Learn to accept occasionally the brain's get fried on any one particular script, so take time away from it and then relax towards it with fresh eyes. In the past if I'd a "deadline" with work not yet perfected I'd rush around "trying" to get in the mood by partying with friends instead of simply switching off.
Also never stop learning the craft, to quote John Truby it's "a lifetime commitment." Research and set fresh goals continuously but do it all in baby steps .
Be willing to stand on your own two feet, realise that there are no magical formula, that the film industry is no more complex than any other business, only your mother loves you unconditionally and you are more likely to fail than succeed. If you don’t take every breath hoping to get to do more writing. You need to find something that makes you that excited.
In addition to WRITING (thanks for the reminder, John Ellis!) and in addition to working your "groove thing" off (thanks, Evelyne Gauthier!), you've got to believe in yourself.
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develop my characters more.
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...drink heavily.
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know the reason you're telling this specific story from this specific point of view.
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Remember the 4 P's. Practice. Persevere. Patience. Then add Prosecco to celebrate.
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Learn to accept occasionally the brain's get fried on any one particular script, so take time away from it and then relax towards it with fresh eyes. In the past if I'd a "deadline" with work not yet perfected I'd rush around "trying" to get in the mood by partying with friends instead of simply switching off.
Also never stop learning the craft, to quote John Truby it's "a lifetime commitment." Research and set fresh goals continuously but do it all in baby steps .
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Read screenplays
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Pretend you know what you're doing
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...be nutz!
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Be willing to stand on your own two feet, realise that there are no magical formula, that the film industry is no more complex than any other business, only your mother loves you unconditionally and you are more likely to fail than succeed. If you don’t take every breath hoping to get to do more writing. You need to find something that makes you that excited.
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be disciplined. Forget talent and motivation, they get too much press. Do you have a writing schedule and are you sticking to it.
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...love screenwriting.
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Learn story so it becomes second nature and watch people.
Then go to E Langley's house with a bottle.
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Come on, people! the answer is simple: WRITE!!!!!
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Work your ass off, be ready to fail and start over again.
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Just make sure it's top shelf, Steven.
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In addition to WRITING (thanks for the reminder, John Ellis!) and in addition to working your "groove thing" off (thanks, Evelyne Gauthier!), you've got to believe in yourself.
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Yes, Virginia, miracles are real.
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....write a great script; to sell a great script, you have to know how to give a good ... pitch. Had you going, yeah?
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