I need to get a few readers from Warner Brothers to review my script for a solo Batman live action movie. if anyone can help me please add me and message me on this topic. i thank you for the time and hope to hear from you.
Sign up for a pitch session here at Stage32. If you knock it out of the park, the person you pitch to may take up your mantle. Otherwise, Warner Bros. almost certainly will not listen to a writer pitching their own material. If it’s actually good, an agent/manager will back it.
Justin WB will not accept/read your unsolicited script - period. There only a few Agents that even have access to WB. WB generally works with established writers only. Basically, you're barking up the wrong tree. Be honest; is your script even close to being worthy of consideration? Who says so? Pitch it to some Indies first, here on S32 and some pitchfests. Pay attention to the responses and take from there.
I believe it's worth it and everything I seen about WB. they look at alot of nobody's scripts and even host contest for up coming writers with a slogan that great scripts come from all types of people. I have only shown about 20 people my script in person and everyone that reads it says I should send it in and I will be the one writing all the DCEU films.. but I want to try and see if I can get a manager and see what comes from the pitch here on stage32. I will let you know if it goes good or bad if you care to know. maybe it flops but at least I know I won't give up till I get a No from the staff. even if I have to walk it in the front door myself. I know it is good I done 2 rewrites and took about a year to write the draft .. made sure the plot was gripping and every line of dialog is best It can be. story I been thinking over for years and have 2 more to follow still on second one about halfway through the draft and they all tie in together.
well I have shown a screen writer named Dar Dixon .. I got advice from him recently and said to register my script first with writters guild and then copyright then find rep that can get it to the right personal there so they will give it a chance ..
alot of friends and family but 3 writers. so far all great remarks .. but I know family and friends don't count as experts or true critics .. this is why I shown a few writters. to gage the response they give .. Mr. Dixon has been a screen writer for many years and worked with many studios so I take that as a complament and he has nothing to gain by lying to me. we have alot in common so he gave me a chance over that.. he is an idol of mine and gives me hope..
but thank all of you for the input and honesty .. but I will take the steps to push forward and see what happens and hope you all the best at what you do.
It's a long shot but if you can search out who reps the Batman writers for WB you might be able to get an agent.. They may not take unsolicited but it's worth a stab. If you have the skills or connections you could also create a show reel and that might get you seen.
thank you Karen for the wise and kind words .. that is what I plan to do next .. got to get the copyrights done this month and working with a lawyer to open a writting company for my scripts.. I have a few people networking and want to make our own brand of scripts.. have a editor and proofreaders not to mention the writers. if I can get one in with the Dc films we have a few ideas for them, I dream of making Dc comic movies a larger story then marvel and be a real era of competition.. brings out the best in most situations for all parties involved.. till the bubble pops. then I am off to murder mysterys and dramas. I hope I can find out who they are and I'll put my P.I. to work on that .. great idea, thank you again ..
Dan, that could help .. if he wants to get it attached to a script pitch .. and/or film .. I am looking to put together a pitch with some music to it .. also idealistic cast.. that I would love to be the roles in the film.. I have a list of dream cast and a back up cast
Rookie mistake #101 - You don't own the rights/Using someone else's IP.
I hate to be another downer but Batman is the intellectual property (IP) of DC comics, with exclusive movie rights to the WB. Unless they commissioned you to write a Batman movie, no matter how good or bad it is, no one is going to touch it with a 10 foot pole. The risk of being sued for copyright and/or trademark infringement is too great. Companies jealously guard their IPs like gold and will sue anyone using their material. So unless you got permission/rights in advance from the WB that script will never see the light of day. You can pitch the script as a writing sample to try to get your foot in the door but don't pin your hopes and dreams on it. Take it from one comic book lover to another.
Here's what you should do: Safeguard your Batman script. Put it in a safe. Next, write an original low budget indie movie that wins festival awards and box office success. Examples are "Fruitvale Station", "Boyz In the Hood", "The Rider", "Whiplash", "Moonlight." After that, you approach the studio and tell 'em your Batman version. Look at current "Batman" director Matt Reeves and his track record. Most of Marvel's writers & directors come from indie world.
What Dan M said. Watch the vid of how Kevin Smith got hired to write the superman lives script. it never got produced but he still got paid and the story is hilarious.
From the WB website: *Warner Bros. Entertainment’s policy, as established by its Legal Department, prohibits considering any film, television or other story material unless it is submitted by a licensed literary agent who is signatory to the Writers Guild Of America. *
So before submitting, he'd need an agent. Any agent worth his salt knows that you cant submit someone else's copywritten intellectual property without their expressed written permission. The WB isn't going to give an unknown writer that permission. Unfortunately, the script was dead before he even wrote it.
So Damian you have credits on imdb .. let's check that out and you know there are such things as proof readers and editors .. I have one .. not for small messages here but for writing scripts .. so yeah, I can still spill out thoughts and have them checked for your pleasure .. sir. and disrespectful comments are in called for .. I just think you taken your bitter bs out on someone cause it's over the internet.. dare you to ever say something like that to someone in person .. bet they check you at the door .. to everyone else thanks for the facts and input. . I do have a friend that is in the industry. . he is a writer in the guild and is willing to back me for a meeting to talk to them if I get a manager and register with the guild .. just cost alot to do right at the moment.. maybe someday .. I guess I will lock it up and take the other route of writing something more original, I have a few ideas but so far away and hate to leave a project unfinished .. but I will do what I have to.. also never said I had any imdb credits under my belt , dickhead .. just started this year with all of this .. thank you very much .. and a real thank you to Karen & Anthony ! for the words of wisdom and kindness
so what is this mean to me nothing .. you're just as much of a nothing as I am .. what have you done .. besides just heckle people in here in an app anyone can get .. and as I said I don't have a proof reader on a dam app .. I do have one on my scripts .. do you know that there are actors who can not read but still they make it through the lines .. it's called help for a reason .. we all need some .. so climb off your high horse and get some and stop posting nasty hate for people and maybe then you will have a life outside your Canadian home , ahy
also I'm not a kid .. I am a retired tattoo artist .. I've had success in my field .. this was just a hobbie I would like to get into , thank you very much
Wow, I recently said the same thing to myself, that I could see a bigger studio like a
Warner Bros. potentially being interested in one of my scripts - an original horror spec,
but that's only because I can see a similar aesthetic applied to my work from say Nolan's Batman films - (the grittiness, freshness, realism, characters, etc) which really has nothing to do with budget - just seriousness - taking the material seriously.
But the bigger studios are looking to branch out outside their own IP in terms of both production and distribution if the potential is there, in all genres too!
