Dude, marriage is the most difficult adult relationship you will ever have and here you are starting it on your knees. She is gonna say Yes! YES! YES! YES!!!! and then call her mom.
I wish I had the balls to be him, instead of being my wife's boytoy -- see " HURTOY" on his t shird. Then again, maybe he is just thinking ' "this guy is so lucky he will never get an otherbad haircut Who will ever know
@Rutger@Matt Mention tee shirt, the tee shirt had me curious. Is tee shirt guys own name or someone famous? There was a trend in UK not long ago where folk had own names on tee shirt. The scene reminds me very much of one of my scripts where a guy has a twin who had a hard nosed news reporter fiancee rip him off (and openly laughed about it in cafe) but money actually ended up in other brothers pocket. There is a scene where says “Bitch same name, wrong brother.”
What...what did he just say...? He's having an affair with my wife... glad he does not know I have an affair with his girlfriend... Off all tables...(gasp) "Check please!!" Oh shit, I left my wallet at home... I have to make a run for it.
"I guess my girlfriend wants a engagement ring also, but I'm not a college grad and I 'm here on her dime...looks like the other lady and her fiancee' seem to be doing well, maybe we should go to Church more, or quit being lazy...I'm here for her, she wants so much money and stuff, I know she's gonna dump me, ... i hope she picks up the check "
Why the hell you guys do it in public now my girlfriend will be expecting it and I have to buy a ring or something to satisfy her, damn it you idiot. You're spoiling your life as well as the boyfriends who came here with their girlfriends
"Oh great - As if I hadn't already neglected to shave off my Movember moustache, underdress for this high-end restaurant, and barely afford to pick up the check..."
I think the black guy said, "Look at That Couple, Their sex life is so great, he's growing her pubic hair on his lip, like a chia pet." The women snickering.
You're trying to hijack the thread Tony! My conspiracy theory -- as I combine both ads...
The guy in blue shirt:
"No talent, no money, no movie. Al has fallen through! And now, of all tables, only two days after we split, this guy has the nerve to asks my wife for a different movie. On his fucking knees...just as I got my movie's new female lead... Wouldnt surprise me if she's going for the other guy's movie too. Oh, my God, the movie business sucks!! Check!!!
Describe his internal dialogue? That's a prose technique that doesn't belong in a screenplay. "As Daryl eyes the man who's kneeling on the restaurant floor to propose to his girlfriend, it reinforces once again his steely resolve to never get married." Nah... that doesn't work in a script.
Things are not as they seem, the very essence of romance is uncertainty. Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother, but the rest of the time there was none. This love story is about one of those other times . ..
Interestingly enough, I didn't see this as a proposal. Every picture is a Rorschach. I thought the guy in the suit said something offensive, and both women were reacting. So then the guy in the blue t-shirt is thinking: "That asshole, now I'm going to have to say something and I just wanted to eat my croutons."
MAN IN BLUE SHIRT:"Who said freedom of speach is a good thing?! I'm sitting here for over a year now, asking for the check for the millionth time, but nooooo, they just WON'T let me go.... going to change my shirt now..."
ADRIAN-ASIA PETTY: "Changing your shirt won't work. Here's my proposal, your oppertunity: you can take the blue pill and you're at this table, made fun off, for EVER; or you take the red pill, I'll erase you from this picture, and ask them what the the girl turning her head is thinking..."
" For how longer I can tolerate witnessing the endless repeating cycle of my brethren befalling to the same grueling nightmarish reality I'm forced to relive everyday, I do not know..."
You're really going to propose right here, right now, in a mask? Couldn't you think of a more romantic place to propose? I proposed in a restaurant a few years ago & I'm now divorced & paying alimony.
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“Say sorry or get your ass kicked”
“That smell came out of a human?”
Depending on my mood.
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Now she’ll want me to propose, bastard.
Hmmm... wonder if it was the suit that impressed her?
"Told you not to have the clams."
"Oh, Robert. I'm used to seeing you on your knees... except in front of me."
