Anything Goes

A free and open forum. The place to discuss anything on your mind film, television and theater related…or not.

Kevin Hager
I see Potential

I see potential in many things, and how content can go. Like with Disney, I have ideas that could take things to the next level. Like how American Dragon: Jake Long and the High School Musical franchise could help influence kids away from gangs, drugs, and ADJL getting spin-offs; and that some of th...

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Cassie Hicks

No, sorry.:( I'm just looking for a local someone who does.:)

Arthur Charpentier

your goal is too ambitious. We need to move from small to big, from simple to complex. I'm not saying that you can't succeed. However, your approach can lead to depression and frustration. People need...

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Cassie Hicks

Say, Arthur, are you posting this to Kevin, or me? B/c I'm so confused. Anyway, Merry Christmas.

Arthur Charpentier

Cassie Hicks

I wrote to the author of the topic. If I were writing to you, I would have included your name in the message.

Cassie Hicks

Thank you, Arthur, for clearing that up.☺

Paul Molnar
Wishing you all the best!

Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season, no matter which celebration you observe. May 2025 bring you abundant love, thrilling adventures, and great success!

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Holidays, Paul Molnar! I hope 2025 brings you the same!

Sandra Isabel Correia
Happy holidays Stage 32 / My Christmas 2024 movie

Happy Holidays beautiful community:))

I hope you are having a good time with your family or if you are alone, know that you aren’t alone, we are here!

Tonight, I am watching “Red One” and I am delighted to see it. It’s a good surprise and worlds building are very interesting. If you like action genre...

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Maurice Vaughan

Happy Holidays, Sandra Isabel Correia! I liked Red One. It's fun. I'm rewatching Batman Returns right now.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Wow, you saw it Maurice Vaughan :)) It’s funny and I like the fantasy also :)) Batman Returns is one of my Batman favorites and I love the Catwoman :)) Enjoy it my good friend and keep the holidays go...

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Amanda Toney
Holiday Support Thread - You're Not Alone.

Hi Stage 32 family. I know the holidays can be a very joyous time for people, but it can also be a very lonely and isolating time for many. I wanted to start a lounge thread for those of you who may not have the support you need during the holiday time. I want you to know that you are seen and you a...

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Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey beautiful Stage 32 family, I want to let you know that if you are alone, if you are sad, of if there is some clouds above your head, we are here to support you! You can share with us anything you...

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Sydney S

Love this so much AT!

Stan Evans

Just the thought is a rare kindness

Amanda Toney

Merry Christmas to everyone. Even if you’re not feeling like posting here, just know you are seen and not alone today!

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Amanda Toney! Merry Christmas, everyone!

Kevin Hager
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all. I once found help for Music and Magic. But they backed out. Does anyone know a way to pitch Music and Magic to Disney, and help make my dreams come true?

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Kevin Hager!

Kevin Hager

Thank you, with the new Year approaching I just want to see my dreams come true.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kevin Hager. Hope your dreams come true.

Ravi Sadana
A difficult project

Sorry for the delay. I have a female-driven script, based on my book The Three Verbs of Being. Not many understand the rarity and gravity of the true-to-life story I personally witnessed during the prewar days of Raj at Shimla the simmer capital of Imperial India. !933-1944 period. All my writings a...

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Jon Shallit

Amazing story! He is 96 and sharp as a 20 year old! The power of mindfulness!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Ravi Sadana. Your script sounds interesting. You could post it on your profile. Producers search profiles on here for projects. Click the gear symbol in the top right-hand corner and select “Edit...

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Kevin Hager
Home Alone

How does this sound: A game show based on Home Alone. Were contests doge obstacles to protect valuables from the burglars and setting traps for them and avoiding the burglars and their own traps.

Florin Şumălan
Artificial Intelligence Deepfake Videos

I was searching for interviews with Russell Crowe about "Gladiator 2". I found one and I listened to it, thinking that I listened to the real Russell Crowe.

I posted the video in a Stage 32 discussion about "Gladiator 2" and not long after that I looked again on that YouTube channel and I saw that th...

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Maurice Vaughan

I definitely think deepfake videos should be prohibited, Florin Şumălan. I remember someone made a deepfake video of Tom Hanks, and Tom made a video warning people about it. If someone makes a dangero...

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Kevin Hager
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of you, I hope one of you will find a way to help me break into entertainment media. I also want to use the money to help my family.

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Kevin Hager! Here are some blogs about networking that could help you connect with industry professionals and find success:

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Kevin Hager

Thanks, but is there a way to start a blog?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kevin Hager. Yeah. Email Ashley at

Carmen Smith
Short film creators group

Is anyone in the San Diego area interested?

Carmen Smith

I just moved here and would like to connect with like-minded others who are serious about getting together to create short drama, horror, and thriller films (no-budget) to further our careers.

Suzanne Bronson

Hi Carmen. A great way to meet fellow creatives in your area is to start a monthly in person Stage 32 meet up. I suggest looking at the meetups tab for ideas. you'll see there's other ones happening....

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Amanda Toney

I agree with Suzanne. Also, get in touch with Ashley, our head of Community and she will help send out a notice to fellow San Diego Stage 32ers about the meetup: Send her an email at

Kevin Hager
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone, since it only a few days away. Right now, I still want to work in entertainment media. I have ideas but also would like to make contributions to areas like Disney, the Simpsons, and others. Once Upon a Tim in Disney, and Music and Magic are gifts and contributions to Disney.

Is there anyone who would like to help me?

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Kevin Hager!

Rutger Oosterhoff

Merry Christmas Kevin!

Geoff Hall
Copyright and Artificial Intelligence

For our UK members, here's news of a Government consultation on copyright and artificial intelligence.

This section caught my eye:

boosting trust and transparency between sectors, by e...

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Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
This consultation seeks views on how the government can ensure the UK's legal framework for AI and copyright supports the UK creative industries and AI sector together.
Maurice Vaughan

I agree with you, Geoff Hall. The right way of looking at this should be predicated on whether or not the developers have any rights whatsoever, to use someone else's copyrighted material. The develop...

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Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan sadly the UK government seems to accept the developer's use of copyrighted material at prima facie value. For me, it’s like they don’t want to get in the way of what they consider to b...

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