Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University is a college located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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At least 70 Stage 32 members have attended Carnegie Mellon University:
Daisy Hobbs

Daisy Hobbs

Actor from New York City, New York
Jonny Paterson A

Jonny Paterson A

Producer from Los Angeles, California
Kyle Leve

Kyle Leve

Sound Designer, Music Composer and Sound Editor from Dunellen, New Jersey
Brandy N. Carie

Brandy N. Carie

Screenwriter and Playwright from Los Angeles, California
Dennis Manuel

Dennis Manuel

Screenwriter, Actor and Author from Los Angeles, California
Dacia Young

Dacia Young

Screenwriter from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Seanan Palmero

Seanan Palmero

Screenwriter and Playwright from San Francisco, California
Dean Poynor

Dean Poynor

Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Amanda Charlton

Amanda Charlton

Director and Screenwriter
Gracyn Blu Louis

Gracyn Blu Louis

Actor, Composer and Voice Actor from New York City, New York
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