Success Stories: AUG'31 It's official!

Lisa Clemens

It's official!

My first IMDB credit! I'm very excited!

Philip Sedgwick

Congrats, Lisa! Feels great, doesn't it? Time to celebrate... then back to work!

Lisa Clemens

Exactly...still doing a polish on it!

Albert Barrera

Congrats, Lisa! Wishing you many more!

Lisa Clemens

thanks and....bummer!

Janet Scott

Well done!

Sidney Reed

Exciting, indeed! Congratulations!

Lisa Clemens

Thanks! I've seen pics of the cast and I'm so happy that they match what I had in my mind's eye. More credits will be added to IMDB including my partner, Andy. Apparently it takes a day or two to get them approved!

Pat Savage


Laura Koons

Awesome Lisa!

Lisa Clemens


Gary Gibbons


Ed Vassallo

off the shnide. congrats

Shaira Barton

Congrats! :)

Tyler Ferraro

congrats! I just got my first credit over the summer! Super amazing!

Christine Koehler

Congratulations, Lisa!!! And a nice horror movie!!!

Lisa Clemens

Thanks! So far the script has been well received by those who have read it. The producers told us they had never seen a horror film with such good character development. The script supervisor paid us the compliment that it had a "Stand By Me" feel to it, which is just what we'd hoped for!

Christine Koehler

I can't wait to see it! By the logline, I can picture it!

Lisa Clemens

Thanks! It's PG-13 (or in the words of Timmy from Fairly Odd Parents, "The horror! The pure, unadulterated PG-13 Horror!") so hoping for a wide release! Of course we have to get it filmed first.

Deborah Roberts

Oh that sounds very nice just let me know time date & where bless you x

Lisa Clemens

We have foreign distribution in place, so if you're still in London, I'll let you know when to look for it!

Deborah Roberts

thanks Sweetie so nice of you for the help

Tui Allen

I had no idea what IMDb credit was until I followed your link to find out. Isn't it great how my education is progressing at Stage 32! Congratulations Lisa! I hope it is the first of many more and the film is a big success. It certainly has an intriguing premise.

Pamela Segger


Valerie Michele Oliver

Congratulations, Lisa! May it be the first of MANY. ;-) I have a page up that's linked to a production company, and we have projects in development, advanced development, and raising $$$$ for production. | Just read the IMDb & IMDb Pro pages. Love the logline and the film title.

JT Velikovsky

Grats!! :)

Hannah Raehse-Felstead

Congratulations, hope this is the first of many.

Forrest Rawls

Wow! Congratulations!!!!

Mark Souza


Deborah Roberts

wow Lisa that's GR8 to hear I do so hope it all turns out good for you x x

Jahmilla Jackson


Lisa Clemens


Art Sotelo

Congrats. I just got my credits to. It is awesome.

Janet Clarke


Janet Scott

Congratulations..... Lisa....

Kim Nunley

Heck yes! Congrats Lisa!

Adam Pachter

So cool!

Lisa Clemens

Thanks all!!

Lisa Clemens

Johnny Martin added my version of the plot summary as well. :-)

Deborah Roberts

ohh you lucky lady well done

Dustin Bowcott

Well done. Fabulous news. I should point out though that it is quite easy to list an in-production film on IMDB. I've seen people doing it. Producers, small timers, will list a title before they have a script or budget in place. They'll do some cheap filming, build trailers, make facebook pages, but they're going nowhere. Not saying that is the case here, far from it, I looked into the company and they are legit... at least they've made stuff before: It's a one-man show... guy called Johnny Martin. Pretty impressive resume. My words of warning are more for the newer writers on here. Again, good luck. Don't forget to brag once production is finished and the film is released.

Ed Vassallo

IT must have a trailer or a website. Something to verify. It does not have to play a festival or be released to get listed.

Dustin Bowcott

Jacqueline, I know from experience that not even a trailer nor a website is needed. I was working on a film doing that very thing. They have the concept, a producer, director and several actors all working for free... no script or anything substantial though. They even filmed some footage. That was when I jumped off and took my script with me. I saw they were jokers and didn't want to be associated with them. They're hoping to secure 10k budget, which just goes to show how high they've set their sights. I think that maybe only produced films have difficulty listing. I'm not sure. I can't profess to know how IMDB works myself, despite paying the yearly fee... probably because I've never looked into it before. But I do know there are quite a few films listed as pre-production or even in-production that will probably never see a film being made. There are guys making films just for £1 download hits on iTunes or whatever it is.

Dustin Bowcott

Jacqueline... I imagine though that you would first register yourself at the site as a production company, then after that you'd list titles under that company name. It's up to the Production company to list every individual involved... which is why some people have trouble being listed, particularly if extras or misc. crew. As IMDB would need to get in touch with the production company, then that company would need to get around to listing the individual.

Lisa Clemens

Yes Johnny Martin posted all the info for Case Number 13 including opening a new page for me.