“I’m Jamie Lee asshole and my twin John Leonard’s already drained your accounts but right now this feels pretty personal”.
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"Say goodbye to the nards, Jack."
"Sucker! She has 'Property of the Hell's Angels' tattooed on her butt."
"Thanks, dude. The Seaside Strangler just found his next victim."
"Don't be so happy, Honey. I've seen his junk."
"But wise men never fall in love / So how are they to know. Thank you. Elvis has left the building."
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"If I had half the courage he did, I'd do the same thing."
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"Well that makes the Public Breakup harder..."
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"... ...Oh yeah. He went to Jared."
He's just a psycho luring this girl out and the guy just stole his show...guess who's gonna get it next in the men's room...
Did he really have to do that in front of us? Next thing, my girl will want a ring too.
Craig D Griffiths Jinx!
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Blue shirt - "Oh sh*t.Now me and her are gonna have THAT discussion again!"
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Thanks dude for my awkward drive home.
MAN IN BLUE SHIRT: Couldn't they do that someplace else?
Dude, marriage is the most difficult adult relationship you will ever have and here you are starting it on your knees. She is gonna say Yes! YES! YES! YES!!!! and then call her mom.
I wish I had the balls to be him, instead of being my wife's boytoy -- see " HURTOY" on his t shird. Then again, maybe he is just thinking ' "this guy is so lucky he will never get an otherbad haircut Who will ever know
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Now I'm on the spot!
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This is a first date I'll never forget.
Great, wasted my best Hurley tee for nothing!
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@Rutger@Matt Mention tee shirt, the tee shirt had me curious. Is tee shirt guys own name or someone famous? There was a trend in UK not long ago where folk had own names on tee shirt. The scene reminds me very much of one of my scripts where a guy has a twin who had a hard nosed news reporter fiancee rip him off (and openly laughed about it in cafe) but money actually ended up in other brothers pocket. There is a scene where says “Bitch same name, wrong brother.”
(soft sigh) I guess I'm never hearing the end of this story!
Ugh... Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
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You couldn't just propose at the Applebee's like I did?
"Hurley you, Hurley. I will Hurley you until you Hurley, Hurley. And that goes for your Hurley, too."
"I was just about to break up with her...Great"
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"Whatever. He was on both knees for me last night..."
What...what did he just say...? He's having an affair with my wife... glad he does not know I have an affair with his girlfriend... Off all tables...(gasp) "Check please!!" Oh shit, I left my wallet at home... I have to make a run for it.
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That's the look of "he's messing it up for every guy in the room right now that doesn't want to propose..."
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"Happy first anniversary,. You'll be leaping with joy from this very spot."
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"Oh Eff this guy, now my girlfriend is going to want a ring."
"Another man done gone."
hello Stacy, If I can be of help to you send me a email JDvdMnyn@aol.com , DavyM
Well that's awkward, she just said yes to the other guy!
Why o why did I agree to be an extra on this crap and if I leave she won't sleep with me.
"But that amputee is still standing." (srry, we do dark comedy)
Is this my good side?
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"Isn't that Hervé Villechaize from FANTASY ISLAND?"
wow, he doesn't need to be an ass about it.
Don't get any ideas, babe.
This is the third time he's proposed to her in one hour, and she keeps actin' surprised.
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Fuck ! why did I let them sit me in this section.
"OMG! Now the pressure's one me to propose to MY girlfriend!! I must move SLOWLY away..."
Suuure, no idea who could do such a thing.
Oh my God, the sacrifice I must make...if they only knew about the plane...
Couldn't he do this at home...now my girlfriend is going to get ideas in her head
OMG, she's breaking up with her boyfriend so we can be together . . . when I've broken up with my girlfriend!
"Huh?! He looks like a Bond villain."
"You dumb bastard. No, no!"
"I shouldn't have left my business and management courses ..."
