Started by our very own long-time member, CJ Walley, Script Revolution offers a level playing field without monthly fees or "elitism," nor the need to solicit ratings to jump ahead; "The ethos here isn’t promotion, it’s discovery." Script Revolution allows writers the ability to control their content and for those looking for scripts to filter and bookmark that content as they see fit. Scripts are sorted randomly and filtered down by a host of variables allowing those searching to find exactly the story they are looking for. This up-and-coming website offers a wonderful addition to other trusted, valuable options, like Stage 32, to get your work out there. So perhaps give it a try. Be a part of the revolution. ;)
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Here's the original thread in which CJ shares his new website:
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Thanks Beth, I joined Script Revolution and will also spread the word :)
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BFH: Thanks for posting this info :)
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You're welcome! Yes, spread the word! Be sure to read CJ's post (the thread link above to his post which is also found in Your Stage) about his site and his reasons/motivation for creating it. :)
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I plan to join Script Revolution as well, when ready. I'm still working away on a few things... Lol! ;)
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Nice job on the website. Congrats to CJ.
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Thanks so much for the post, Beth. Woke up this morning and was delighted to see a bit more dialogue on what I'm trying to do here. The response since launching on Monday has been outstanding. 28 people have signed up to Script Revolution and there's already 70 scripts in the database. It's been so wonderful to see the search scripts listings filling up with people's creativity. It's been like watching flowers blossom. It's also been lovely to see so many names I recognise as first adopters. If anybody's got any questions, I'm happy to answer them.
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Just to give you guys an idea how profile pages look, check out these Stage 32 members who have already joined; Wayne Taylor: Deen Gill: Brian Aldrich: Phillip (my man) Hardy: Anthony Cawood:
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A couple of new features added. It's now possible for readers to filter out scripts added within the last day, week, month, or year. Readers who sign up can also add their favourite writers to a follow list.
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Those are great features, CJ. ;) It's absolutely fantastic that more and more people are joining! I was just perusing the site and it's so much fun to see so many familiar names and faces. Love the ample space for each writer. Just love the large image space as well. It's awesome! ;)
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This is too cool, CJ! What an initiative! Of course you would do this...Of course you would! Mr. Selfless. Mr. Collaboration.
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I learned from the best, RB ;-)
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I appreciate that, CJ, but your greatness comes from within, my friend.
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First week in and I'm pleased to say that the site already has over 100 scripts in the database and over 50 people signed up. Although I have to admit contributing quite a few of the scripts myself.
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I've got all my available scripts listed, site looks great and I've spread the word as far and wide as I can... here's hoping some of those producer types come for a look see!
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That's great, Anthony! ;) This is so exciting, CJ. I hope it continues to grow!
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Congrats, CJ!!
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I don't normally post scripts but I have put a revised version of Four Negro Girls in a Church on Script Revolution. Great website and I can wait to see this thing grow into a huge venture.
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I posted three scripts. I'm curious what will happen. @CJ: Please post if scripts are picked up.
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Thanks guys. Will certainly be shouting from the roof tops about any success stories.
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will be sure to check it out once our schedule permits it, CJ. Congratulations!
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Look forward to seeing yourselves and your work on there.
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Some new features. Members can now add YouTube, Vimeo, and Instagram social media links to their profile. Great for showing off any produced videos or marketing activity. Home page now shows the current stats for member count and number of scripts in the database. The "Writers I Follow" page now displays a stream of activity from all writers a member follows such as when they add and update their script listings. This is to help filmmakers see the latest from their favourite writers. Writers can set a script status to "Seeking feedback" to help them hook up privately with keen readers who like reviewing material.
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How do you plan to attract buyers to the site?
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Major new feature implemented today. Script Revolution now offers a Pass-Consider-Recommend (PCR) system for rating scripts. Members can rate any script that isn't their own and this is shown as meta-data along with the script on its detail page and within search listings. This DOES NOT affect the order of how scripts are listed in any way, it is no means a way to filter or highlight material at this stage, but may bring about some advanced search features in the future.
