I am really excited that my feature screenplay "THE TRIP" has received the consideration of "Outstanding Achievement in Writing" at the ISC festival held a few weeks ago in New Jersey. This award encourages me to keep improving in order to try to achieve the goal of finding a producer who bets on this or any other of my projects. THE TRIP (logline): A series of events beyond human comprehension, combined with the obsession to recover an impossible love, lead David to embark on a journey with unpredictable consequences.
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Congratulation Carlos Alex Ceni a giant step actually. I hope you find that producer soon.
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Thanks a lot Joseph. Have a nice day!!
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Good for you, Carlos. Congrats!
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Thanks John!!
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That's great... keep going
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I do Wendy, I do. Thanks!!
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Congrats Dude!!!!
Congratulations, Carlos Alex Ceni! :D
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Little steps get you to home plate. Congratulations Carlos!
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Congrats Carlos, have you submitted THE TRIP to one of our contests yet?
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Thanks Sam. I have already submitted it to a festival in Barcelona where Stage32 collaborates.
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Congratulations, Carlos!! That’s terrific to hear!
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Congratulations. Hope you are on a roll.
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Many thanks Sam, Bill and everyone who commented on my post. Best regards.
You're welcome, Carlos Alex Ceni.
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Congrats! You should be so proud!
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Congrats, Carlos! Can you post the log line please?
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Done!! Thanks Jed.
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Congrats, Carlos! You deserved the award based on that logline!
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Thats an insanely vague logline. Look, any win is a win and congrats, but ive never heard of ISC. Does the event get your script READ by producers or reps? Did u win enough money to pay for your next year of writing expenses? How many submissions did they have? Writers really have to be sure theyre not wasting time on things that wont actually help move the needle.
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Congratulations, Carlos! It's always nice to get validation for things we've worked so hard on. Make sure you post that logline in the logline section! https://www.stage32.com/loglines