"I guess my girlfriend wants a engagement ring also, but I'm not a college grad and I 'm here on her dime...looks like the other lady and her fiancee' seem to be doing well, maybe we should go to Church more, or quit being lazy...I'm here for her, she wants so much money and stuff, I know she's gonna dump me, ... i hope she picks up the check "
Why the hell you guys do it in public now my girlfriend will be expecting it and I have to buy a ring or something to satisfy her, damn it you idiot. You're spoiling your life as well as the boyfriends who came here with their girlfriends
"Dude, be prepared for a... big surprise under the wedding gown."
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Did that waiter just tell her there's no more lasagna?
"How am I going to top that?"
C’mon man!
Really?....REALLY? I just wore that suit.
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Another one bites the dust!
"Oh great - As if I hadn't already neglected to shave off my Movember moustache, underdress for this high-end restaurant, and barely afford to pick up the check..."
She said no...AGAIN?
"What the fuck bro, thanks so much now I can't break up with her after you pulled that off"
Jeez, the dude in the suit punched her in the nose, just for farting?
Dammit! Now this one thinks I'm going to do the same thing someday soon. I'm not.
"I'm gonna enjoy his kidneys with fava beans and a nice key-an-tee. <Slurp Slurp Slurp >"
I think the black guy said, "Look at That Couple, Their sex life is so great, he's growing her pubic hair on his lip, like a chia pet." The women snickering.
What did the suit just say? Like “Sorry for my mouth mask implant f.ck up honey, it’s permanent…. Still want to marry me?”
How am I going to propose to her? How will she respond? Am I ready to give up my freedom?
Okay, we're moving away from the window, that's the dude Ethan Hunt is after.
Seriously Bro?
Fuck! Now I gotta hear about this bullshit all damn day!
Don’t do it man
Didn't I see him here last night with a different girl?????
Of all the restaurants in all the world why'd this schmuck pick this one to propose to his girlfriend?
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Oh crap! This will drive my girl nuts!
Oh, shit! What the hell this guy is doing in front of my girl? Oh, no she is watching them!
Did I leave the iron on?
"Hey! Isn't she the same woman that's in this ad?!"
OK, I'll wait my turn.
I'll never hear the end of this.
You're trying to hijack the thread Tony! My conspiracy theory -- as I combine both ads...
The guy in blue shirt:
"No talent, no money, no movie. Al has fallen through! And now, of all tables, only two days after we split, this guy has the nerve to asks my wife for a different movie. On his fucking knees...just as I got my movie's new female lead... Wouldnt surprise me if she's going for the other guy's movie too. Oh, my God, the movie business sucks!! Check!!!
Damn! why did I sit in this section.
Yeah buddy! You know you've f-ck it up for all of us men.
As unofficial sergeant of arms of the men league, your man card has been terminated!
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Hands over a face are not the same as an N95 mask? Now you tell me!
I wish I could grow a beard like that.
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There is no internal dialogue in screenplays.
Is that bacon I smell?
Stupid dude - tattooing a mask on your face ....
"Oh, Todd. I'm shocked you don't know about stream-of-consciousness voiceover."
"If you knew what I know, you wouldn't do it son."
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Which of these windows open?
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I need to pee but there's a line for the bathroom.
Describe his internal dialogue? That's a prose technique that doesn't belong in a screenplay. "As Daryl eyes the man who's kneeling on the restaurant floor to propose to his girlfriend, it reinforces once again his steely resolve to never get married." Nah... that doesn't work in a script.
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No soup for you!
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Thanks pal ! I won't be getting any now!
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"Man, I'm underdressed and got soup in my moustache, I wish I wore a jacket and ordered the scallops wrapped in bacon like that guy, he looks happy."
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“Great, how am I supposed to break up with her now?”
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"Just STOP.. This has already been the worst surfing convention and you're making it worse."
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"I wonder if it's too late to ask him to trade dates?"
Things are not as they seem, the very essence of romance is uncertainty. Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother, but the rest of the time there was none. This love story is about one of those other times . ..
Hey, AC Patterson, you can certainly communicate internal dialogue in a script as a VO
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"Goddamn mask-wearer, thinks he's better than me, I'll bet."