Just research each studio's track record over the last 5-10 years...
and write an original idea that will perhaps not only suit them but blow their
thank you for the advice and that is what I am about to do since this script was just practice .. at least now I know and that's half the battle .. haha .. but I don't plan to give up I have some other ideas of some films I never seen made still .. not going to say anything about them but new ideas .. I think of a movie idea about daily .. just can't write all them .. I just pick a concept that is not been done .. and I am sure I won't have a script out making a movie in the next 10 years .. I may even be an old man before I get anyone to approve one but I will still write daily and still try to get one out there .. I think the day I get a movie made off my idea will be the day I die probably before the editing phase .. haha but oh well I will go happy if I can hear ACTION on my film.. but thank you for all the advice and support to everyone on here but the single nay sayer!
This might sound like sacrilege, but you could send it to other studios if it wasn’t a Batman story. Think about what your movie represents, its core ideas and ideals. Chances are they can translate to other people, places and events and maintain the original integrity of the story. If this is a movie you really want to see made, try experimenting with other plots and protagonists. It doesn’t even need to be DC or WB stuff. Just stretch your legs as a writer and see what happens. Because the truth is, any studio that buys your work will start by making substantial changes to suit their needs and preferences, so it’s valuable to be able to make changes on your own while maintaining the original idea in the story.
Damian your point is not proven it is redundant. Clearly Justin has Dyslexia, which has no baring on intellect. People with Dyslexia have as much right to write as you do. You should understand that in doing so, they take a huge leap in the right direction. Perhaps you should google "great writers with Dyslexia" and then ask yourself if they had listened to the likes of you what talent would have been lost. People who write with impairments are often highly creative and should not be abused by ignorant individuals. If you knew what it takes to be a Dyslexic writer you would maybe be kinder. Then again maybe not, but there by grace goes you. Be nice it's not hard.
I love the idea of switching it up .. but I will just put the PDF off to the side and just think one day .. but will continue to write stories .. with twist and turns .. but I love the script and everyone does that has read it .. so I thinkni will check on sending it in for a contest and see what I get back in feedback
thank you Karen.. I am glad to have some people on my side .. I have spent all my life feeling alone in the world, like ice skating up hill in life .. and fills my heart to know there are some great people in the world.. so far everyone on here is supportive of everyone's dreams and I love it .. this is the best place I have found for people to exchange ideas and thoughts .. but always got to be one bad seed in the forest .. that's Damian .. lives up to his name I guess .. haha .. oh well I wish him the best anyway .. hope he finds a path to happiness. .
thank you juhani .. i will never give up on myself .. also thank you anthony as well .. you are tough love type guy and i thank you for that honest and no holds bar mentality.
thanks Dan .. I will work on some smaller ideas as well .. I got a few lower budget type script ideas .. and will start on them now .. concept is there .. actual dialog and full cast ideas are still coming
thank you Nick .. it is very helpful. . and I will think about all the options .. while I work on my next script from an original idea .. something I can get out to all studios and not limit myself this time .. but for the first real full script I am very proud of it and never said it is better than any of the old movies stories or any coming up .. just very different than the ones I have seen .. but I always believe in the saying, go big or go home .. so I want huge .. cause I don't want to go home ..
Sadly Justin there's more than one, luckily though some good eggs too. Just stay true to your dreams and keep pushing forward. I spent my whole childhood being considered stupid, because back then that was the label. I was so humiliated by abusive teachers I developed an oration stutter. It was only through reading stories to my son that I "overcame" it. I still can write badly. I can proof read a dozen times but I'm reading from memory and it's impossible to see. I often go over what I have written days later and cringe but that doesn't stop me. It's a struggle, my fingers don't listen to my brain but I have a voice and I will do all I can to let it be heard. Good Luck Justin, push forward, always.
thank you .. so much Karen .. I feel your pain .. it is sad people judge before they can see the written word we can make and there are proof readers and I got me one that keeps my scripts from having flaws .. she went to college and is very great with grammar and spelling .. much much better than I am .. I was a tormented kid by teachers and everything for my mind not being the normal way .. I ended up kicked out of school in 8th grade for assulting a teacher and dam near killed him.. I was sent to jail for kids for a year .. a camp .. for two more years and then I was sent to a boys home.. over looked .. I was a very angry young man .. now I am very calm .. and just stay positive and good things will come if I just keep pushing through .. and I do cause regardless the next day will come ether way
Justin, There are many. Stage 32 have them often and if you sign up to their news letter they will send out updates. Often a banner appears in the header on the home page. Imagine Impact run content competitions two or three times a year. Again sign up and follow them on IG or twitter for updates. There are other's like Pipe Line. A good google search will through up lots. Most don't offer much advancement but some do.
thank you all for that and all the positive feedback and help on understanding this world behind the curtain. I do greatly appreciate it .. more than anyone can know .. I just ignore the bully they choke on their words when I make it up and they fall down. karma is a bit*+.. love you all for the support and help .. and for defending me .. never had that happen before .. maybe cause I know how to fight.. or cause I look mean .. but online no one cares cause they don't see you and can't get touched .. but i dont know ?! maybe i just attract hate or violence? ! maybe its me ..
Justin, what doesn't break you makes you stronger and of course gives you a unique voice because of it. No one has your voice because no one has experienced your life. Shit Happens and you make lemonade.
thank you all .. i added a profile to the site of film freeway .. and will find one tonight that I can make and hope for the best .. plus working on my next script now .. for to brainstorm what is next .. I have an idea for a murder mystery and a horror film .. horror one seems like it would be better cause it's just study fears and pick one that i can write about .. plus easy to throw a twist in horror as well .. murder mystery is harder to put a twist cause I feel it is expected to have that already and double twist seams like a weaker story .. kind of leaning to the horror .. I like the idea of startling a group of people in a dark theater sounds like a challenging goal.. my friend once told me it is not scarry if when you watch it alone in the dark at home, you don't think about turning on a light .. then that is fear.. sounded stupid till you think about it.. and then when it happens you're like yeah that was good.. it's been a long time since I felt that way watching a horror film.
