Who would you cast for a mid-twenties female lead? Money and genre are no object. I thank you for your thoughts.
Who would you cast for a mid-twenties female lead? Money and genre are no object. I thank you for your thoughts.
Hello Stage 32 folks! Tim here: Actor/Assistant Director/Producer. Well, I'm still in the beginning stages of pre-production on two projects: a short, HOMELESS HERO, (drama) and a full-length feature entitled CALIENTE INCOGNITO (comedy/action/buddy pic), and, I'd like to report that we are making pr...
Expand postHello Stage 32 folks! Tim here: Actor/Assistant Director/Producer. Well, I'm still in the beginning stages of pre-production on two projects: a short, HOMELESS HERO, (drama) and a full-length feature entitled CALIENTE INCOGNITO (comedy/action/buddy pic), and, I'd like to report that we are making progress. For instance, a few weeks ago, the short had no script at all. Scott Brown, the director has since chosen a screen writer from right here on Stage 32. In fact, Scott has informed me that many of the crew will come from here as well. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you.. And, with the feature, the writer of that script has done the re-writes and registered the screen play with the writer's guild west. Soon, we'll do the script breakdown so that we can get a handle on the kind of budget for which to wish. I'm very excited about both projects. I can hardly wait to start shooting!! 'Til then, I remain, your humble servant. Tim Johnson
Anytime I work doing freelance gigs I'm always asked "can i get your card" and I always have to lie and say "oh i forgot them today... but let me write down my info". So my question is where do you get business cards, online or locally? I've started designing something but i'm wondering where you ty...
Expand postAnytime I work doing freelance gigs I'm always asked "can i get your card" and I always have to lie and say "oh i forgot them today... but let me write down my info". So my question is where do you get business cards, online or locally? I've started designing something but i'm wondering where you typically have them made. Also are business cards still viable self promotion? Thanks S32 members!
I have used both moo and vista print. I am very happy with both of these sites. Moo is a UK based business so it does take a little longer to get those if you live in the states
If interested, I have a discount code (10% off) for moo.com : http://www.moo.com/share/tc86k6
Search "Cheap business cards" and psprint has them for less than $25 for 1000 but only through the search link... full color, double sided!
http://www.vistaprint.com has 500 cards for $9.99, but I would suggest making your own. With the right program (I use Corel) you can do some amazing things, even double-sided. It takes time to set it...
Expand commenthttp://www.vistaprint.com has 500 cards for $9.99, but I would suggest making your own. With the right program (I use Corel) you can do some amazing things, even double-sided. It takes time to set it up the first time, but it's for good. Then whenever you need more, just hit print.
Moo.com they're quality.
I'm a veteran character actor with over 100 film & TV shows to my name. Looking for work with talented folks in the biz Chexk me out http://www.jasonstuart.com and lets chat about the possibilities....
We meet again!! Hi Jason. Hope all is well. Good to see you at the CMG Film Festival. As usual, you were a hoot!! I have two projects in the works and will try to find something in one of them for you...
Expand commentWe meet again!! Hi Jason. Hope all is well. Good to see you at the CMG Film Festival. As usual, you were a hoot!! I have two projects in the works and will try to find something in one of them for you. It's a comedy with many characters. We are doing the script break-down right now and will be working on the character break-downs immediately after. I'm sure there is a little gem in it for you. Take care, my friend! - Tim Johnson
I have an idea that won't leave me alone...that would work as either a TV show or a comic. I have some comics experience but would not know where to START on pitching a TV show idea. Anyone willing to give some tips to the rookie here? I love this idea and I honestly think it could work...I just don't know where to start on the logistics.
don't know why, but my second comment there was taken from another discussion. Please disregard (unless you want to follow me on twitter:))
Nice article Mark!
Hi Jennifer, There's a blog post on Stage 32 titled THE BONES OF PITCHING which was written by Signe Olynyk, the founder of PITCH-FEST which is held in Burbank every year. I haven't read Mark Sanderso...