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Thanks for the lovely comments, Fiona. It's been great to use my design skills to help the writing community.
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Writer's scripts and bio pages are now starting to be indexed with Google and Bing to help them with exposure via SEO.
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D Marcus, there's a plan in place to start driving prodcos and industry members to the site but, as I'm sure you'll appreciate, it's a chicken and egg situation. Script Revolution needs a strong database of scripts and some success stories before I can start reaching out to people and publishing news. There are some high profile people looking already though, who seem to have come across purely by word of mouth and taken me by surprise. I'm not going to broadcast who but it does't take much detective work to find out.
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CJ - I have an international database of over 5,000 producers, complete with email addresses. I'll trade it to you for a 1968 426 Hemi and Nina Hagen's phone number. Let's dooooooooooo the deal!
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Bill, if I had running 426 hemi kicking around I'd be in the garage wrenching and not sat at my computer programming.
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No plans to make money off the back of this. The end game is to make a positive change to the filmmaking world by stripping back the need for screenwriters to become marketers and speculate money many don't have to gain any kind of exposure.
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I've followed several writers already and recommended several scripts. I read Tony Cella's script last year when he was entering a graduate program and he's great writer. Of course, my UK friends Anthony C and CJ Walley are also very creative and prolific writers. I firmly believe in supporting the people that have talent and helping other writers get better, as they have done for me. What CJ is doing is a very innovative idea. I plan on being very active at Script Revolution.
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Thank you for the recommendations, both on the site and in the thread Phillip. Your criticism of my script was very helpful. I've had a few producers request it so far.
Wonderful to see you guys using the site as its intended to be used.
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48 Views on this already this month on Danger Gorilla
Pass-Consider-Recommend has now been switched off as sadly a writer managed to abuse it within less than 24hrs resulting in another disabling their account. Will need to come up with a better system. (no data has been removed)
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Glad to see you're getting a lot of hits to your script page, Deen.
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That's great, Deenur! But let's please not post/promote personal links within this thread. Thanks. ;) Dan M, this post/thread is a "content share," informing members about a new, innovative, free, script listing option for screenwriters—its soul purpose is to support creatives. Therefore it is relevant to screenwriting. CJ's personal post/thread about his website is properly placed in Your Stage.
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@CJ: A large number of writers were notching recommends within a few hours of the feature's introduction. It's a shame, but some people will do anything for success.
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@ CJ - Sad to see the Pass-Consider-Recommend has had to be stopped, Inktip have a seperate registration for Producers, maybe something like that could be instated? @Phillip - Thanks for the shout out, and vice versa of course!
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That was a no-brainer to have happened. Glad I bet the "under 48 hours" at Caesar's sports book on that one. Lesson learned, CJ. Good luck, bro!
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My brain is frazzled at the moment to be honest and I'm trying to shake off a migraine. However, I'm pleased to say the member who had all the scripts marked with a pass has decided to reactivate their account and keep their scripts listed. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions here and via pms.
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Dan MaxXx - you said it. Best bet on the craps table: don't play craps. But if you must, pay the insurance and buy the 10 or the 4; don't play it on the come out; get out after you're ahead two units and go see a show. CJ - don't let the web site make you sick. Take my offer and let my company, Monkey See Monkey Do Web Services International take over the grunt work while you're kicking back and brainstorming seaside. They are the best chimps in the business! Good luck, bro!
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@Beth Oops! sorry, heh heh, fixed.
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Using Deen's script as an example, anyone can search "danger gorilla deen gill" on Google and see the top result is the detail page on script revolution with the script title and author as the heading and the logline as the description.
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Using CJ's example of my example.... yeah baby!!!
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A quick update with the first month's stats; 118 members now signed up 195 scripts now in the database Over 14,500 page views this month and 809 script downloads
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Way to go, CJayyyyyyyyyyyy!
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I´m in!
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Hi Dan, noticed you'd signed up and your profile looks great. It sounds like you are trying to upload your script into the Feature image text box. Scroll down the page and you should see, under the Synopsis/Details box, an upload field labeled pdf. Sorry for the confusion with that. I'll make a note to look into making a better layout.
