Introduce Yourself : Hello from Australia by Lark Lee

Lark Lee

Hello from Australia


I’m a Korean-Australian writer/director. I am into a few different genre films including comedy, thriller and horror. Sometimes I mix those genres too. I’ve been directing short forms mostly (short films and web series) but trying to make my first feature film and its proof-of-concept short film is going around festivals at the moment. If you are in LA, it will be screened at ‘Holly Shorts Film Festival’ next month! It’s called ‘Street No. 4’ :) anybody attending the festival from here?

Lark Lee

Thank you Manuele. I submitted to the Austin Film festival. Fingers crossed!

Pat Savage

Welcome to Stage32 and good luck with the Holly Shorts Film Festival and the Austin Film festival as well! Fingers crossed!

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Welcome to this wonderful networking space, Lark!

Wendy Weising

Wow! Congratulations! Great job!

Lark Lee

Thank you guys! :)

Rosemond Perdue

Congratulations! Is there a link to your project? I'd love to see it!

Lark Lee

Thank you Rosemond. I will PM you. :)

Lark Lee

If anyone has 'LA Shorts' Digital pass you can watch it in the USA during its festival too. :)

Phil Hollins

Annyeonghaseyo, Lark! I spent several assignments in Korea when I was in the military. Beautiful country and great food. Wish you the best with your writing.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Lark Lee. Nice to meet you. Hope your proof-of-concept short film does great at the festivals. Are your short films and web series available to watch?

Lark Lee

Hi Maurice, thank you. Nice to meet you too. :) You can check them out on my website. It has links to some platforms and trailers:

Matthew Parvin

Nice to meet you, Lark. Good luck at Holly next month. It's fantastic that you like mixing genres. Less restrictions and more possibilities!

Jacqueline Sandee Valle

Hi Lark-welcome!

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, Lark Lee. Thanks. I'll check out your website.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Lark Lee. How are things?

Lark Lee

Hey Maurice, things are going well. My film screened at Holly Shorts last night. I wasn’t there but my co-writer did. How are you doing?

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on the screening, Lark Lee! I was planning to watch the Holly Shorts, but I haven't been able to. I'm doing fine. Working on some projects.

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