Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University is a college located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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At least 70 Stage 32 members have attended Carnegie Mellon University:
John Peck

John Peck

Script Consultant, Development Coordinator and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Rafael Abreu-Canedo

Rafael Abreu-Canedo

Director of Photography, Steadicam Operator and Colorist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Marque Franklin-Williams

Marque Franklin-Williams

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
William Turbett

William Turbett

Voice Artist from Dearborn, Michigan
Lou Borenstein

Lou Borenstein

Comedian, Screenwriter and Script Consultant from Los Angeles, California
Alan Champion

Alan Champion

Content Creator from New York City, New York
D Renard Young

D Renard Young

Producer and Director from Los Angeles, California
Steven K Sanford

Steven K Sanford

Music Composer from Winchester, Virginia
Sachel Sengupta

Sachel Sengupta

Actor and Voice Actor from Los Angeles, California
Irene M. Suver

Irene M. Suver

Screenwriter from Seattle, Washington
Robin Thomas

Robin Thomas

Actor from Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles County, California
Gwyn Gilliss

Gwyn Gilliss

Screenwriter, Actor and Marketing/PR from Los Angeles, California
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