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CIGGITY CJ! Awesome job, man.
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Hey Dan, thanks for the kind words. The feature image ration is 16x9 with a pixel measurement of 1030x580. If you send me a copy of your book cover image, I can try and crop it to the right size for you. Just email Ben, thanks for that, buddy.
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First Script Revolution success story I know about; Luke Oliver has optioned his script Table For One via Script Revolution. See his profile here;
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Awesome news CJ and congrats to Luke!
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Bravo! Nice to read good news.
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Question for BETH: is there a way to bookmark a useful post -- such as this -- so it can be found again???
Thanks LindaAnn :)
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Can we add a suggestion, CJ? Would it be possible to add a search bar so people can just search for the title they're looking for? Just in case people want to say: "Hey, I have this script on SR, just go there and search the title". Just a thought. We see a lot of search queries but not an actual title search. :)
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LindaAnn: Not that I'm aware, but great suggestion. ;) A quick general search by subject/topic in the Lounge brings any post up. Plus because you commented within this thread it will appear on your own profile page "Posts & Updates" whenever anyone else comments on it. So it is easy to track it down should you need to. :)
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Beth, I've tried that -- but one does not always remember the correct TOPIC WORD. At least I don't always recall the "tag" that brings it up. :-( A bookmark feature would be fabulous. THANKS!
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If you don't automatically, you can always subscribe to this particular topic at the top of this page (next to Beth's post, click subscribe) and you'll receive emails whenever someone replies. Then you can keep one of the reply emails in your inbox as a reminder to this particular thread.
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Let me try that suggestion ---- thank you, Twins!
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You're very welcome.
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LindaAnn, one option is to click on the topic title and add the page that comes up to your web browser's bookmarks.
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That's a great tip, CJ. ;) Twins, thanks, I forgot about "subscribe," although, again, you already are "subscribed" by commenting. This thread will show up on your profile page, and if you are receiving email notifications you will receive an email when someone else comments. LindaAnn, you can also search posts by the name of the poster. I hope this all helps! :)
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I was perusing ScriptRev yesterday, reading a few scripts... It's fantastic to see so many! Really exciting, CJ! :)
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Thank you very much, to our colleague CJ Walley -- for starting an exciting new site AND for the tip. I think STAGE32 ought to have a "bookmarks" feature or a "favorites" button. Anyone listening? Hello out there!!
A bookmarks feature would be useful. Adding a tab to profiles that lists bookmarked threads would do the trick and require less effort from the programmers.
Yup, got it. Send those suggestions to management by clicking on "Contact Us" found at the bottom of the site. Let's please return to the thread topic. Thanks. ;)
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Yup, web browsers have bookmark features. Please. Let's get back to the thread topic. Thank you so much!!! ...Speaking of which, I read a couple of shorts today, and noticed the number of scripts uploaded to Script Revolution has climbed to 292! So cool! :)
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That's true. Web browsers have bookmark features. Some netizens bookmark Stage 32. Some bookmark Script Revolution. Others bookmark both. I've bookmarked a website that streams Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. That was uploaded online. Files are uploaded to websites everyday. Some of the files contain words, others images. Some of the images contain photos of naked people. I prefer the ones with naked women, but it's subjective. I don't know if it's possible to upload scripts to Script Revolution without using the internet, but it is possible to upload photos of naked women to it with the internet. Glad we had this conversation.
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Monthly Mutiny starts tomorrow on Script Revolution - more information here; Basically, if you have a horror script of any length, it's worth uploading before it all kicks off.
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I recommend scripts by Tony Cella as next month's category. Producers are craving those.
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I'm not sure my server could take the load, Tony!
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CJ: I think you just made a triple entendre
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Great news about the site, CJ! Wow! Love love love all the new features and options. And "Monthly Mutiny" does sound super cool. I look forward to diving in and reading more scripts. ;)
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I haven't been here as long as some of you, but I have read CJ's blogs here and followed his posts. An easy person to get behind. As if this initiative wasn't enough.
