Introduce Yourself : Writer by David Pirinelli

David Pirinelli


Hi! Just made Semi-Finalist at Inroads yesterday with my pilot “Hell Off Earth”, a darker Expanse style show.

Trying to push my newer project “Impossible Recoveries” which is based on real life group “Adventures with Purpose”. They gone from internet goofballs to solving 22 cold cases in 3 years time.

Bill Taylor

Adventures with Purpose sounds like a great concept for a True Crime Doc series or Podcast. Are you affiliated with the group?

David Pirinelli

No, my idea is to dramatize the “how they got in the water” part. So some will be ripped from headlines but not all.

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on being a semifinalist, David. Great to meet you.

David Pirinelli

Thanks Maurice ! Best wishes

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, David. Thanks.

Bill Taylor

David, I would encourage you to establish a relationship with the group and get rights to their story before getting too far down the road writing anything about them. Good luck with this project- sounds exciting and would attract a large audience.

David Pirinelli

Pilot and Pitch Deck completed already. But written about a very different group, more diverse.

Good writing sample if nothing else.

Happiness Mpase

Congratulations on being a semi-finalist.!

David Pirinelli

Thanks ! And best wishes on all your endeavors as well!

MB Stevens

Congratulations David Pirinelli Enjoy every single accomplishment along the way. Onward and upward.

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