Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University is a college located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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At least 70 Stage 32 members have attended Carnegie Mellon University:
Donovan Mitchell

Donovan Mitchell

Actor from New York City, New York
Talia Shea Levin

Talia Shea Levin

Director, Producer and Production Coordinator from Los Angeles, California
Megan Robinson

Megan Robinson

Actor and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Sherry Chow

Sherry Chow

Screenwriter, Musician and Editor from Los Angeles, California
Emmanuel Eytan

Emmanuel Eytan

From Paris, France
Andrea Lepcio

Andrea Lepcio

Playwright from Bar Harbor, Maine
Hank Jacobs

Hank Jacobs

Actor, Director and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Matthew Lesher

Matthew Lesher

Manager and Producer from Los Angeles, California
David Berlin

David Berlin

Music Composer and Songwriter from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Barbara Blomquist

Barbara Blomquist

Screenwriter and Actor from Naperville, Illinois
Paloma Sierra

Paloma Sierra

Playwright, Screenwriter and Translator from San Juan, Puerto Rico
Heather L McQuaid

Heather L McQuaid

Author and Screenwriter from London, England
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