Tim Jorgensen: Photographer (still) in West Valley City, Utah.

Shiona Penrake
OK here goes...

I joined Stage 32 around 2-3 months ago but didn't have the time to get onto it. So now, I'm getting started. I'm an 18-year-old director/writer/editor. I just finished my education so I know it's time for me to face the big world and get into the film network. Currently I'm working for my dad, Nic...

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Shiona Penrake

One way to get some sponsorship is making a crowd-funding video on Indiegogo or Kickstarter. I made a crowd-funding video for 'The Paintbrush' after it was made but you can make one in pre-production....

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Jordan Heron

Packing that much poignancy into two minutes is awesome. I really enjoyed that. Thanks...

James David Sullivan

"Come to my Window...."

Looking for help...anybody that would like to start from the ground up with fundraising to production...let me know...would like to see this come to a reality. Thomas Paine was always a friendly, good natured young man with good morels, integrity that is beyond his age and everybody that knows him could trust in him. Seven days after a weekend camping trip with his family and friend in the southern parts of Utah, strange happenings take place among the community that begin to create a feeling of nervousness that gets the local authorities involved until they were over the heads and had to bring in the FBI..

Tim Jorgensen

BRENNA RHEA behind scenes

This video was edited by me with the given scene shots of my daughter's third music video that was being filmed at the time

Tim Jorgensen


This video is about Navajo Kids making a difference

Tim Jorgensen

I want to make a movie

This video is about I want to make a movie

Tim Jorgensen

PSA...DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE Revised new music w/graphics

This video is about TEXTING WHILE DRIVING

Tim Jorgensen


This video is about Being bored at Volkswagen Southtown

Tim Jorgensen


This video is about Natural sounds and cello scene

Tim Jorgensen

Windmills of the Land

This video is about Video SnapShot Series

Tim Jorgensen

The Benson Gristmill

This video is about The Benson Gristmill snapshot of the past demo reel

Tim Jorgensen

The Shetyw projection title

This video is about Spotlighting on Brian Castleton, and our The Shetyw film

Tim Jorgensen

The Shetyw

This video is about The Shetyw, a mystery/thriller film

Tim Jorgensen

Vibrant Landscapes w/border addition

This video is beautiful landscapes

Tim Jorgensen

TTP 3d Logo

This video is about Official Logo for TimeTraveler Production

Tim Jorgensen

Mosaic master craftsman paul heath at Pioneer Craft House

Paul Heath is a master craftsman in the mosaic field. He is the next one to be highlighted for the contiunation of Pioneer Craft House project Mosaic is one ...

Tim Jorgensen

fear factory

Fear Factory is the newest hunted in Salt Lake City. Keith and Rob, the owners, and their crew are great people. They allowed me to go in and filmed the area...

Tim Jorgensen

Brenna Rhea's billboard video attraction

This video is about just because

My new logo for TimeTraveler Production

One of the shots for the Davisson's Calendar 2015

Photo of Benson Gristmill

Tim's network

Fred Plimley
Beezhan Tulu
Dan Jablons
Alan Oviatt
Cedric Lyons
Tim Beck
Steve Desmond
Julie Zhou
Wendy Jo Bradshaw
K.D. Stout
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