Introduce Yourself

Whether you're new to the site or have been a long standing member of the community, step forward and introduce yourself. And please welcome and support all that do post.

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Ashley Rebecca
Hello Everyone!

Hi! My name is Ashley. I am new to Stage 32. I am an author who is now moving into screenwriting. I am still finding my way around this site, but I am excited to be here and connect with you all. A few projects have been posted on my profile, and I hope to connect with you soon.

Cyrus Sales

Welcome to stage 32, I'm fairly new here as well but have started to make some new connections. Wishing you best of luck in your new journey!

Alana Cole

Hey Ashley, I’m Alana and just joined as well. I’m an actor and looking to gather more writing technique and develop ideas. love to connect.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Ashley - it's awesome to meet you here in the community. What type of screenplays are you interested in writing?

Ashley Rebecca

Hi Sam Sokolow I recently just finished my first action/thriller (feature) but I have a few family/comedy (pilots) as well. I look forward to connecting soon!...

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Pamela Jaye Smith

Good fortune to you, Ashley. Stage 32 has a lot of valuable resources for content creators so no doubt you'll find some very helpful information.

Nande Orcel
Hi everyone!

Hello, my name is Nande! I am the author of The Omordion Trilogy and, a few years ago, I decided to take on the challenge of adapting my books into a screenplay fit for TV -- starting with The Secrets of Omordion. I'm new to this site but so happy I found it. I'm looking forward to sharing my work and connecting with all of you.

E Langley

Welcome, Girlfriend.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Nande Orcel.

Everett Crona

Welcome :)

Pamela Jaye Smith

Glad to have you with us, Nande. Wishing you all good fortune with your Trilogy. Stage 32 is a great place to find connections to the marketplace of producers, studios, streamers, and such.

CJ Johnson
Thunder Cats Live Action Movie Concept

I recently graduated from AI Film School and was able to create a cool visual for one of my favorite cartoons I watched as a kid. Enjoy.

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Action adventure script ready to take to the skies

Hello my name is Dartanyan Adkins with a High-Flying script that will put you in the cockpit with an Old

Airforce Veteren Pilot that uses America's greatest Bombers ever built to rescue his love one


A former US veteran air force pilot embarks on a dangerous mission using an old museum decom...

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Dartanyan Adkins




Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Dartanyan Adkins and E Langley. You didn't ask for feedback/advice/etc., Dartanyan, and I understand that, but E was trying to help. Let's keep it positive and professional. And please don't name-...

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Dartanyan Adkins

Apparently, this woman has some control issues. If one tells you he or she don't want your feedback, then leave it alone and go about your business. But if you read her replies, she apparently couldn'...

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E Langley

Chill, Dude.

There's nothing in the posts stating don't offer feedback.

Why? Because I know the difference between rouse and ruse.

You're welcome.

Claude Gagne

I want to be the tail gunner.

Maurice Vaughan
Whatcha Watching?

Hey, everyone! My name’s Maurice. I’m a screenwriter, ghostwriter, commercial writer, and pitch deck designer. I’m also a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I mainly write micro-budget short scripts and low-budget feature scripts.

What movies, shows, etc. is everyone watching? I'm on season eight of The Offi...

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Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Billy Kwack. I'm gonna see it this weekend.

Mike Childress

Maurice Vaughan Interestingly enough, recently, a couple of members of my Fellowship of the Nerds and I got into a semantics debate on what constitutes "Anime" (really just the Japanese word for "anim...

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Maurice Vaughan

Oh, cool, Mike Childress. I didn't know there were different characteristics for Anime. I thought Anime was any show or movie that has the Anime style.

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, cool

Mike Childress

Maurice Vaughan Then there are different styles of Anime which aim to target different demographics!

Jeff Morris
Introducing LASCOUT Location Scouting Service

Introducing LASCOUT a Professional Location Scouting Service specializing in Location Scouting & Management in California. I was honored with Location Professional of the Year in California 3 Times for Feature Fillms, Commercials and Still Photography. I have been a professional photographer and Loc...

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Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Jeff Morris. Here's a great blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32:

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Lorenzo Fleming
Introducing Yourself Weekend August 2024

Hello Stage 32 folks and my name is Lorenzo “Big Flem“ Fleming, and I am a 34+ years unpublished screenwriter, nonfiction and fiction writer, voiceover artist, narrator, military technical advisor, and creator/host of Big Flem Radio and TV podcast channel ( from Southern Calif...