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That's very nice of you to write, James.
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Beth, thanks for the kind words as ever. 20,000 hits last month with over 2,250 script reads. Sept has been awesome with new features out in October and more to come next month.
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Script Revolution - October Update: 600 scripts uploaded, a new blog, the feedback loop is open, better security, and it's time to shoot some shorts!
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@CJ thought you'd also like to know that we were contacted by a producer who was looking for a comedic short. He saw one of ours on SR and decided to contact us directly :)
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That's wonderful news. I'm delighted you've got something out of it as I always see you reaching out to connect and help other writers. So happy to learn about this. If it leads to a script of yours being optioned, let me know and I'll make a mention of it on the site.
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Six month update: 378 members with 906 scripts uploaded. Over 108,000 page views and 7,128 script downloads. Lots of changes and improvements. From tomorrow the site will require registration to download scripts and writers will be notified who's downloading them.
Get the latest news here:
Just a quick update. Script Revolution now has over 1000 scripts uploaded to the database. Thanks for all those who've joined up so far.
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I love the Script Revolution website! It has a great look, easy on the eyes and very user friendly. Lots of great perks like Shootin’ the Shorts and the Treasure Chest. I always look forward to the Monthly Mutiny. I’ll be adding another screenplay to my page in a few days. Just completed another horror short. :-)
I was going to post an award winning short script and had set up to shoot a lobby card photo for it, then I heard that he wasn't accepting promo photos any more - so I just let it slide.
You can still add feature images. Please do some research before making comments like this and not rely on hear-say. I've only removed them from the listing pages as they weren't being used properly and made the site look like a stock image library. The focus now is on the loglines themselves. Feature images still show on the script detail pages and are a good way to give a powerful impression by those who embrace them.
Linda, I'm delighted to read you love the site. Your profile looks great. Looking forward to seeing your horror short on there. I can't reveal what next month's Monthly Mutiny is yet, but I can say a few of your scripts will be featured.
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Awesome! Thank you! Now I'm even more curious as to what the theme could be. :-)
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CJ - I probably misread that from your newsletter talking about writers improperly using stock photos and I agree. Personally, I'd never do that. I understand it's your site to run however you chose and wish you all the best with it. I'll restage the photo and try in a couple of days.
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Your kind words mean a lot, Dan. Thank you!
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I just signed up. Now I need to write a new bio. BTW CJ, regarding Pass-Consider-Recommend, maybe the ratings given could be for the writer's eyes only? Don't know if you've gone farther with this idea - I only read the first half of this looong thread. Anyway, great job on this awesome idea. I'm anxious to dig into it!!!
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Delighted to have you onboard, Roxanne. Thanks for the good words, Boomer.
Been looking at the stats today. An average of 150 scripts are uploaded to Script Revolution per month and there's an average of 400 downloads by readers per week!
Thanks Aray. I'll certainly try to.
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Incredible endeavor, I was delighted to join!
Been watching you upload your scripts over the past couple of days, Anthony. Great to have you onboard.
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Great idea. I have been looking for a place to read new scripts.
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Latest newsletter is out. A few new features and a load more members this month:
Monthly Mutiny this month is featuring all LGBT focused scripts with low budgets:
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Claude, there hasn't been any negative reception as such, but very few in the industry will stand up and support ScriptRev. Some sites actively delete any mention of it. I've also had some of my accounts locked and deleted. This is one of the few places cool enough to allow a discussion to exist. The site has grown almost entirely via word of mouth.
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Claude, CJ is just a super cool philanthropist with a background in IT and a passion for screenwriting... I've suggested he takes donations, but even that doesn't sit entirely with his principles, so he keeps it free to users on both sides... pretty awesome!
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Okay, Beth you got me curious. Thanks! RJN
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It's hard to believe that, one year ago, I was bookending a month's solid work with the launch of this site. As I sat there ready to click the button and face the world, all I had was faith in other screenwriters believing we could band together to bring change. It was a true "if you build it, they will come" moment that's been realised with tremendous belief and adoption by screenwriters the world over. This is where I get to say thank you, thank you so very, very much.
