Annette Brown's Lounge Discussions

Change of direction

This writing thing is a tumultuous and unstable business. I had four novels published traditionally and was working on my fifth. Out of the blue, my publisher informed me she was going out of business as of 30 September. My novels have been "unpublished" and have reverted back to me. I thought I had...

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Annette Brown

John, I started out with hybrid publishing, and am now self-publishing, which I found was best, as I was doing almost all the work myself anyway. Draft2Digital is the easiest for converting your pdf i...

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Jeff Guenther

John: It's true that more people make money off writers than off writing. But I"m 85, and I do all my editing for novella-size works, and under. I farm out the heavy lifting for novels to an editor at...

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Vincent Turner

Is the goal for you novelist to make a movie from your books? It seems like covers seem to be an issue. I could do both; make your movie & provide you with a book cover independently done. I don't turn them into screenplays unless you have the patience for that.

John Roane

Thanks everyone for the advice and valuable information. At the moment I am in a funk suffering from PPCS (Post Publisher Collapse Syndrome). I realize I have a lot of work to do. I have decided to go...

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Pamela Jaye Smith

Hi there, John. Wishing you much success with all your works. Please do keep us posted.

Ingrid Goldberg
My Precious Son Died Yesterday

My sweet light of my life died yesterday age 23 from covid19 related complications. Please honor him by watching his audition video on my profile. Love and Strength to All

Sherry L. Peterson

Ingrid, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

Selma Karayalcin

I'm so sorry for your loss. May your son rest in peace.

Tiffany Hilliard


Sandikazi Scwebu

My deepest condolences Ingrid.

Ingrid Goldberg

I just wanted to thank all of you who watched my beautiful Shayne. It makes my heart skip a beat that he was seen and listened to at least for a few moments in time. It is as if he lives again for that moment of time. Thank you. Love and Strength to All.

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