Expand commentHi Jennifer, There's a blog post on Stage 32 titled THE BONES OF PITCHING which was written by Signe Olynyk, the founder of PITCH-FEST which is held in Burbank every year. I haven't read Mark Sanderson's article above, however I found Signe's blog post to be very informative and an easy read. I saved it on my hard drive and will be more than happy to forward you a copy. Here's my email address: timjohnsonactor@yahoo.com. Meanwhile, here's the introduction, which was written by Stage 32's very own Richard "RB" Botto. To quote RB, "Enjoy!" This year's Great American PitchFest (pitchfest.com) takes place in Burbank from June 1st through the 3rd. Founded by Stage 32 member Signe Olynyk, the PitchFest has launched the careers of many screenwriters. It's the perfect opportunity to get your ideas and work in front of hundreds of producers and managers/agents. But the PitchFest is much more than just pitching. It's a weekend of education as well. On the 2nd, attendance to the conference is FREE, which means access to 24 FREE classes (http://pitchfest.com/free-classes-rsvp/) available to all attendees. I will be speaking with fellow Stage 32 member, Jeanne Veillette Bowerman on networking outside of Los Angeles. In fact, the entire Stage 32 crew will be in attendance. Stop by and say hi. So what makes a good pitch? What are the golden rules and the cardinal sins? I asked Signe to share her knowledge with the Stage 32 community, and, as you'll see below, she rose to the challenge. Signe has been on the road with BELOW ZERO, for which she wrote the screenplay. BELOW ZERO has played at film festivals around the world, winning a boatload of awards. Most recently, Signe took home Best Screenplay at the Fear and Fantasy Film Festival this past weekend. Her schedule has been jammed packed, so I'm doubly appreciated she took the time to write such a comprehensive post. Signe will be available for questions and accolades in the comments section below. Enjoy! RB
Yes, Nice article Mark. Thank you. Tom
Southern California-based director has the rights to a story from which he wants to make a short film. He has producers in place and he is going to direct. Director is looking for someone to write a 30-page script, and a script he can use to shoot a trailer for KickStarter. There is pay. If interest...
Expand postSouthern California-based director has the rights to a story from which he wants to make a short film. He has producers in place and he is going to direct. Director is looking for someone to write a 30-page script, and a script he can use to shoot a trailer for KickStarter. There is pay. If interested, please contact me here on Stage32, or by email at timjohnsonactor@yahoo.com, or simply call me at: 323 834 9229. Director wants to start on this project immediately, so please don't hesitate. Please contact me right away!!
How much prior to filming should one do a casting call for extras?
Opened up the Public site to everyone. Some ideas being "leaked". Also what I'm now looking for as far as cast. Those already expressing interest, let me know if you're still interested. I will touch...
Expand commentOpened up the Public site to everyone. Some ideas being "leaked". Also what I'm now looking for as far as cast. Those already expressing interest, let me know if you're still interested. I will touch base with those I know I want. You have not been forgotten, I've been busy with the story. If we have nothing to act out, there's nothing to act for! http://www.islandfilm.info/public
Hello Rick. I am a partner is a casting comany. We do both principal and extras casting. The timing of posting casting calls for background is entirely up to you. We have a roster of actors that we go...
Expand commentHello Rick. I am a partner is a casting comany. We do both principal and extras casting. The timing of posting casting calls for background is entirely up to you. We have a roster of actors that we go to first, but we also use onnline services such as LA Casting. But, you will need to put a shoot date on the posting. But, most people know that shooting schedules are subject to change. Also, it depends on whether you are paying them or not. If you are paying, you will have no problem finding people. If you are not paying, then I would post it as soon as possible. Also, it depends on how many people you need for the scene you are shooting. The more people, the earlier I would post.
I only need 10 (approx) for a shoot next Sunday. I put out a casting call in our local news rag and got Zero response, so far. Maybe I'll have some employees from the place I'm going to film at. Maybe if I offer them something next time. Food, merchandise.. who knows..
We had a few extras show up. Which was nice. Not too many and the weather was perfect. (It was inside, but rainy out.) Next scenes filming next week. New camera tripod coming as well.. The old tripod won't handle the abuse anymore!
Tripod arrived. Thanks Ashton! (He's a Stage32'er! - I didn't know until I asked him. The world becomes a little smaller every day.)
I had such a great show tonight performing in Simon Says. It was my 1st theater show in 6 years. I had so much fun :)
Great news, Eya! Must have been fun to hit the boards again.
Nice! Congrats!
Congratulations, Eya!
Does anyone know where to find a couple of monologues online? Ive looked but i cant really find any... Thanks if you can help! (:
Hi Keagan! Try being as specific in your search as possible: monologues for teen actors from movies... Here's a site I found with that search: [www.childdrama.com/mono.html][1] Good luck!! [1]: http:/...
Expand commentHi Keagan! Try being as specific in your search as possible: monologues for teen actors from movies... Here's a site I found with that search: [www.childdrama.com/mono.html][1] Good luck!! [1]: http://www.childdrama.com/mono.html
Thank you so much! (:
Any L.A. peeps want to get together for a meet and greet on January 29th in either Sherman Oaks/Encino/Woodland Hills/Calabasas areas depending on how many of us and what areas we are coming from? We can meet up for coffee and network. Let us know. It'll be nice to put a real face to the new Stage 32 contact.