read what Dylan ? the Batman script? cause I can't do anything with it but enter a writting contest that allows fan fiction .. but I will gladly share parts to it with anyone now
Break Legs, Justin! DON'T GIVE UP! Look at Ryan Coogler and what he did with Creed and Black Panther. But, as Dan MaxXx pointed out, writer a smaller budget indie such as Fruitvale Station - and possibly a Batman FAN SHORT and another low-budget short - and build your credits. In a few years - not a decade, but several years - perhaps you can put yourself in position to pitch that script. It CAN BE DONE! I have produced 18 movies and worked with Oscar-Winners and Oscar-Nominees, so this is an experienced opinion. Keep plugging away my friend and DON'T listen to the haters. GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3
thank you Sam .. so should I not be showing this to anyone till the day I get that chance .. I mean I can prove I wrote it already mailed a copy to a P.O. box and then stored it in a lock box in storage unopened .. plus keep the email that I send them it in .. would I be stupid to show it to other writers who might have that chance before me.. it is still a WB property
I'd say like Dan MaxXx suggested: Put it away for safekeeping, while you build your credits - and your contacts. Then, one day when you get the chance and you are in the right position, you show it to the right person at the WB. Yes, it will take hard work and persistence, BUT, it can be done. And, as I said, not only right a small-budget Indie, but write a few shorts, including a Batman fan short, which you can get away with making to get on their radar. Fan shorts are a great way for you to show your knowledge of the subject matter. Break Legs! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3
for sure Sam .. I will do that and I am already hard at work on the next project .. I bounce back fast .. nothing keeps me down .. last year down the drain till I get my credit up .. oh well got to move on to the next and just know not to waste the time on something I can't pitch or get in the hands of the right people..oh well stuff happens .. got to get back to writing and stop working on a part 2 to the Batman script I had already worked out a 3 part saga 3 trilogies .. but wrote one half way through the second and had the story for all three of the first set worked out and an idea of all nine completed .. just a major set back that's just a bump on the road to win .. got to keep on moving on..
I just had to pop in and say I smiled reading this thread seeing the motivation and advice given. Justin, the truth is the path you're trying to brave is a tough one, and may have an "impossible" element to it, but bro...GO HARD! But do take into account some of the advice given here as well if you're really intent on going forward with this still.
Keep us updated on your process bro, and don't hesitate to ask further on any clarification you may need. Wishing the best!
Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services Hey Nick, in the 100-plus years of American cinema, has there ever been a fan fiction screenplay made into a studio released movie?
Dan .. the world is changing fast in films and just because something has not yet come to pass, does that mean it is not possible? I don't see what the past has to do with the next steps .. if this was the case movies would never be what they are .. at a time voice was never before done .. yet now they are the normal way to experience a film ! so staying stuck in the old ways is a very bad mind state open your mind to all possibilities and maybe you will make something magical the world's never seen.. I wish you the best brother and hope to see a film you make break records .. good luck!
Damian, never thought they would give me the sticks .. or even half the control.. and never said I would just jump in .. but my goal is to one day get the wheel and make the Dc universe the best in the world.. and without knowing anything you jump to just teardown anything that you don't touch .. I have studied the comics and seen the shows love and animated versions, all the movies dc has put out .. I own alot of this stuff, 80k in comics alone .. everything .. and the one thing that I see that's always been missing, is Batman being true to the comics .. the more recent is close .. but he should been dealing with what seems to be impossible to deal with amount of villians.. all in one day let alone one film that is going over the span of a week or a month or even a year.... and I never once said I would get to the Kevin figie level in a day or a year .. it may take me 20 years but at least I have a goal .. just because I aim higher then you did somehow makes you hate me and talk your stuff .. how about stay off my stuff and I stay off your stuff .. next time you message I will file a complaint with stage32 and let them handle you , bully trash.
Hi Justin, are you allowing anyone on here to read your script? Or has anyone read it and provided notes? I think it's a good idea to i start there before sending it off to big studios or to anyone for that matter. You always want to make a good first impression : )
i have only let one successful writer read it.. have me notes .. and really it is a dead project till I have fame in the writting world so, I let one of my guys on here take a look at it and see if he likes it or not but he is not professional but no, not just anyone.. 2 guys one I know well and other is at same level or lower then myself.. why, it can't be used at all really .. it is dead .. I can't copyright it cause it's dc comics ip. by law .. and Warner Brothers property by licences and what not .. was never mine .. just my fan fiction script .. and everyone has said if I did anything with it other then enter a contest I would be sued .. I have proof I wrote it and saved outbox for everyone I sent it to! so I can prove it was my ideas in the writing .. so if someone enters it in a contest I can discredit the claims .. and money can not be earned on it at all of so dc will sue
Justin Murnahan I wish you well. After the garbage: Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice written by David S. Goyer and Chris Terrio, Directed by a HACK named Zack Snyder. Warner Bros should be begging for some new idea's for superhero genre type movies. I'm a huge comic-book fan and was disappointed in this movie. They should welcome your The Batman script. Good Luck
Jeff Caldwell Agree. It was still a huge feat in terms of it's production, budget, marketing, etc (even script concepts - destroying a city).. regardless of it's overall reception from fans and critics..
first thing first .. DCEU is off to a better start then the MCU. . look at the first seven films from Marvel .. and the first 7 from Dc .. as a start up Dc made over 5 billion when Marvel and just shy of 5 billion combined .. so I would not call it a flop in any form .. the problem for fans is when Dc starts rolling the ball they stop and pick it back up and reroll .. Marvel rolls it and let's it keep rolling picking up speed as it goes farther .. switching Ben out for Robert will be bad .. and switching Henry out at all is going to be worst ..
fan fiction turned into movies or scripts for movies : Harry Potter, twilight saga , interview with a vampire, hitman , hitman agent 47, fifty shades saga and many, many more .. also the guy that wrote shazam for Dc was a no name writer from sweeden or swizerland something like that. I watched an interview with him on YouTube about his story .. he made a splash on YouTube with little shorts and got invited to LA for meetings and got signed up to WB. . so anything can happen .. can doubt it but can't stop it .. I will work my ass off to make it to the point I need to be .. with the right guidance and support I WILL make it! I have the drive and many stories outside the Dc and other comics .. I have two original scripts I am working on but at the concept stage still on one and got the second in the world now .. I will keep posting up at each stage and note the ups and downs .. I am honest and will tell if I get good or bad news, reviews and comments. . if I win or lose contest .. get a rep or manager .. thank you to each supportive person I have in my corner. I am greatful for each of you .. and thank you to my lady for backing me up in every step of this .. she is my first supporter I ever had in my life.. i feel blessed more now then ever.
Damian on that site it does not say not to use their properties. . they said on writers tab to write two Dc characters and that is what you would submit.
that is not the full story .. can take things out of context and make anything real .. but fact is facts .. the sample can be the credits you send can not be published claims on the Dc .. so you can't use the two sample scripts you send them as a proof of why they should hire you .. and it is much easier to write for comics due to the facts that they will take a lesser writer then a film studio will except .. anyone can apply there .. you can't even get in the door of a major studio without an invite
thanks for playing and will not respond to shut else you say, done reading anything from you.. I don't need the negative vibes around .. just mad at your own life ..
Justin Murnahan the only advice I have is “never build a house on someone else’s land”. You are spending all this effort for one spec customer. That is (and I am your friend here) a ridiculous risk to take.
Plus unless you have read the thousands of issues written by numerous writers over the decades. Your story has probably be done before in some form.