"Geewiz guy, I'm about to break up with this girl and this is how you do me. "
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"I hope she says no."
Jesus, I'm sitting here for NINE MONTH now, eating the same shitty food -- over and over again...
Fuckin' show off. So what. I ordered red velvet cheesecake.
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"Do I need a suit and a beard too???"
Now, we have to go Zales...a-hole.
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My god, I think that guy just proposed to the prime minister of New Zealand!!
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"Now you've done it. That's the last time she will look that good. Exhibit A." Points to his date.
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Bro, do you even moustache?
Damn it all. Now she's gonna want me to propose. I just wanted to enjoy my eggs.
"How'd they get their food first? We ordered like thirty minutes before they even got here..."
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Interestingly enough, I didn't see this as a proposal. Every picture is a Rorschach. I thought the guy in the suit said something offensive, and both women were reacting. So then the guy in the blue t-shirt is thinking: "That asshole, now I'm going to have to say something and I just wanted to eat my croutons."
DUDE really! why couldn't you wait until I finished lunch.
"Hey, you could have picked another spot."
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That smell comes out of a human, oh my god.
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Ohhh now I get that song. Get a haircut and get a real job.
Thanks, dude,. Do you have any idea what kind of pressure you just put on every other guy here?
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"Did he really say that??? A honeymoon on the moon???
Hmm, Peter Jackson the director??? I think that dude is a white guy... Such a brag!!!
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Please don't propose, please don't propose, please don't...
"Sorry what? Oh yeah, very romantic. We should get the bill."
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Exit left.
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"I've been trapped in this meme for months"
Check please.
"He should have ASKED before showing her that!"
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"Why is she afraid of short people?"
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"Not this shit again."
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There is no internal dialogue in screenwriting.
thanks a lot!
Why does this always happen to me?
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Why do his farts smell better than mine?
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"Now she's definitely not gonna split the check."
"Right in the middle of people's meals? Is she going to cry?"
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(VO) Saying it through a mask doesn't make it sound any better.
He's pregnant and she's not?!
Proposing...that's nothing...holding in a fart on a first date, now that's freaking torture!1 person likes this
Great. Milk was a bad choice.
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Here is an exercise in film industry jargon: I think it's time to 'put this concept to bed' and start again with a fresh idea. Sheesh....
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If you're going to propose, don't wear a mask!
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That dude is so making the rest of us here look so bad.
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Great, now it's gonna look like I'm just copying him. The ski lodge was the perfect time. The ski lodge! What was I thinking?
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"What do you mean 'there are dozens of people watching us and making snide comments'?"
Shit !
MAN IN BLUE SHIRT:"Who said freedom of speach is a good thing?! I'm sitting here for over a year now, asking for the check for the millionth time, but nooooo, they just WON'T let me go.... going to change my shirt now..."
ADRIAN-ASIA PETTY: "Changing your shirt won't work. Here's my proposal, your oppertunity: you can take the blue pill and you're at this table, made fun off, for EVER; or you take the red pill, I'll erase you from this picture, and ask them what the the girl turning her head is thinking..."
what kind of nerd wears a mask to propose?
" For how longer I can tolerate witnessing the endless repeating cycle of my brethren befalling to the same grueling nightmarish reality I'm forced to relive everyday, I do not know..."
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Dude, I hope you know what you're doing.
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Oh man, don't do it.
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I have a good divorce lawyer. Want his number?
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You're really going to propose right here, right now, in a mask? Couldn't you think of a more romantic place to propose? I proposed in a restaurant a few years ago & I'm now divorced & paying alimony.
"attention much"
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Hope you have deep pockets!
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Oh no, now am going to have to propose too.
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I wonder what other people think I'm thinking right now?
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Now you've done it, bud!
He had to do that here, and in a suit, ugghhh.
Thanks bro! How am I going to top that in shorts?
That mask isn't gonna safe his teeth.
Stay away from my sister.
Get the hint. You've been on your knees for three years. The answer is "NO!"
There's always some dude, fcking it up for us real guy's!