Syracuse University

Syracuse University

Syracuse University

Syracuse University is a college located in Syracuse, New York.

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At least 146 Stage 32 members have attended Syracuse University:
Bryan Stumpf

Bryan Stumpf

Author, Crew and Director from Syracuse, New York
Ted Lekas

Ted Lekas

Production Coordinator from Los Angeles, California
Samantha Sloan

Samantha Sloan

Filmmaker, Marketing/PR and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Steven Becker

Steven Becker

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Susan B. Ades

Susan B. Ades

Editor, Filmmaker and Producer from New York City, New York
Steve Rubin

Steve Rubin

Producer from Atlanta, Georgia
John Follis

John Follis

Marketing/PR, Animator and Creative Executive from Stamford, Connecticut
Andy Wasif

Andy Wasif

Actor, Author and Comedian from Los Angeles, California
Connie Travisano Colon

Connie Travisano Colon

Author from Apollo Beach, Florida
Toby Marks

Toby Marks

Actor, Dancer and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Ian Feiner

Ian Feiner

Author, Cinematographer and Director from Los Angeles, California
Mark Cerulli

Mark Cerulli

Producer, Producer of Marketing & Distribution and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
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