I wish you the best. But I believe you are burning time on an impossible endeavour.
thank you Sam he has 3 films that has hits in Hollywood.. the rest was stuff on YouTube little shorts .. I also am working on different stuff not just this one thing I have wrote a previous script for a friend's short film .. and I wrote the Batman one just cause I can .. and I have read alot of the comics .. like I had said before I have about 80,000 comics on my list of reads .. not all Batman but mostly Dc.. I don't claim to be an expert just know about them alot not all .. also it is based on things that have shown up in comics .. but different then them too .. I think if you don't use the comics as a basis for the movies the die hard fans here the movie then .. but change the plot up to keep the fans guessing .. but as I said I put this down now ! and now working on something different and not based on anyone else's ideas .. it's a horror and not yet been done .. I am going to post about it when I get it done and start to make the short myself this time.. and to clear up the gate I have been writing for more than a year .. closer to two years now .. and that's only cause for 3 years I was traveling..also not a kid dummy learn to read I am retired tattoo artist from Cincinnati Ohio and owned 2 shops I am an artist .. and will always be an artist.. one way or the other .. so get off my ass and go make your own way .. I will do me .. peace ..
by the way .. Google fan fiction movies and there is over 200 , so yeah it happens alot .. more than you know Damian dumb ass.. thinknyou know the "biz" cause you say it don't make shit so .. Google it your self and see .. it's there for the world to read .. so i think this guy needs to learn how to Google shit before he comes telling false truths
and my bad it was the director of shazam .. been at this 12 years and so he did 3 major studio films .. he is still new as well and in an interview even days he didn't know shit and is still not as good as anyone but he made it from just a viral hit of a short and gives tips on how to follow his path .. yeah I would take his word over a nobody ..
again been writting for almost 2 years .. and yeah at least I have goals .. so I will continue to push on .. and even if i had 20 years or 40 years I will keep on .. keeping on .. so push on as well .. wish you luck.. at least I know if I make it, it would be cause I kept going when some like you tried to stand in the way and throw shade.. instead of being a troll maybe focus on your path and maybe give words of wisdom like anyone else on this wall .. looks like you are just a grouchy man trying to piss on others dreams cause you're failing at your own .. or you think you are so good .. but yet I never heard of any of your projects in the USA. . maybe cause you have none here or they are just trash, much like my Batman script .. but I know one thing I stay positive and motivated.. and you just stay negative and lonely .. that is why you troll on the stage32 crowd.. just so you have someone to talk to .. well no one cares about you or your hate or your work.. even yourself.. so why would anyone ever feel your story and connect to you when you clearly are the loon acting as if you had no struggle starting .. like you have got the world by the balls .. I didn't know Jesus was back.. some show out for your return buddy Christ .. no one gives a shut about your oppinion. . or false claims .. get a life and move out of mine asap.. yay! zero!
Dan ... you're right.. he is a waste of thought , time and energy .. I am done with that waste and use my time for more positive feedback. . thank you .. good point .. I will devote my time to my work and write what I need to.. I am working on a horror short and going to try to shoot it and post on YouTube asap .. mybe by start of the newyear .. just need to find some actors to do it local to me .. maybe drama class in a college. . haha
they private message me .. haha so you can't jump in uninvited. . like this .. bye Jesus ! you know all see all .. idiot no one listens to you and I am done as well goodbye message all you like Mr. unsuccessful.. dam haters .. oh and people that made real shows and movies I have talked to and everyone agrees you are far off base .. not shocking when we all know you are a unsuccessful Canadian who never seen Hollywood or worked there ever in your "many years" . buddy .. go ahead and say what you like but you have zero expertise in the relm of movies in the USA .. your imdb is all trash.. not one real movie that hit here .. never heard of one.. so yeah where is your knowledge gotten you.. in here talking trash to start ups .. good job guy, you sound smart .. sure .. cause it takes intellectuals to taint people starting out to make you feel like you for something done .. yeah give it a year and I will pass you up cause you are a weak man to talk shit to people coming up just cause you can't get anyplace .. so stop wasting your time cause I'm done wasting mine on you .. good luck and good bye
BURN! haha thanks for that one Dan .. glad you can shut down the troll .. and can go to inbox messages to hinder the troll further from seeing the conversation. . that's sad we all can't chat here because nay Sayers .. but can talk privately in there, just sucks cause then some and go saying the same things .. and can't just agree and make other points ..all cause of one single troll , who could just crawl back in his hole. but nooooo.... I got to disrupt and cause a stir , I'm better than you beginners just starting up .. blaa blaa .. yeah I'm sure your not .. negitive behaviour shows you are worst in the chat . I love my life and my workings ... care what any troll says .. and I will keep working on my scripts despite any troll saying "you can't do this" .. I can do better than you on my short time, I got to fly by and I'll wave. . as I pass you up .. haaaaaaa f'ing trolls ..
Honestly, if it truly is good I'd change Batman, Gotham city and any DC/WB trademark characters into your own even if similar characters & setting. Superhero is a big business if you can make these characters and story enough of your own creation that might be your best shot to make it. I guess you have like a .0001% shot to get people with WB/DC to take a serious look at it but even if this is the greatest thing ever the reality is it will get thrown in the trash without reading anything but the title page
yeah Rob .. that has been discussed and I could do that but I would hate the movie that come from it knowing what it was supposed to be .. I would rather back burner it till I get the credits I need to get them to take it serious .. and already put it up .. and started my next project .. a horror .. I will do a short of .. and then I will have a imdb credit .. then work on the next murder mystery. . do a short of that .. and so on .. I got my next two lined up .. so it don't stop me from going on .. just a waste of a year on that one .. could have been done with a few other ideas by now .. but things happen and I moved on now ..
but thank you Rob .. all positive feedback is great to have coming in .. I take it under advisement. . and may end up doing it that way one day when the wounds heal..
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Sign up for a pitch session here at Stage32. If you knock it out of the park, the person you pitch to may take up your mantle. Otherwise, Warner Bros. almost certainly will not listen to a writer pitching their own material. If it’s actually good, an agent/manager will back it.
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thank you so much, you are the first person to give me a scrap of info.. I am very greatful
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Justin WB will not accept/read your unsolicited script - period. There only a few Agents that even have access to WB. WB generally works with established writers only. Basically, you're barking up the wrong tree. Be honest; is your script even close to being worthy of consideration? Who says so? Pitch it to some Indies first, here on S32 and some pitchfests. Pay attention to the responses and take from there.
