Introduce Yourself : Animator and Storyteller by Tyrone Harge

Tyrone Harge

Animator and Storyteller

Hello everyone. My name is Tyrone but everyone calls me Ty. I am a writer, animator, motion designer, and graphic artist based out of Brooklyn, NY by way of Michigan. I am a lifelong gamer and big-time nerd on all things entertainment and media. I am currently writing, producing, and animating along with 2 partners of mine a fully 3D animated series called Epic Flour Sack. I am looking to expand my network and hopefully find some like-minded colleagues and possibly new friends.

Sydney Summers

Hi, Tyrone! Welcome to the community.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Tyrone Harge - welcome to Stage 32! You've come to the perfect spot for networking! You should check out the Animation Lounge >>

You'll find a lot of great conversations and fellow animators to meet! Exciting to hear about your animation series. Is it geared more towards adults or kids?

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Tyrone! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Tyrone Harge. I have family in Brooklyn, and I wrote a script that takes place in Michigan (Ann Arbor). Is a motion designer someone who makes Stop-motion Animation?

Tyrone Harge

Maurice Vaughan Hi Maurice. I used to live in Ann Arbor. and No not particularly. I have some stop-motion experience but mainly I work in 3D programs like Cinema 4D and Autodesk Maya

Tyrone Harge

Shellie Schmals Thank you so much for that and I will totally reach out. My animation is more catered to the teen/young adult demo but can be seen by everyone.

Terry Mitchell

Welcome! Glad to meet you. What genres are you currently working in?

Maurice Vaughan

That's cool that you used to live in Ann Arbor, Tyrone Harge. I did a lot of research for the Ann Arbor story. It's a beautiful city.

Oh ok. That's what a motion designer is. Did you like doing stop-motion? Stop-motion is my favorite Animation. I like watching the behind-the-scenes videos and seeing how they make the movies.

John Jackson

Hello TY, I am from Kalamazoo, Michigan..... Would loeve to keep in touch.

Sam Sokolow

Great to meet you here, Tyrone from a native New Yorker!

Dathane Turner

Wonderful to meet you.

Osaze Adeyi

Hello Tyrone and welcome

Allen Lynch

Welcome Tyrone! I'd like to hear more about your series. I'm scoring two animated series currently. I used to live in A2 also.

Sam Mannetti

Great to meet you Tyrone! Would love to know more about your writing. Would you take 2 minutes to fill out this survey for me? Cheers!

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