killpack


Gretchen Elhassani


Bob Saenz

That's great Chip... Congrats.

Philip Sedgwick

That is awesome, Chip. Here's a wish for luck to line up with your talent.

Justin Demeere


Julian Nabunya

good luck

Chaitanya Kulkarni

Great going.... Wish you all the best and good luck!!

Wayne Taylor

That's great. Your info on Amazon studios was a big help to me. Good luck with your project.

Allison Bruning


Beka I Am

how exciting for you!

Steven Douglas Brown

Way to go! Congrats!

Stacey Chehardy


Chip Street

Thanks, everyone - so much appreciated. If you're interested, here's the page:

Shondra Marie


Laura Koons

That is great news!

Natalie Villa


Chip Street

@ David Tamarin -- no, not through S32. I participate also in groups on LinkedIn. A producer liked a comment of mine, and was compelled to visit my site where they found the Faeries property.

Chip Street

@ Wayne Taylor - glad the Amazon info was valuable. That article's gotten a lot of mileage, thanks to John August, Bleeding Cool, and NoFilmSchool. It's even listed as a reference now in the Wikipedia entry for Amazon Studios! Here's the article for those who are interested...

Shabazz Ray

Much Luck To You! :)

Emily Dean

Goodluck! Please do get in touch if you need any scary music - we have plenty ;)

Arthur Abe

That's huge. Good luck to you! Cheers!

Sabina Giado

Great news! Good luck Chip - keep us posted on your progress!

Joey May

Chip, that's great news! Congrats.

Eliza Agudelo

Congrats! nice way to start the year

Tony Hooper

Good luck. Awesome to read.

Heidi Rena Norrod

Congrats! Break a leg!

Pierre Langenegger

Congrats, Chip. That's terrific news

Joshua Lee Andrew Jones


Darren Wiesner

Way to go! I hope it all pans out.

Michael Dinetz

Chip, will you need a practical effects provider?

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Congrats, best of luck and have fun

Beka I Am

This ain't your mama's Tinker Bell.....funnnnnnnny! And really spectacular quotes! KUDOS!

Allison Bruning

Good luck!

Chip Street

Michael and Emily - re effects and music, I'm not a producer on the film, so that's all up to whomever ends up making it... if I have any sway, we'll certainly look your way. Thanks! :)

Darrin Smith

Ha! Awesome!

Emily Dean

Great thanks ;) - wishing you all the very best with this!

Chip Street

For those following along, the option has been extended as the producer has some promising investment leads but needs more time. They've also gotten more traction pitching it as a franchise, so have requested synopses for a sequel and a prequel to add to the package, as well as creature designs. We've provided all that now, so hopefully the financing will more easily fall in line. They say we should know something by July or so. I never get too excited till the check's been cashed, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

Janet Biery

Congrats - that's awesome.

Shabazz Ray

Good Luck!

Gretchen Elhassani

Yay! Congrats!

Janet Caulfield

Congratulations Chip!

Vonnie Davis

yes, congratulations. Keep us posted!

Erik Niel

Good luck.

Janet Biery

Awesome, good Luck.

Monica Surrena


Michael R King

Good luck! Always rooting for local talent.

Michael B Jackson

Best of luck to you Mr. Street.

Allison Bruning


Tiffy Diamond

Congrats! Good luck!

Tracee Beebe


Eoin O'Sullivan

Nicely done

Chip Street

Thanks again for the support, all... the option is coming to an end pretty soon. Hopefully we'll have good news to share. If not, that just means it's newly available for a production company that has the resources to make it happen! #thinkingpositive

Janet Biery

Wow, wow, wowie! Best luck in getting it all the way.

Nicci Hartland

best of luck to you

Lee Jessup

congratulations! that's awesome!

Jimmy Lee Smith

luck to you

Corinne Bell

Lots of luck

Rocio Anker

Good luck!!!!!!

Audrey Noone

Excellent! Would love to hear how the process unfolds for you. Congratulations!

Janet Caulfield

Terrific News! Best of luck! :)

Janet Biery

Drum roll - wow! Big Congrats and all kinds of the best luck.

Stacey Chehardy

AWESOME! Congrats!

Chip Street

About 8 weeks left on the contract. Lots of positive feedback on the project so far. Keep your fingers crossed -- thanks!

Janet Clarke


Curtis J Lofgren

tell me how it was much for what time period...and was it that gave you the chance??

Chip Street

Naw, I can't really share numbers. If I recall correctly, the producer found the script via InkTip ... I responded to an open call for horror scripts, and they contacted me back. It's a six month option with a one month extension clause. What was it that gave us the chance? I like to think it was writing a good script. :) That, and being flexible working with them ... being open to collaboration and feedback, providing them with supporting docs (synopses, sketches and other assets for the package). If you want to learn more about options, I suggest this blog post I wrote a few years ago. It's been widely referenced on a number of sites, including BlueCat and ScriptTips, I recommend reading all the comments too .... lots to learn.

Janet Biery

Thanks for sharing all the useful information and links.

Jenny Deason Copeland

Congratulations Chip!!!

Curtis J Lofgren

great going!

Justin Demeere


Chip Street

Update on the option... it ran its course, got extended, ran its course, got extended again... ultimately, the producers let it go and now I've got it back. Kind of a frustrating experience overall. It was a rather low end option, but part (most?) of the reason I took it was because the producer promised to share any of the assets they created with us... any budgets, look book, visuals, biz plans, etc. -- which I hoped would be helpful to us putting together any future packages should we get rights back. Unfortunately, when the end of the final option period came, it just sort of passed without any communication from them. I checked in several times, even reiterated that we were expecting our copies of said assets. No answer at all from either contact at the prodco. I get that it's a busy industry but FFS, if you're in business with someone you owe them the courtesy of a goodbye call, at least, much less fulfilling your contractual obligations. Oh well. Live and learn. Back on the market again...

Kirk Johnson

Well that blows, sorry to hear that.

Michael R King

I'm sorry this one didn't work out. Keep plugging away at it though. I think you might be on the right track. His loss.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Chip: Even with options its so hard to get someone ante up the money to make a film. I'm working with a producer who has a short term option for two scripts and maybe a third. He's doing his best to get these screenplays into the people with the means to get a movie funded and made. He's been very good at forwarding all the responses from people like William Morris and other large production companies. but I guess it's the luck of the draw. Keep putting out work and do your best to get it hands of industry folk.

Suzanne Lutas

Sorry about that Chip. Hope more honest producers will option you shortly. Best of luck!

David L Tamarin

Never give up.

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