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I believe it's worth it and everything I seen about WB. they look at alot of nobody's scripts and even host contest for up coming writers with a slogan that great scripts come from all types of people. I have only shown about 20 people my script in person and everyone that reads it says I should send it in and I will be the one writing all the DCEU films.. but I want to try and see if I can get a manager and see what comes from the pitch here on stage32. I will let you know if it goes good or bad if you care to know. maybe it flops but at least I know I won't give up till I get a No from the staff. even if I have to walk it in the front door myself. I know it is good I done 2 rewrites and took about a year to write the draft .. made sure the plot was gripping and every line of dialog is best It can be. story I been thinking over for years and have 2 more to follow still on second one about halfway through the draft and they all tie in together.
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but thanks for the advice. I will take every but I can get
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Who are the people who have read it? Are they people in the industry, fellow writers or family and friends?
well I have shown a screen writer named Dar Dixon .. I got advice from him recently and said to register my script first with writters guild and then copyright then find rep that can get it to the right personal there so they will give it a chance ..
alot of friends and family but 3 writers. so far all great remarks .. but I know family and friends don't count as experts or true critics .. this is why I shown a few writters. to gage the response they give .. Mr. Dixon has been a screen writer for many years and worked with many studios so I take that as a complament and he has nothing to gain by lying to me. we have alot in common so he gave me a chance over that.. he is an idol of mine and gives me hope..
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but thank all of you for the input and honesty .. but I will take the steps to push forward and see what happens and hope you all the best at what you do.
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It's a long shot but if you can search out who reps the Batman writers for WB you might be able to get an agent.. They may not take unsolicited but it's worth a stab. If you have the skills or connections you could also create a show reel and that might get you seen.
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thank you Karen for the wise and kind words .. that is what I plan to do next .. got to get the copyrights done this month and working with a lawyer to open a writting company for my scripts.. I have a few people networking and want to make our own brand of scripts.. have a editor and proofreaders not to mention the writers. if I can get one in with the Dc films we have a few ideas for them, I dream of making Dc comic movies a larger story then marvel and be a real era of competition.. brings out the best in most situations for all parties involved.. till the bubble pops. then I am off to murder mysterys and dramas. I hope I can find out who they are and I'll put my P.I. to work on that .. great idea, thank you again ..
Dan, that could help .. if he wants to get it attached to a script pitch .. and/or film .. I am looking to put together a pitch with some music to it .. also idealistic cast.. that I would love to be the roles in the film.. I have a list of dream cast and a back up cast
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Rookie mistake #101 - You don't own the rights/Using someone else's IP.
I hate to be another downer but Batman is the intellectual property (IP) of DC comics, with exclusive movie rights to the WB. Unless they commissioned you to write a Batman movie, no matter how good or bad it is, no one is going to touch it with a 10 foot pole. The risk of being sued for copyright and/or trademark infringement is too great. Companies jealously guard their IPs like gold and will sue anyone using their material. So unless you got permission/rights in advance from the WB that script will never see the light of day. You can pitch the script as a writing sample to try to get your foot in the door but don't pin your hopes and dreams on it. Take it from one comic book lover to another.
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Here's what you should do: Safeguard your Batman script. Put it in a safe. Next, write an original low budget indie movie that wins festival awards and box office success. Examples are "Fruitvale Station", "Boyz In the Hood", "The Rider", "Whiplash", "Moonlight." After that, you approach the studio and tell 'em your Batman version. Look at current "Batman" director Matt Reeves and his track record. Most of Marvel's writers & directors come from indie world.
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What Dan M said. Watch the vid of how Kevin Smith got hired to write the superman lives script. it never got produced but he still got paid and the story is hilarious.
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its also a great tutorial on how to include ideas from producers, no matter how wacky they may be. you can read the script online too.
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thank you all for that lesson and thoughts .. will soak it all in
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Damian, There's no need for that post. Who are you? Certainly no one in a position to dismiss anyone.
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From the WB website: *Warner Bros. Entertainment’s policy, as established by its Legal Department, prohibits considering any film, television or other story material unless it is submitted by a licensed literary agent who is signatory to the Writers Guild Of America. *
So before submitting, he'd need an agent. Any agent worth his salt knows that you cant submit someone else's copywritten intellectual property without their expressed written permission. The WB isn't going to give an unknown writer that permission. Unfortunately, the script was dead before he even wrote it.
So Damian you have credits on imdb .. let's check that out and you know there are such things as proof readers and editors .. I have one .. not for small messages here but for writing scripts .. so yeah, I can still spill out thoughts and have them checked for your pleasure .. sir. and disrespectful comments are in called for .. I just think you taken your bitter bs out on someone cause it's over the internet.. dare you to ever say something like that to someone in person .. bet they check you at the door .. to everyone else thanks for the facts and input. . I do have a friend that is in the industry. . he is a writer in the guild and is willing to back me for a meeting to talk to them if I get a manager and register with the guild .. just cost alot to do right at the moment.. maybe someday .. I guess I will lock it up and take the other route of writing something more original, I have a few ideas but so far away and hate to leave a project unfinished .. but I will do what I have to.. also never said I had any imdb credits under my belt , dickhead .. just started this year with all of this .. thank you very much .. and a real thank you to Karen & Anthony ! for the words of wisdom and kindness
so what is this mean to me nothing .. you're just as much of a nothing as I am .. what have you done .. besides just heckle people in here in an app anyone can get .. and as I said I don't have a proof reader on a dam app .. I do have one on my scripts .. do you know that there are actors who can not read but still they make it through the lines .. it's called help for a reason .. we all need some .. so climb off your high horse and get some and stop posting nasty hate for people and maybe then you will have a life outside your Canadian home , ahy
also I'm not a kid .. I am a retired tattoo artist .. I've had success in my field .. this was just a hobbie I would like to get into , thank you very much
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Wow, I recently said the same thing to myself, that I could see a bigger studio like a
Warner Bros. potentially being interested in one of my scripts - an original horror spec,
but that's only because I can see a similar aesthetic applied to my work from say Nolan's Batman films - (the grittiness, freshness, realism, characters, etc) which really has nothing to do with budget - just seriousness - taking the material seriously.
But the bigger studios are looking to branch out outside their own IP in terms of both production and distribution if the potential is there, in all genres too!
Just research each studio's track record over the last 5-10 years...
and write an original idea that will perhaps not only suit them but blow their
socks off when they read it...
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thank you for the advice and that is what I am about to do since this script was just practice .. at least now I know and that's half the battle .. haha .. but I don't plan to give up I have some other ideas of some films I never seen made still .. not going to say anything about them but new ideas .. I think of a movie idea about daily .. just can't write all them .. I just pick a concept that is not been done .. and I am sure I won't have a script out making a movie in the next 10 years .. I may even be an old man before I get anyone to approve one but I will still write daily and still try to get one out there .. I think the day I get a movie made off my idea will be the day I die probably before the editing phase .. haha but oh well I will go happy if I can hear ACTION on my film.. but thank you for all the advice and support to everyone on here but the single nay sayer!
