Authoring & Playwriting

For all the authors and playwrights in our community, a place to discuss, share content and post tips and advice.

Liked by Amanda Toney and 7 others

As Creatives - How Should We Respond to AI?

I wrote this in response to another post - but I think it's an important enough topic to warrant its own post, so I am repeating it here: This post really stirs the pot - doesn't it? Most of us are on one side of the fence or the other regarding AI. Even though I am also an engineer - I am firmly ag...

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Nancy Golden

Bill McCormick I tried to open your pdf, but it wouldn't load. I was using MS Edge - it may be a browser issue. I did enjoy checking out your webpage - congrats on your many accomplishments! I wound u...

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Bill McCormick

Yeah, Nancy Golden, Edge isn't really the best thing going. Try Chrome or Firefox. I'm glad you enjoyed the site and congrats on your Kirkus review as well. This was my second and it still gives me th...

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Staton Rabin

Nancy Golden Yes, you're right that the Authors Guild has been heavily involved in challenging AI companies' use of authors' copyrighted works to "train" their generators.

Terrence Sellers

I've worked in tech, specifically hardware marketing and sales, for nearly a decade. I am disgusted by how flagrantly my industry is willing to cast the creatives they've leveraged over the years for...

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Matthew Kelcourse

Amen Terrence Sellers - follow the breadcrumbs. AI has been created and released into the world by the elite for two reasons: money & power. We'll see how it all ends up.

Liked by Amanda Toney and 9 others

Lynelle Paulick
Using ChatGPT for screenplay feedback??

May I get an opinion on using this AI platform as a first-review feedback mechanism? I'm hearing both "really good idea" and "reallllllly bad idea"!

Gregory Barone

John Roane So your class is more about how to write better or is it more in terms of spelling and grammar? If it's on writing, you could talk about stories, ask what they think of the main characters,...

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Lynelle Paulick

Hmmmm. Gregory, I think I'm voting for John Roane as a teacher of writing, not a grammarian who would flip out if I don't use the serial comma correctly to his taste.

Lynelle Paulick

John, I love the way you express, in long form, your feelings, frustrations, and uncertainties, with a few blatant insults thrown in for color. It's really wonderful, hahaha. Just bloody keep writing.

John Roane

Susan: Thanks for the comment. I have a publisher, but that's about it. I went to a local writing event and the publisher had a local rep there. She overheard me telling a friend about my novel. She c...

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Gregory Barone

Lynelle Paulick I wasn't sure so I had to ask. Now John Roane I will say that I'm not a romance fan because most of them now are sex fantasy stories, I'm a sci-fi fantasy action adventure fan with a m...

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Don't Judge your Characters

One of the lessons that I learned during the writing process is to stop judging your characters. As a rookie, I wanted everyone to reflect the best parts of myself. It wasn't good writing. If a character is a screw up, a cheat or even someone you would not hang out with in real life, it is still imp...

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Agent or Manager for Educational Books Wanted

Hello everyone, I wrote a Health Education workbook for middle school students and am unable to find someone that represents educational books. A famous educational publisher/distributor likes my book and told me to have my agent contact them as they do not negotiate with the writer. Does anyone know of someone?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Georgette Skolnick. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know that I moved your post from the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge since your post is about books...

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Georgette Skolnick

Thanks, Maurice.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Georgette Skolnick.

Leonardo Ramirez
July 2024's New Educators & Executives At Stage 32!

Our Stage 32 Team has been working diligently to bring in as many new resources and opportunities as possible to enrich your experience here in our community!

Check out the list here:

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Andy Wasif
What's the Next Step for My Play?

Hello friends! I wanted to get your thoughts as I've had a play win a fellowship and get a staged reading. Three nights of professional actors in front of an audience proved the play has legs. My question is: now what?

I've done a polish based on audience reaction and feedback and I continue to subm...

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Character development


Does anybody have any generic and / or storyline specific advice for the character development of my books "Hero "?

I am more of a beginner writer. I have made it to part 3 and page 100 or so of my book, and I am stuck with my character development because the Ndrangheta (worlds richest gang )too...

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Thom Reese

I think there can be a benefit in starting with a blank slate and letting your characters and story develop to a point. But eventually, you should step back and determine who your characters are and w...

