Screenwriting : Anyone know anything about by Michael A. Barone

Michael A. Barone

Anyone know anything about

I've got a few scripts posted on Does anyone have anything (good or bad) to say about the company? Just curious as to whether they are legit or just after the almighty dollar.

Pierre Langenegger

Inktip are legit.

Wayne Taylor

Inktip is full of producers looking for scripts they can make on a shoestring budget. I do know a couple writers who have sells under their belts so yes Inktip is for real.

Semira Chan

To play devil's advocate - I haven't heard great things about them... I am curious to hear more about the site. Note: I am not saying anything against Inktip - just want to know what others have to say.

Doug Nelson

Inktip has done well by me - that's all I can say.

Jorge J Prieto

No complaints here.

Danny Manus

InkTip is legit, two of my clients got optioned off InkTip. however, it really is only helpful if your project can be made for about $8M or less. There are no huge major companies looking for projects on there and most options are dollar options. but they've helped hundreds if not thousands of deals happen. so if you have the kind of material that InkTip-level producers are looking for, at the right budget, then it's a great site to try!

Craig D Griffiths

The only advice I can give is make sure your script is rock solid. The producers there have high expectations (as most do). I get value out of the newsletter.

Michael A. Barone

Thanks guys! I appreciate the feedback. So far I like what I see on Inktip. But I have had the same log lines read 15 times by the same companies so i was a little worried that it was just a bot chalking up hits to make me feel good. I did get one summary read too so I'm hopeful someone will take a shot. Thank you all again for the direction and the help. MB

Danny Manus

Michael, if 15 companies have read the logline and you're not getting further interest, perhaps it is worth it to re-examine the logline. Tho 15 is not a lot, and depending on the genre it may not be what InkTip producers are looking for.

Kim Caine Kirby

Yes All I receive is email on Email on how good this person is going on Stage 32.... Yet I am A Attrass Infron of Sceen. All I have received is Crappy..,.how far R.B. Has gone. Good luck to R.B.32. But I need too earn bucks not read on you Ego 40#a Day

Kim Caine Kirby

R.Bannochie earns from you. But do you Earn in return. Blank chq. Yes.. "A fat No" so that's where I am with you guys presently. Not Inpressed at All

Danny Manus

Kim, maybe if you knew how to write coherently and make sense, you would find more luck. your posts were illegible and out of nowhere.

Jody Ellis

@Danny, just following you around agreeing w you these days, lol. @Kim, what the hell are you talking about?

Stephen Barber

...again. @Kim, HORRIBLE Logline.

Patricia Poulos

I had my scripts on Inktip for some years without success. I noted that there were many scripts optioned but I questioned the ability of those optioning to actually produce and fund a 'successful' movie. I found dishonesty. My experience was distasteful and disappointing but that may not be the same for all. Regards, Patricia

Anthony Cawood

They offer a completely free short script listing service, a paid lisiting service, a weekly paid newsletter that has producers who are looking for scripts, and a magazine that you put your logline in. IMHO it's a comprehensive service that has worked for many people and doesn't ask that you pay extra for people to review your scripts first.

Michael A. Barone

Thanks again to all of you. To Danny, I meant the same company looked at the same log line 15 to 20 times. So I wondering if 15-20 people at those companies were looking separately, or if one person was logging in and out 15-20 times. And then, what would each of those scenarios mean to me as a writer posting scripts? No big deal, I'm just new to it all and I'm wondering how it works. Thank you all for the direction and the sharing. MB

Doug Nelson

Film school students constantly troll InkTip listings looking for free scripts that they can use as school/graduation projects - the majority don't have two nickels to rub together. Many try to convince writers otherwise. I like helping students and new filmmakers get started (I give award winning scripts to some) but I won't do anything for duplicitous types. Keep your eyes open.

Kerry Douglas Dye

I just got my second option through InkTip (it'll appear in the newsletter in the next few weeks). The first option did not lead to a produced film, through it came close(!) and made me some money along the way. As for this second one, we'll see. :) I've also made other industry contacts that didn't specifically lead to options, sales or employment. Your mileage may vary, but -- particularly for someone who doesn't have the time to be constantly querying and hustling -- it's been a useful place for me to park my scripts and wait for producers to find them.

Stephen Barber

Nice work, Kerry!

Anthony Cawood

Congrats Kerry!

Patricia Poulos

Hope all goes well for you.

James Day

I pitched to DGM at Stage 32 and got turned down for my script Smith & Wesson. I opened up my Inktip scripts to find that a producer who has made dozens of films downloaded my script and synopsis. So Inktip works. I have three scripts on it and it can be expensive. I'm going to add one more. I checked the Imdb Pro and the producer is legit. Go figure one door slams and another door opens.

Michael A. Barone

Once again! Thank you all for weighing in on this!

William Sowles

Producers, Agents, Actors and Directors look up for new material. And many deals are being made with Inktip writers.

Doug Nelson

William, are you one of 'em or is that just hearsay?

Carlv Coleman

So is there a site where a $20 mil. budget script will be seen other than inktip?

Richard Buzzell

Carlv - Script-posting sites are for low budget scripts. A$20m script would need to be pitched through a service such as Happy Writers or Virtual Pitchfest.

GJ Harvey

Exact same experience as Paul Grammatico so I'm out. Also bear in mind the logline "views" just means it was listed in a search, it may not have actually been read. Many of the producers are not listed on IMDB. If it works for someone, good on them. I feel my money is better spent on blcklst..

Carlv Coleman

Richard thanks for the info. I checked some of your loglines

Jerry Robbins

Hey Carlv; I made a sale on inktip last year, and have three options. I don't know about the 20 million budgets, but I have been checked out by Universal Pictures, as well as Joe Dante's production company via that site.

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