Introduce Yourself : Looking to connect with US based Producers, Managers & Fellow Screenwriters by Jim Lounsbury

Jim Lounsbury

Looking to connect with US based Producers, Managers & Fellow Screenwriters

Hi, I'm a writer and director from Seattle, currently working in Sydney, Australia.

My debut Indie feature 'Love is Now' was acquired by Universal Pictures for international distribution, and I have written another 6 features, 2 of which I was commissioned to write, including one about renowned Chinese painter Xu Beihong (who I like to call the Forrest Gump of China). Also have 2 television shows in development, one a historical spy thriller and the other a contemporary western.

Currently working 'Wild Rivers' a story set in Tasmania about the greatest environmental stand in Australia's history, through the perspective of Peter Dombrovskis, a photographer who took the photo that singlehandedly overturned an election and saved the Franklin River from being destroyed.

Looking forward to connecting.

Best, Jim

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Jim Lounsbury. Congratulations on 'Love is Now' being acquired by Universal Pictures for international distribution, being commissioned to write 2 scripts, and having 2 television shows in development!

You could connect with US based producers, managers, and screenwriters in the Browse Members section (

You could also pitch to managers through Stage 32's Pitch Sessions ( The Pitch Sessions are primarily to get feedback on your pitch, but some writers have been signed by managers (

Jim Lounsbury

Thanks Maurice Vaughan - appreciate you pointing me in the right direction here.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jim Lounsbury.

Jane Tumminello

Really great trailer Jim Lounsbury .

Simon Hartwell

Very impressive. Many congratulations.

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Fantastic trailer Jim Lounsbury where can I watch the movie at the moment?

Jim Lounsbury

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy The film is available on Amazon Prime, Apple TV and on YouTube for rent I believe. If you send me an email - jim@cubicfilms (dot) com - I'll send you a secure link, if you're interested.

Erik Meyers


Jimmy Nsubuga

Hi Jim, the trailer looks great. It would be good to connect sometime and discuss any projects you have in development that need funding. I represent a US group that is looking for projects to invest in

Michael Wormald

Well done

Sam Sokolow

Hi Jim Lounsbury - it's great to meet you here in the community! The LOVE IS NOW trailer looks terrific - awesome that Universal picked it up. Bravo!

I recommend emailing the Stage 32 Success Team at They can help guide you to the best resources and connections here to help elevate your projects. Wishing you huge success with all you're working on.

Can you share what your historical spy thriller is about or is that under wraps?

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Thanks Jim Lounsbury Just sent you an email :)

Ikenna Anowuru

Nice one, man. Cheers. Hope we work sometime.

Jim Fidler

Hi Jim, good to meet you!

Mark Deuce

Hello Jim Lounsbury and it is great to meet you and please check out the Writers´ Room here on Stage 32.

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