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Nancy Golden

I wrote this very short blog post a few years ago, to encourage my fellow writers. Know that writing is a process, and that when you first start writing you will be going through many iterations of ed...

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Michael David

@Gregory -Could you share the Pinterest? Love to see it.

Gregory Barone

Michael David just go to and make an account and in the search bar type what your are looking for.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Good advice from so many fellow writers. Good luck, Eric. And may you always enjoy the process of writing.

Ashley Renee Smith
Author Sarra Cannon's Novel Outlining Method

Currently, I'm deeply focused on outlining my fantasy novel that I've been working on since January. Before I started the outline, I spent some time researching various outlining methods to decide how I wanted to approach the outline for this particular project and how in-depth I wanted to get befor...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Matt Watters, absolutely! There are a lot of programs out there that can help you organize all of this electronically. However, I'm someone that likes to do a bit of both. I ALWAYS have a physical not...

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Matt Watters

Ashley Renee Smith I also used to have a small notebook and pen in my pocket, then I got an iPhone in 2008 and since then I've used the Notes app because I always have my phone with me. I write or dic...

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Nancy Golden

Ashley Renee Smith First of all - congratulations on writing a fantasy novel! It is no easy task! I am almost done with book two of my fantasy trilogy and it has been quite a journey. In the writing w...

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Ashley Renee Smith

I agree that it's medium and sometimes even story-dependent, Nancy Golden! I've always been more of a pantser in the past. This is actually the first time that I've attempted this detailed and complet...

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Nancy Golden

How exciting! Have fun with the world building! My son also writes fantasy, and he outlines everything, too. I must agree it can get confusing to keep all of the different elements, factions, subplots...

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Geoff Hall
Neil Gaiman on First Draft vs Last Draft

“What a good Question.” Says Neil Gaiman.

I like his answer to this question. The first draft is akin to throwing ideas like mud against a wall. The second draft is trying to show people that you knew what you are doing!

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Leonardo Ramirez

I remember you using Evernote, Geoff Hall. I’ll have to take a look at Zoho but the more I think about it, the more I want to use physical notebooks. I think it would be neat for grandkids to see afte...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for sharing, Geoff Hall. I LOVE Neil!

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith have you watched The Sandman series on TV, Ashley? I’ve loved it and hope for a new series soon.

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez I use Zoho Notebook mostly when I’m researching a story and use the webclipper. It’s a great tool for pulling together resources, ideas and concepts.

Ashley Renee Smith

Geoff Hall, of course! I devoured it as soon as it was released. I also HIGHLY recommend The Sandman audiobook, both part 1 and 2. It's fantastic! Neil does the narration, but the characters are voice...

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Need a Laugh? Hilarious Critiquing Blunders

As you all know, an essential part of the writing process is getting feedback. It is so important to get other eyes on our work - we are typically too close to it to be able to look at it objectively by ourselves during the revision process, and it is always great to get other perspectives. That sai...

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Maurice Vaughan

Great points, Nancy Golden! And hilarious video! We can give notes/suggestions, but it's up to the people receiving the notes/suggestions to apply them or not.

William Joseph Hill

I love the whole "don't use adverbs" bit, Nancy Golden ! I've heard that critique before, it's like saying take all the salt out of your recipe, when having just the right amount of salt makes the dis...

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Melanie Lang
Faith-Based Screenplay Submission

I'm a first-time screenwriter and have a finished faith-based/drama manuscript. It is located on a small handful of sites, but I would like to know where to actually submit it to for interest in production. Who is looking for true stories, faith-based, female character-driven, etc. of this sort?


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William Joseph Hill

Yes, what Tom & Mark says is good advice, Melanie. I would also add that getting an IMDBpro subscription will let you look at production companies with their contact info behind films in your target d...

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Melanie Lang

Tom Lapke, and William Joseph Hill I am working through locating the producers of some features in my genre that are well-done and locating them on my IMDBpro account. Mark Deuce, I am now in the Writ...

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Preston Poulter

I would love to take a look at your script, Melanie Lang

Cara Rogers

I took a faith-based/inspirational screenwriting lab through S32, taught by Nathan Scoggins. He's fantastic and might offer other services here. Also Brad Wilson periodically takes faith-based pitches...

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William Joseph Hill

Fantastic news, Melanie Lang - looks like you are taking all the right steps. Best of luck!

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