Screenwriting : Hello! I'm new here. by Chiuba E Obele

Chiuba E Obele

Hello! I'm new here.

Hi everyone! I subscribed to Stage 32 back in September and am joining this Lounge after having a bad experience in the Reddit screenwriting forum. I wanted people's advice on protecting ideas from other screenwriters in writers' groups and was soundly downvoted, criticized, and insulted. They acted arrogantly and they made me feel like crap for even asking for help. I hope this place is more supportive. Anyways. I'm looking forward to being part of this community!

Billy Kwack

Hi Chiuba, sorry to hear

Chiuba E Obele

Thank you!

Sallie Olson

I would think that's an unspoken concern most writers have at some point. FWIW, I've been a member of a writer's forum (elsewhere) for almost a decade and have never had anyone try to plagiarize my work or copy an idea, or heard of anyone else running into that problem, either. It's unfortunate they came down on you, since it's a valid question to ask, IMO. As for how only advice would be, "if you don't feel comfortable or have a bad gut feeling, don't send your screenplay to that person to read." Listen to your gut!

Craig D Griffiths

You will hear this a million times as I have.

You cannot protect an idea as they cannot be granted copyright. Copyright is granted to a unique artistic expression in a fixed form.

For example. There was a book well before Harry Potter called Waldo The Wizard. A story of kids going to a school for magically children and their adventures. Of course this person cried fool and tried to sue. They lost, as an idea is not a unique artistic expression. No doubt that idea is as old as the concept of magic anyway.

That leads into the second point. Ideas are common once you have a writer’s mindset. Idea generation isn’t the issue. People have so many of their own, they don’t want to steal anyone else’s. And just like copyright, it is the artistic expression of the idea. You and I could be given an idea and told to write a story based off the idea. We would both produce completely different stories and vastly different screenplays.

You are safe here.

Mario Leone

Chiuba E Obele

It's possible that individuals may have different experiences on Reddit, as the platform is vast and diverse. Some subreddits might have more active and effective moderation than others, leading to variations in user experiences.

Repeat after me (with humor) …

We will always be different…

we will always be different…

We will always be different, and the echo goes on…

Welcome aboard, thank you for being here. We appreciate your contribution. This is an educational platform. We are moderated and you could always reach out to a Moderator quickly.

We aim to make this a quality place…

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the Screenwriting Lounge, Chiuba E Obele. Sorry to hear that happened on the Reddit screenwriting forum. Like Craig D Griffiths said, you can't protect an idea. You could withhold some parts of the idea from other screenwriters in writers' groups. Like Sallie Olson said, listen to your gut.

Jim Boston

Chiuba, we're glad you've joined Stage 32...and wishing you all the VERY BEST in your screenwriting journey!

Karmin Mosley

Fortunately, I haven't had any issues with anyone here being rude or snarky towards my work. Everyone I have encountered has been helpful and authentic. I hope you find genuine and helpful people as well. Don't hesitate to add me to your network. Have a good day!

Xochi Blymyer

you’ve come to the right friendly place.

Stephanie Munch

Hi Chiuba welcome ! Stage 32 is a safe place, I've been there for one year and something and all the good things in my writing career started here.

Kiril Maksimoski

Sounds like they've got a bunch of professionals posting at reddit...kidding, but actually not...the more polite the people are to you in this business to more they don't know what they're talking about...nor have the experience needed...whatever you do or wherever you network, grow some rhino skin'll thank me later :)

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