Awww...Wish I could make it. Soccer weekend for us!
Have a great time guys!
Is anyone from the Hollywood area going to the meet-up tomorrow? My car died and I could use a ride. If anyone would like to offer, here's my number: 323 953 8468.
Hey guys... Thought I was gonna be able to make it but now looks like a no. Looking forward to the next one!
I hope we reschedule to do this another time. Would love to make the next one.
I'm known on the set as "The Problem Solver"! If you need a hardworking 2nd AD, call me: 323 953 8468 timjohnsonactor@yahoo.com
Like The Wolf.
But hopefully not in the same way.
I have done a complete overhaul to the information on the front page of my Indie Go Go account. I'd love to get some feed back. [www.indiegogo.com/Resistance-post][1] Is this better? What makes you feel passionate about the project and what leaves you cold. Putting some production stills up on there...
Expand postI have done a complete overhaul to the information on the front page of my Indie Go Go account. I'd love to get some feed back. [www.indiegogo.com/Resistance-post][1] Is this better? What makes you feel passionate about the project and what leaves you cold. Putting some production stills up on there and here as well. [1]: http://www.indiegogo.com/Resistance-post
I love it! Informative and easy to read. Also, love the "perks". Wish I had some money to donate!!
Hello. I was wondering if anyone out there lives in North or South Carolina or is willing to travel, for a CREW gig. I don't believe it is paying. It is for a feature film that I have been cast in as the Evil Girl Lead, It is by a young director who is very talented, does his screenplay, filming, sp...
Expand postHello. I was wondering if anyone out there lives in North or South Carolina or is willing to travel, for a CREW gig. I don't believe it is paying. It is for a feature film that I have been cast in as the Evil Girl Lead, It is by a young director who is very talented, does his screenplay, filming, special effects and composes. But he needs crew, probably less experienced who would be willing to do it for no pay or very little. Mostly on weekend shooting spring and summer 2012. It is an awesome story and has wonderful potential if we can get a decent crew together. Any nibbles? Please message me if you are interested. or here is his FB, if you want to go straight to him for questions and stuff. [www.facebook.com/number1celloplayer][1] Thanks so much! [1]: http://www.facebook.com/number1celloplayer
Where is it being filmed?
Near Richland, NC. Are you in the Carolinas, Javier?
Charlotte. I might be able to, depending on how our shooting schedule is around that time.
That would be great, Javier! What do you usually do on set? I know our first dates are going to be starting Feb 3, mostly weekends. I know there are more days he already has scheduled as well.
Chris Maney gave me permission to post his email address for interested people. So, I you can help in NC for a low/no budget please contact Chris at: chrismaneyproductions@gmail.com Thanks so much!
Casting to get big-budget funding and make bug-budget box-office: Kiera Knightley or Dakota Fanning (even though she's only 18, she can do it and act rings around any competition!), Also, Gabourey Sid...
Expand commentCasting to get big-budget funding and make bug-budget box-office: Kiera Knightley or Dakota Fanning (even though she's only 18, she can do it and act rings around any competition!), Also, Gabourey Sidibe, who's actually 29 for about 6 more months, so better act fast, but is in the same league with Dakota. And, that's about it. The rest are no-talent hacks that get by in this business based on their looks or the fact that they used to work for Disney.
Hey Mike, Pretty sketchy request. 1920s or 2020s or 1620s? What genre? Straight, gay, transgender, allegorical, passion play, opera, splatter flick,animation, voice acting, etc. etc. Also are you aski...
Expand commentHey Mike, Pretty sketchy request. 1920s or 2020s or 1620s? What genre? Straight, gay, transgender, allegorical, passion play, opera, splatter flick,animation, voice acting, etc. etc. Also are you asking for a specific name or a type? Hekkuba-ish, Livia-ish, Ophelia-ish, Drucilla-ish, Cleopatroa-ish, Elizabethan Queenly, Amazon-ish, Bodecia-ish, Rebecca-ish, Lady MacBeth-ish, Mata hari-ish, Daisy Miller-ish, Lady Gaga-ish--- Flapper-ish, whore-ish, out-spoken... etc. A-grade, B-grade, C-grade. Black, brown, white, yellow, red or combinations? Amputee, one-eyed, scared, tattooed, dancer, prancer, man-lancer? Jesus, maybe I should have become a casting agent...LOL
I thought of Dakota Fanning immediatley. She's so versatile. Or Emilie de Ravin or Allyson Hannigan.
mike you ask a question and you get the energizer bunny :+}
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Emma Watson for sure. Lot of talent, lots of star power.