Deborah Roberts

Lucky woman x x

Lisa Clemens

I am indeed lucky. I've been given a series of great opportunities over the last several years that got me to this point. Not to say I was given this on a silver platter. I had to prove myself. I'll explain (Hang on it's a LOOOOONG story!) I started out as a writer for a Hong Kong movie fan magazine. My first interview was with Andy Cheng, who was a member of Jackie Chan's stunt team and had doubled for him. We stayed in touch and became friends. Four or five years later, Andy wanted a woman's POV on a screenplay he was writing (it's one he hopes to produce himself someday) so to see if I was up to it, he gave me the opportunity to see what I could do with it. He liked the results so much he made me his writing partner and mentored me where he thought I needed improvement. A few years later, Johnny Martin mentions to him that he needs a writer and Andy suggests he and I work on it together. Johnny needed convincing, of course. I impressed him so much that he told me no one else had taken a story he had and nailed it, given him what he wanted and more, like I did. He even suggested me to another producer, and once he read a sample of a script I had written, he hired me for "Blue Hole" which last I heard was still seeking funding (I have no idea if or when it will be made, but it gave me a paycheck!) Johnny Martin has talked to me about writing solo for him and I would love to. I also plan on partnering with Andy again, as we have scripts in various stages together. His main problem in getting producers to want to use me, was my lack of credits. Andy always got the question, "But what has she done?" So hopefully if the film does well and if word from Johnny and others gets the word out and I prove that I am easy to work with (I am a writer who firmly believes that I am writing for someone else in a collaborative business and I will make any changes needed as quickly as possible plus I answer all calls,e-mails texts as immediately as possible! ) then hopefully I will continue on in my career and more great opportunities will come my way!

Deborah Roberts

is this because you are a Screenwriting & nothing else

Lisa Clemens

I think it could be, yes. I am not interested in acting or directing etc. I love writing, I love movies and I have always been fascinated with how they are made, so this gives me a career that combines all my interests! And I get to work with someone I used to be a fan of! (I first noticed Andy in the "making of " feature on Rush Hour and I was taken with how well he worked with Jackie and the choreography they came up with. I decided to keep track of his career, and so I was thrilled that my first interview was with him. Again, VERY lucky!

Deborah Roberts

well you must have a very good brain to do the I'm good at making story's but no where near you x

Mark Souza

You're on the right track, Lisa, and with that attitude I'm sure you're going to get there.

Lisa Clemens

Just found out that filming is about to start soon. I'll be heading out to Oakland for a set visit in mid October!

Deborah Roberts

OMG well done Lisa I wish I could rub you shoulder for good Luck as I need it x x

Pat Savage

All good with you :)

Janet Clarke

Congratulations, Lisa!

Lisa Clemens


Janet Caulfield

Many Congratulations Lisa!

Lisa Clemens

More cast/crew is listed now...

Christine Koehler

Lisa, this is so awsome!!! I'm rooting for you!!!

Lisa Clemens

Thanks! I can't wait to see the script come to life.

Ed Vassallo

It's an important moment. Congrats.

Armando David Rodriguez

congrats !!!!!!! you give me motivation girly.

Nishith Takia

Congatulstions... so happy for YOU :)

Lisa Clemens

Thanks so much! I am heading to California for a few days to watch a little filming. Can't wait!

Janet Caulfield

Way to go Lisa! Many Congrats!

Monique Mata

High five, Lisa! Congratulations!

David George Sears

Way to go! Congrats!

David Taylor

Many congratulations Lisa.

Pat Savage


Lisa Clemens

Thanks! Now that production has wrapped, I'm getting nervous, waiting for post production to finish and wondering how it will turn out, wondering what critics will think (I DO want to work again and somehow regardless of the fact that a film is a collaborative effort involving actors, director, editors, FX, etc etc, critics love to say a film is badly written without ever seeing the script!) waiting and hoping...

Lisa Clemens

Yes and even more of a thrill when I was on set, watching my words come to life! Thanks again.

Phil Clarke

That's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Congrats, Lisa.

Donna - Marie

Well done Lisa!

Richard Welch

Good going, Lisa. I hope that I'll be able to join you on IMDB soon.

Lisa Clemens

I hope so too!

Tiffy Diamond


Donna - Marie

Well done Lisa. It looks interesting.

Randy Brown

Awesome! I hope you fill your imdb page with many more successes. Cheers!

Janet Clarke


Phil Keys

...And from me!

Solveig Warren

Well done, congratulations on your FIRST!!!

Ron Barenburg

WOO HOO! Congrats Lisa. Many more to come

Mike Mathis


Lisa Clemens


Bill Joyce

Congratulations - YOUR NAME UP IN LIGHTS!

Lisa Clemens

Ha! There is a small theater near me that still has an old fashioned marquis. I am hoping the film plays there because I think it would be very cool to see it up there!

Denise Cruz-Castino

So exciting! Congrats Lisa!

Nicholas Chase

Congratulations! I am sure you have sacrificed much to achieve this wonderful goal! Respectfully, Nicholas Chase - producer / director / writer

Dita-Marina Obert

Congrats! The first of many to follow

Leslie Crawford

That's wonderful! Congrats!!!

Ahmed Hassouna


Dita-Marina Obert

Belated congratulations!

Lisa Clemens

Julian, Case 13 was the working title of Delirium and the title it went under when first shown at film festivals. That version was a found footage. I rewrote parts and added to the script when Johnny Martin decided to make it multi camera, go back for reshoots and change the title.

Taurai Du Plessis

That is amazing and kudos to you -- YEEHAW

Alkyoni Valsari


Kinney Scott

i know that feeling !! great keep up the good work

James Welday


J R O'Hara


J R O'Hara


Greg Lyon

Yes, the first of many.

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