To those who believed; Anthony Cawood, P.H. Cook, Wayne Taylor, James Barber, Ruth Maramis, Victor Vera, Katie Burke, Pat Rick, Warren Duncan and Marc B - the first ten people who saw little more than an idea to bring change and signed up because they believed in it. Leading to over 800 more following in their footsteps.
To the Shootin' The Shorts team; Anthony Cawood, David Troop, Steve Miles, Fairly Finfield, Steven Clark, L. Chambers, Zack Zupke, KP Mackie, Phil Clarke, Hamish Porter, Thorsten Loos, Julia Cottle, Elaine Clayton, Karis Watie and Rachel Kate Miller, all led by the amazing J.E. Clarke - who have read so many short scripts and written so many wonderful reviews to help drive nearly 13,942 script downloads.
To the guest bloggers; Simon Mapp, Deen Gill, J.E. Clarke, Alan Mehanna, Tony Cella, 6String Mercenary, Désirée Nordlund, John Hunter, Shawn Davis, Fiona Faith Ross and Stephen Barber - who submitted great articles and earned many of those 215,418 page views.
To the rockstars; J.E. Clarke, Shawn Davis, David Lambertson and P.H. Cook - who have pledged $5 a month to help keep gigabytes of data fast and secure for everyone.
To the 73 members who signup and add to the 127 scripts that are uploaded on average each month and those who download 1,300 scripts on average in that time.
Thank you.
We have been dismissed by our industry and mocked by our peers. However, we've also been supported by Simply Scripts who have promoted what's happening here while simultaneously doing their best to help screenwriters themselves, we have been free to talk on Stage 32 and got a shoutout by Rich "RB" Botto, plus Done Deal Pro have been good enough to let the dialog flow on their forum.
While many have ignored us and some have actively tried to stop us we continue to grow because exposure for creatives isn't something that should be bought with their money, it is something that should be earned with their talent. We built this platform on a simple mantra - "Always free & always fair".
If you are a screenwriter, you are more than welcome to be part of year two. Upload your scripts, create a profile, and get notified of downloads. If you are an industry member, there is no clique, you get to sign-up and browse the 1,500+ scripts we have available, many of which are community favorites, many of which have won reputable rewards, many of which have been featured by Shootin' The Shorts.
There is plenty more to come and it might just be that the revolution has started. Either way, everybody's welcome to join it.
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Well CJ I'm currently working on turning a short of mine into a one hour "feature" with a Miami based producer and am currently in negotiations with a young hungry director in the US wanting to option one of my features, both of which wouldn't of happened if I hadn't listed them on ScriptRevolution. Keep up the good work.
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Wonderful news, Matthew!
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Re above post @CJ. Its appalling to learn people have actively tried to stop Script Revolution. Before the intervention of the Net mid 1990s..... these people would have had to turn up at Live Arts Events, face the artists, and actually shown us all their faces. Keep up the Intellect!
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Major milestone achieved! Script Revolution is now hosting the equivalent of over $250,000 per year in listing fees compared to some pay sites. That's just counting the feature and TV pilot screenplays currently uploaded (835), not all the short scripts and web series pilots that are also in the database (790).
I'm hearing little success stories everywhere I go now, okay they're not major feature spec sales but they are valuable, critical wins for screenwriters trying to move forward.
Some of you may also have seen Script Revolution is sponsoring a short script competition over on Reddit at the moment.
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Good luck with your site, CJ!:) Just an idea, I've heard, hope it's not that stupid..:( Someone should make a site or a section especially designed for agents/managers(just starting out) to find screenplays to represent.
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Hey Victor, agents and managers already use the site but thanks for the suggestion. For example there's a couple of managers from Good Fear Film + Mgmt in LA who've been registered for a while.
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Viva la Revolution Scriptiva!
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It's been a hell of a few of months. We passed 2,000 scripts in Dec and 1,500 members in Jan. Some new features including adding videos to script listings have been implemented - a great way to add your pitch or show the completed film.
Run by screenwriters for screenwriters.