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You do know studio movies take a long long time to make. Black Panther was 15-years in the making. Dozens of writers worked on BP.
Matt Reeves is in year 4 of "Batman" reboot. Schedule filming in Summer 2020 for a 2021 release date. Warner Bros recently fired the Studio Boss.
I don't know if I can send to other studios it is DC property with Warner brother I already singled it down to one company
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This might sound like sacrilege, but you could send it to other studios if it wasn’t a Batman story. Think about what your movie represents, its core ideas and ideals. Chances are they can translate to other people, places and events and maintain the original integrity of the story. If this is a movie you really want to see made, try experimenting with other plots and protagonists. It doesn’t even need to be DC or WB stuff. Just stretch your legs as a writer and see what happens. Because the truth is, any studio that buys your work will start by making substantial changes to suit their needs and preferences, so it’s valuable to be able to make changes on your own while maintaining the original idea in the story.
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Damian your point is not proven it is redundant. Clearly Justin has Dyslexia, which has no baring on intellect. People with Dyslexia have as much right to write as you do. You should understand that in doing so, they take a huge leap in the right direction. Perhaps you should google "great writers with Dyslexia" and then ask yourself if they had listened to the likes of you what talent would have been lost. People who write with impairments are often highly creative and should not be abused by ignorant individuals. If you knew what it takes to be a Dyslexic writer you would maybe be kinder. Then again maybe not, but there by grace goes you. Be nice it's not hard.
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We need more encouragement. No bullying. Stick to your guns, Justin. Never give up.
I love the idea of switching it up .. but I will just put the PDF off to the side and just think one day .. but will continue to write stories .. with twist and turns .. but I love the script and everyone does that has read it .. so I thinkni will check on sending it in for a contest and see what I get back in feedback
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Good luck Justin.
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thank you Karen.. I am glad to have some people on my side .. I have spent all my life feeling alone in the world, like ice skating up hill in life .. and fills my heart to know there are some great people in the world.. so far everyone on here is supportive of everyone's dreams and I love it .. this is the best place I have found for people to exchange ideas and thoughts .. but always got to be one bad seed in the forest .. that's Damian .. lives up to his name I guess .. haha .. oh well I wish him the best anyway .. hope he finds a path to happiness. .
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thank you juhani .. i will never give up on myself .. also thank you anthony as well .. you are tough love type guy and i thank you for that honest and no holds bar mentality.
thanks Dan .. I will work on some smaller ideas as well .. I got a few lower budget type script ideas .. and will start on them now .. concept is there .. actual dialog and full cast ideas are still coming
thank you Nick .. it is very helpful. . and I will think about all the options .. while I work on my next script from an original idea .. something I can get out to all studios and not limit myself this time .. but for the first real full script I am very proud of it and never said it is better than any of the old movies stories or any coming up .. just very different than the ones I have seen .. but I always believe in the saying, go big or go home .. so I want huge .. cause I don't want to go home ..
Anyone know when the next competition is coming or where to find a screen writers contest ?
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Sadly Justin there's more than one, luckily though some good eggs too. Just stay true to your dreams and keep pushing forward. I spent my whole childhood being considered stupid, because back then that was the label. I was so humiliated by abusive teachers I developed an oration stutter. It was only through reading stories to my son that I "overcame" it. I still can write badly. I can proof read a dozen times but I'm reading from memory and it's impossible to see. I often go over what I have written days later and cringe but that doesn't stop me. It's a struggle, my fingers don't listen to my brain but I have a voice and I will do all I can to let it be heard. Good Luck Justin, push forward, always.
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thank you .. so much Karen .. I feel your pain .. it is sad people judge before they can see the written word we can make and there are proof readers and I got me one that keeps my scripts from having flaws .. she went to college and is very great with grammar and spelling .. much much better than I am .. I was a tormented kid by teachers and everything for my mind not being the normal way .. I ended up kicked out of school in 8th grade for assulting a teacher and dam near killed him.. I was sent to jail for kids for a year .. a camp .. for two more years and then I was sent to a boys home.. over looked .. I was a very angry young man .. now I am very calm .. and just stay positive and good things will come if I just keep pushing through .. and I do cause regardless the next day will come ether way
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Justin, There are many. Stage 32 have them often and if you sign up to their news letter they will send out updates. Often a banner appears in the header on the home page. Imagine Impact run content competitions two or three times a year. Again sign up and follow them on IG or twitter for updates. There are other's like Pipe Line. A good google search will through up lots. Most don't offer much advancement but some do.
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thank you all for that and all the positive feedback and help on understanding this world behind the curtain. I do greatly appreciate it .. more than anyone can know .. I just ignore the bully they choke on their words when I make it up and they fall down. karma is a bit*+.. love you all for the support and help .. and for defending me .. never had that happen before .. maybe cause I know how to fight.. or cause I look mean .. but online no one cares cause they don't see you and can't get touched .. but i dont know ?! maybe i just attract hate or violence? ! maybe its me ..
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Justin, what doesn't break you makes you stronger and of course gives you a unique voice because of it. No one has your voice because no one has experienced your life. Shit Happens and you make lemonade.
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Most major contests and fellowships will reject your Batman script. They want original stories
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List of screenwriting contests: https://filmfreeway.com/festivals/
thank you all .. i added a profile to the site of film freeway .. and will find one tonight that I can make and hope for the best .. plus working on my next script now .. for to brainstorm what is next .. I have an idea for a murder mystery and a horror film .. horror one seems like it would be better cause it's just study fears and pick one that i can write about .. plus easy to throw a twist in horror as well .. murder mystery is harder to put a twist cause I feel it is expected to have that already and double twist seams like a weaker story .. kind of leaning to the horror .. I like the idea of startling a group of people in a dark theater sounds like a challenging goal.. my friend once told me it is not scarry if when you watch it alone in the dark at home, you don't think about turning on a light .. then that is fear.. sounded stupid till you think about it.. and then when it happens you're like yeah that was good.. it's been a long time since I felt that way watching a horror film.
