Producing : Live with Sam Sokolow: How to develop, package and pitch for a limited series by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

Live with Sam Sokolow: How to develop, package and pitch for a limited series

What are some of the takeaways you're learning with Sam today in his Stage 32 Next Level Webinar?

Amanda Toney

Hi everyone, I'm Amanda and I am a film & TV producer. I just sold my first television show to a major US network this year and I'm currently packaging a limited series which has the creator and an A-list showrunner attached, and we are close to attaching a great director, too. Enjoying what Sam is sharing so far in his webinar.

Scott Fales

Hello, I"m a screenwriter and author, and have established a non-profit film foundation in Eger, Hungary ( I'm currently packaging a limited series and an on-going series... and am creating a new limited series based upon a historical composer.

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on selling your first show, Amanda Toney.

Amanda Toney

Thanks @maurice! Nice to meet you Scott Fales! We were just teaching in Hungary a couple of years ago - you have such a great and vibrant creative scene there.

Crystal L Brooks

Hello from Indianapolis! This webinar is AWESOME! I love that he talked about his next limited series is based on Martin Luther King and I'm working on one about him as well.

Jeruvia J

Hello from Harlem USA! Solid webinar.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Amanda Toney. Will this webinar be on-demand?

Kristin Holloway

Such great information! Maurice Vaughan Yes, it will be on-demand.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Kristin Holloway.

Itai Adam Vagner

Hey Sam, this is Itai from Israel (currently living in NYC), I loved your webinar and wanted to ask about your opinion about Aretha Franklin's life story. She's the basis of your show Genius season 3, but a movie has recently been released, called Respect starring Jennifer Hudson, and wanted to know as an EP was it ever a concern of yours that another studio was developing a project based on Aretha Franklin?

Frederick Richardson

Fantastic and very informative. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and knowledge with us!

Christopher Charles Murray

A fellow New Yorker. An incredibly insightful webinar on the Limited Series.

Alexander Rosenstein

Great webinar. Would love to work with Sam. I am a writer of historically based and currently relevant thriller novels. I would like to partner with an experienced screenplay writer to bring my published book " Sword of the Kremlin " to large or small screen. Please check out website

Keith Miller

Thanks for putting that question to Sam, Amanda. The whole webinar has been really helpful

David Max Brown

I loved this presentation from Sam, so generous and passionate! I'm a producer in South Africa, i've made short and long running series in SA, but not internationally, and produced a feature film that was SA's entry to the oscars, but now working with a writer in USA in new york, on a limited series set in USA and SA - so from what you saying Sam, we will need a strong US ltd series production company/ producer attached - what sort of time in development should we do that, in development of the script now, or i'm supposing much further down the road when we have pilot script and bible ? and then i guess it is all about this kind of networking in fact to find the US producer or as you pointed out the director! it's about a black american drummer looking for her African heritage her musical and emotional adventures of discovery

Will Martinez

Very informative and inspiring!

Martha Caprarotta

Thanks to Sam Sokolow for such a deep dive into Limited Series productions and for sharing his actual pitch document and query letters! Learned a lot today. And congratulations, Amanda Toney on selling your series!

Basil F. Quill

Thank you ever so much for the wonderful webinar! Tons of information and inspiration! And many thanks indeed to Amanda for hosting and coordinating the webinar.

Basil F. Quill

Hearty congrats for Amanda on selling the show!

Debra Perl

Sam Sokolow's class, How to Develop, Package and Pitch for a Limited Series was extremely informative; he went above and beyond my expectations in the live webinar. I learned about source material, attachment, deals, identification, pitches, presentations, networking, endorsements, mandates, overall packaging, and more. The best part was that he has a great and humble mind along with an enthusiastic approach. Thank you for the lessons! Also, congratulations to Amanda Toney for selling her first series to NBC Universal. Since they have changed their mandate, I hope that your pilot finds a home soon! It's nice to know that some people can jump out of an airplane, and their parachute not only opens but that they land right in a studio instead of a grassy field :)

Cherelynn Baker

Such great info! Thanks for sharing!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Aww, man, I'm sorry I missed this! Definitely going to catch it on the re-play.

Thandiwe Folotiya

Excellent presentation. This is exactly what I needed to learn how the TV production industry works. I feel encouraged to keep moving forward with my dream.

Amanda Toney

For anyone who wants to catch the replay of this, here is the link:

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