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Sam Rivera

Thanks for sharing Lorenzo Fleming, happy to hear you've been with us since 2015, what is your favorite service with us?

Pat Alexander

Hey Lorenzo Fleming, great to hear from you and learn a little bit about your journey! Keep grinding my friend!

Lorenzo Fleming

Hello Pat and thanks the encouraging words. I’m still out here grinding and making some waves. No (some) rest for the weary and take care! Lorenzo

Lorenzo Fleming

Hello Sam and so far, it’s the pitching sessions. I’m planning on listening and participating in some webinars as well as speaking with producers to review my writing projects. Take care. Lorenzo

Morne Patterson

Hi Lorenzo, it's great to connect with someone as passionate and versatile as you! Thank you for bringing such positive energy to the table.

Thorn Dagron
Still at it

Hello Everyone! I am still at it. I am a screenwriter who writes one script at least once a week (One pager stories) and continuously improving my skills and understanding of the craft of screenwriting. Working on several features spec scripts. I have written, horror, comedy, sci fi, fantasy, animat...

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Maurice Vaughan

Great to see you again, Thorn Dagron. I like the idea of writing a one-page script. I'm gonna try it. Maybe a few a week. Thanks for the idea.

Mike Childress

Thorn Dagron Have you seen..."The Accountant"?... I jest, but have you based any of your stuff thus far on accounting or an accountant protagonist?

Thorn Dagron

Yes, I have seen the accountant. No worries. I can take a jest or two. I liked that movie..

Carolyn Gray
Advice with Stage 32 script request issue

Hi everyone. I was excited to join Stage 32 and got a script request almost right away. I waited with excitement for the response. It finally came--only it was the response for someone else's script. I wrote to customer service right away, but after a couple lukewarm notes telling me they were on it...

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Matthew Parvin

Welcome Carolyn! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Michael Elliott

I think I'll pile on....The week of August 18, I was travelling a lot. Drove (from my home in Maryland) to the Hudson Valley in NY to pick up my granddaughter from summer camp. Drove to Newark Interna...

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Carolyn Gray

How frustrating, Michael. It's bewildering why they don't invest resources in their customer service.

Michael Elliott

I think it's the result of their explosive growth. It's difficult to quickly staff up, especially in a field as specialized as the movie/TV/entertainment business. My overriding question is: who decid...

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Francisco Castro

You're right, Michael Elliott, about Stage32's "explosive growth" and the ethical breach.

Jeari Czapla
I'm new here,

Well, here goes nothing. 

I've completed my script 'Author Unknown' and now I'm looking to engage with other scriptwriters. I have composed and produced 10 tracks of music on my album, 'Live In Your Head', for my script. My script is 94 pages long, Inspired by true events, and follows the history of...

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Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Jeari Czapla. Congratulations on finishing your script!

The Screenwriting Lounge is a great place to engage with other scriptwriters, talk about screenwriting topics, share co...

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Matthew Parvin

Welcome Jeari! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Hollywood Storytellers
Hollywood Storytellers Film Festival and Script Competition

Thanks for having us, STAGE 32! As we continue to cultivate our community of diverse voices, we'd love to get better acquainted with yours!

Official Selections will screen at the iconic TCL Chinese Theatres on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, with awards and grand prize packages to follow.

On behal...

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Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to Stage 32, Hollywood Storytellers. Glad to have you all in the community!

Hollywood Storytellers

Thanks, Maurice! It's a pleasure. Congrats on all of your accomplishments in storytelling!!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Hollywood Storytellers. Thanks! Here's a great blog about navigating Stage 32:

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Hi, Everyone!

Hope everyone's doing well! I'm Isadora Bittencourt and I am currently developing my first sitcom.

First and foremost I love laughing and making people laugh. Getting to know their stories and what makes them wake up in the morning. What moves me is my passion for people. Felt naturally drawn for Com...

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Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Isadora Bittencourt. That's exciting that you're developing your first sitcom! I love watching sitcoms.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Isadora! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Sydney Summers

Welcome, Isadora! Your passion for comedy and connection is truly inspiring! Excited to have you here and looking forward to seeing your sitcom come to life. If you need any education recommendations,...

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Mariana Carvalho

Welcome, I'm very happy to meet another Brazilian screenwriter here

Hamed Taghiloyi

welcome We are also happy to have you by our side

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