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Am I crazy or does anyone else wanna read this!? Lol
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read what Dylan ? the Batman script? cause I can't do anything with it but enter a writting contest that allows fan fiction .. but I will gladly share parts to it with anyone now
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Heck yah man! You've peaked my interest! Plus, It takes balls to post that your batman script is the shiz nit! I gotta read it now lol
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well private message me your email .. and we will make that happen asap
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Break Legs, Justin! DON'T GIVE UP! Look at Ryan Coogler and what he did with Creed and Black Panther. But, as Dan MaxXx pointed out, writer a smaller budget indie such as Fruitvale Station - and possibly a Batman FAN SHORT and another low-budget short - and build your credits. In a few years - not a decade, but several years - perhaps you can put yourself in position to pitch that script. It CAN BE DONE! I have produced 18 movies and worked with Oscar-Winners and Oscar-Nominees, so this is an experienced opinion. Keep plugging away my friend and DON'T listen to the haters. GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3
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thank you Sam .. so should I not be showing this to anyone till the day I get that chance .. I mean I can prove I wrote it already mailed a copy to a P.O. box and then stored it in a lock box in storage unopened .. plus keep the email that I send them it in .. would I be stupid to show it to other writers who might have that chance before me.. it is still a WB property
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I'd say like Dan MaxXx suggested: Put it away for safekeeping, while you build your credits - and your contacts. Then, one day when you get the chance and you are in the right position, you show it to the right person at the WB. Yes, it will take hard work and persistence, BUT, it can be done. And, as I said, not only right a small-budget Indie, but write a few shorts, including a Batman fan short, which you can get away with making to get on their radar. Fan shorts are a great way for you to show your knowledge of the subject matter. Break Legs! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3
for sure Sam .. I will do that and I am already hard at work on the next project .. I bounce back fast .. nothing keeps me down .. last year down the drain till I get my credit up .. oh well got to move on to the next and just know not to waste the time on something I can't pitch or get in the hands of the right people..oh well stuff happens .. got to get back to writing and stop working on a part 2 to the Batman script I had already worked out a 3 part saga 3 trilogies .. but wrote one half way through the second and had the story for all three of the first set worked out and an idea of all nine completed .. just a major set back that's just a bump on the road to win .. got to keep on moving on..
thank you and God bless
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I just had to pop in and say I smiled reading this thread seeing the motivation and advice given. Justin, the truth is the path you're trying to brave is a tough one, and may have an "impossible" element to it, but bro...GO HARD! But do take into account some of the advice given here as well if you're really intent on going forward with this still.
Keep us updated on your process bro, and don't hesitate to ask further on any clarification you may need. Wishing the best!
Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services Hey Nick, in the 100-plus years of American cinema, has there ever been a fan fiction screenplay made into a studio released movie?
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Dan .. the world is changing fast in films and just because something has not yet come to pass, does that mean it is not possible? I don't see what the past has to do with the next steps .. if this was the case movies would never be what they are .. at a time voice was never before done .. yet now they are the normal way to experience a film ! so staying stuck in the old ways is a very bad mind state open your mind to all possibilities and maybe you will make something magical the world's never seen.. I wish you the best brother and hope to see a film you make break records .. good luck!
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Imo , thank you for the comment and I will always post my next steps here..
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Damian, never thought they would give me the sticks .. or even half the control.. and never said I would just jump in .. but my goal is to one day get the wheel and make the Dc universe the best in the world.. and without knowing anything you jump to just teardown anything that you don't touch .. I have studied the comics and seen the shows love and animated versions, all the movies dc has put out .. I own alot of this stuff, 80k in comics alone .. everything .. and the one thing that I see that's always been missing, is Batman being true to the comics .. the more recent is close .. but he should been dealing with what seems to be impossible to deal with amount of villians.. all in one day let alone one film that is going over the span of a week or a month or even a year.... and I never once said I would get to the Kevin figie level in a day or a year .. it may take me 20 years but at least I have a goal .. just because I aim higher then you did somehow makes you hate me and talk your stuff .. how about stay off my stuff and I stay off your stuff .. next time you message I will file a complaint with stage32 and let them handle you , bully trash.
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Hi Justin, are you allowing anyone on here to read your script? Or has anyone read it and provided notes? I think it's a good idea to i start there before sending it off to big studios or to anyone for that matter. You always want to make a good first impression : )
i have only let one successful writer read it.. have me notes .. and really it is a dead project till I have fame in the writting world so, I let one of my guys on here take a look at it and see if he likes it or not but he is not professional but no, not just anyone.. 2 guys one I know well and other is at same level or lower then myself.. why, it can't be used at all really .. it is dead .. I can't copyright it cause it's dc comics ip. by law .. and Warner Brothers property by licences and what not .. was never mine .. just my fan fiction script .. and everyone has said if I did anything with it other then enter a contest I would be sued .. I have proof I wrote it and saved outbox for everyone I sent it to! so I can prove it was my ideas in the writing .. so if someone enters it in a contest I can discredit the claims .. and money can not be earned on it at all of so dc will sue
inbox info
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and Also Dan a follow up to your comment all comic movies are started from fan fiction .. cause comics itself are fan fiction stories
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Justin Murnahan I wish you well. After the garbage: Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice written by David S. Goyer and Chris Terrio, Directed by a HACK named Zack Snyder. Warner Bros should be begging for some new idea's for superhero genre type movies. I'm a huge comic-book fan and was disappointed in this movie. They should welcome your The Batman script. Good Luck
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I wouldn't call those guys hacks lol
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Jeff Caldwell Agree. It was still a huge feat in terms of it's production, budget, marketing, etc (even script concepts - destroying a city).. regardless of it's overall reception from fans and critics..
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first thing first .. DCEU is off to a better start then the MCU. . look at the first seven films from Marvel .. and the first 7 from Dc .. as a start up Dc made over 5 billion when Marvel and just shy of 5 billion combined .. so I would not call it a flop in any form .. the problem for fans is when Dc starts rolling the ball they stop and pick it back up and reroll .. Marvel rolls it and let's it keep rolling picking up speed as it goes farther .. switching Ben out for Robert will be bad .. and switching Henry out at all is going to be worst ..
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fan fiction turned into movies or scripts for movies : Harry Potter, twilight saga , interview with a vampire, hitman , hitman agent 47, fifty shades saga and many, many more .. also the guy that wrote shazam for Dc was a no name writer from sweeden or swizerland something like that. I watched an interview with him on YouTube about his story .. he made a splash on YouTube with little shorts and got invited to LA for meetings and got signed up to WB. . so anything can happen .. can doubt it but can't stop it .. I will work my ass off to make it to the point I need to be .. with the right guidance and support I WILL make it! I have the drive and many stories outside the Dc and other comics .. I have two original scripts I am working on but at the concept stage still on one and got the second in the world now .. I will keep posting up at each stage and note the ups and downs .. I am honest and will tell if I get good or bad news, reviews and comments. . if I win or lose contest .. get a rep or manager .. thank you to each supportive person I have in my corner. I am greatful for each of you .. and thank you to my lady for backing me up in every step of this .. she is my first supporter I ever had in my life.. i feel blessed more now then ever.
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Damian on that site it does not say not to use their properties. . they said on writers tab to write two Dc characters and that is what you would submit.
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Hone your craft and polish at least two DC sample scripts that, if completed successfully, will be hand-delivered to all DC and Vertigo editors!
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now Damian the part you noted was at the point of sending the work you have published
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that is not the full story .. can take things out of context and make anything real .. but fact is facts .. the sample can be the credits you send can not be published claims on the Dc .. so you can't use the two sample scripts you send them as a proof of why they should hire you .. and it is much easier to write for comics due to the facts that they will take a lesser writer then a film studio will except .. anyone can apply there .. you can't even get in the door of a major studio without an invite
thanks for playing and will not respond to shut else you say, done reading anything from you.. I don't need the negative vibes around .. just mad at your own life ..
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Justin Murnahan the only advice I have is “never build a house on someone else’s land”. You are spending all this effort for one spec customer. That is (and I am your friend here) a ridiculous risk to take.
Plus unless you have read the thousands of issues written by numerous writers over the decades. Your story has probably be done before in some form.
I wish you the best. But I believe you are burning time on an impossible endeavour.
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Director David Sandberg made 3 hit horror box office movies before Shazam. Not bad for a guy from sweden who struck gold off a 2-min horror short.
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thank you Sam he has 3 films that has hits in Hollywood.. the rest was stuff on YouTube little shorts .. I also am working on different stuff not just this one thing I have wrote a previous script for a friend's short film .. and I wrote the Batman one just cause I can .. and I have read alot of the comics .. like I had said before I have about 80,000 comics on my list of reads .. not all Batman but mostly Dc.. I don't claim to be an expert just know about them alot not all .. also it is based on things that have shown up in comics .. but different then them too .. I think if you don't use the comics as a basis for the movies the die hard fans here the movie then .. but change the plot up to keep the fans guessing .. but as I said I put this down now ! and now working on something different and not based on anyone else's ideas .. it's a horror and not yet been done .. I am going to post about it when I get it done and start to make the short myself this time.. and to clear up the gate I have been writing for more than a year .. closer to two years now .. and that's only cause for 3 years I was traveling..also not a kid dummy learn to read I am retired tattoo artist from Cincinnati Ohio and owned 2 shops I am an artist .. and will always be an artist.. one way or the other .. so get off my ass and go make your own way .. I will do me .. peace ..
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by the way .. Google fan fiction movies and there is over 200 , so yeah it happens alot .. more than you know Damian dumb ass.. thinknyou know the "biz" cause you say it don't make shit so .. Google it your self and see .. it's there for the world to read .. so i think this guy needs to learn how to Google shit before he comes telling false truths
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and my bad it was the director of shazam .. been at this 12 years and so he did 3 major studio films .. he is still new as well and in an interview even days he didn't know shit and is still not as good as anyone but he made it from just a viral hit of a short and gives tips on how to follow his path .. yeah I would take his word over a nobody ..
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again been writting for almost 2 years .. and yeah at least I have goals .. so I will continue to push on .. and even if i had 20 years or 40 years I will keep on .. keeping on .. so push on as well .. wish you luck.. at least I know if I make it, it would be cause I kept going when some like you tried to stand in the way and throw shade.. instead of being a troll maybe focus on your path and maybe give words of wisdom like anyone else on this wall .. looks like you are just a grouchy man trying to piss on others dreams cause you're failing at your own .. or you think you are so good .. but yet I never heard of any of your projects in the USA. . maybe cause you have none here or they are just trash, much like my Batman script .. but I know one thing I stay positive and motivated.. and you just stay negative and lonely .. that is why you troll on the stage32 crowd.. just so you have someone to talk to .. well no one cares about you or your hate or your work.. even yourself.. so why would anyone ever feel your story and connect to you when you clearly are the loon acting as if you had no struggle starting .. like you have got the world by the balls .. I didn't know Jesus was back.. some show out for your return buddy Christ .. no one gives a shut about your oppinion. . or false claims .. get a life and move out of mine asap.. yay! zero!
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Dan ... you're right.. he is a waste of thought , time and energy .. I am done with that waste and use my time for more positive feedback. . thank you .. good point .. I will devote my time to my work and write what I need to.. I am working on a horror short and going to try to shoot it and post on YouTube asap .. mybe by start of the newyear .. just need to find some actors to do it local to me .. maybe drama class in a college. . haha
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and you!
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they private message me .. haha so you can't jump in uninvited. . like this .. bye Jesus ! you know all see all .. idiot no one listens to you and I am done as well goodbye message all you like Mr. unsuccessful.. dam haters .. oh and people that made real shows and movies I have talked to and everyone agrees you are far off base .. not shocking when we all know you are a unsuccessful Canadian who never seen Hollywood or worked there ever in your "many years" . buddy .. go ahead and say what you like but you have zero expertise in the relm of movies in the USA .. your imdb is all trash.. not one real movie that hit here .. never heard of one.. so yeah where is your knowledge gotten you.. in here talking trash to start ups .. good job guy, you sound smart .. sure .. cause it takes intellectuals to taint people starting out to make you feel like you for something done .. yeah give it a year and I will pass you up cause you are a weak man to talk shit to people coming up just cause you can't get anyplace .. so stop wasting your time cause I'm done wasting mine on you .. good luck and good bye
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BURN! haha thanks for that one Dan .. glad you can shut down the troll .. and can go to inbox messages to hinder the troll further from seeing the conversation. . that's sad we all can't chat here because nay Sayers .. but can talk privately in there, just sucks cause then some and go saying the same things .. and can't just agree and make other points ..all cause of one single troll , who could just crawl back in his hole. but nooooo.... I got to disrupt and cause a stir , I'm better than you beginners just starting up .. blaa blaa .. yeah I'm sure your not .. negitive behaviour shows you are worst in the chat . I love my life and my workings ... care what any troll says .. and I will keep working on my scripts despite any troll saying "you can't do this" .. I can do better than you on my short time, I got to fly by and I'll wave. . as I pass you up .. haaaaaaa f'ing trolls ..
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Honestly, if it truly is good I'd change Batman, Gotham city and any DC/WB trademark characters into your own even if similar characters & setting. Superhero is a big business if you can make these characters and story enough of your own creation that might be your best shot to make it. I guess you have like a .0001% shot to get people with WB/DC to take a serious look at it but even if this is the greatest thing ever the reality is it will get thrown in the trash without reading anything but the title page
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yeah Rob .. that has been discussed and I could do that but I would hate the movie that come from it knowing what it was supposed to be .. I would rather back burner it till I get the credits I need to get them to take it serious .. and already put it up .. and started my next project .. a horror .. I will do a short of .. and then I will have a imdb credit .. then work on the next murder mystery. . do a short of that .. and so on .. I got my next two lined up .. so it don't stop me from going on .. just a waste of a year on that one .. could have been done with a few other ideas by now .. but things happen and I moved on now ..
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but thank you Rob .. all positive feedback is great to have coming in .. I take it under advisement. . and may end up doing it that way one day when the wounds heal..