It appears with the advent of SORA, the world of filmmaking is about to change. In a big way. #texttovideo #ai #storytellingmagic #actorslife
It appears with the advent of SORA, the world of filmmaking is about to change. In a big way. #texttovideo #ai #storytellingmagic #actorslife
Hello Everyone! I'm producing an ultra-low budget sci-fi feature in Oregon. We recently became signatory and have an interim agreement in place. Since the majority of the actors are non-SAG, does anyone know if I will need to pay out P&H for the non-SAG actors, as well as the SAG actors? I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this!
Good question. It seems not, as they "must join" at some point. Unclear if you need to taft-hartly them. Call SAG.
Phillip Wade I have two very important points to make: (1) you would not pay to or on behalf of non-sag people something due to sag people, unless your sag agreement says you must. (2) More importantl...
Expand commentPhillip Wade I have two very important points to make: (1) you would not pay to or on behalf of non-sag people something due to sag people, unless your sag agreement says you must. (2) More importantly - you, as a producer, actually signed the SAG agreement without reading the SAG agreement and understanding what it requires you to do? No, no no, no no..... Literally no opinion expressed by anyone here is pertinent or informed about your situation without reference to your specific SAG agreement and situation.
Phillip Wade to Shadow's point...READ EVERYTHING - twice...and the fine print three times. You're entering (or have entered) into a binding agreement with a large and powerful trade union. Also, when...
Expand commentPhillip Wade to Shadow's point...READ EVERYTHING - twice...and the fine print three times. You're entering (or have entered) into a binding agreement with a large and powerful trade union. Also, when and if you get a distributor, do your best to get them to commit to a detailed Distribution Assumption Agreement whereby they, the distributor, is responsible for all the payouts due to your SAG actors and all others before you in the revenue waterfall.
Contact SAG directly. I've found them to be super helpful.
Agree with the advice here - always good to call the union directly. They are there to help and guide and SAG is great with sharing information like this.
You and William Goldman are right, Joe Orlandino. There are different ways to find success in the industry, and there are different ways to produce/direct/write a movie or show. That's why I ignore pe...
Expand commentYou and William Goldman are right, Joe Orlandino. There are different ways to find success in the industry, and there are different ways to produce/direct/write a movie or show. That's why I ignore people who say "you can't do it this way" or "you have to write a script this way."
I love that quote Joe Orlandino . I think it's a good one to keep in mind for life in general. Although I prefer to surround myself with people that know more than me, no one knows everything. That in...
Expand commentI love that quote Joe Orlandino . I think it's a good one to keep in mind for life in general. Although I prefer to surround myself with people that know more than me, no one knows everything. That includes me. Best to keep our hearts and minds open. Thanks for sharing this.
This is true, at least true-ish, so long as it isn't taken as refusing the value of actual experience. I note everyone these days is encouraged to pay to learn how to pitch, to pay to learn how to for...
Expand commentThis is true, at least true-ish, so long as it isn't taken as refusing the value of actual experience. I note everyone these days is encouraged to pay to learn how to pitch, to pay to learn how to format, to pay for "coverage" on their work, to pay to create budgets, etc.... instead of learning it themselves.
Cultural Appropriation in casting - a hot button issue, for some but not others. (article is in English)
#culturalappropriation #casting #film #cinemaitaliano #cinecitta #calabriafilmcommission
Expand postCultural Appropriation in casting - a hot button issue, for some but not others. (article is in English)
#culturalappropriation #casting #film #cinemaitaliano #cinecitta #calabriafilmcommission
Isn't everything an actor does sort of a cultural appropriation? I mean, they're always pretending to be someone else
"Culture" is simply a set of ideas and therefore Cultural appropriation is not a real thing. It is a whacky concept pushed by people who love to keep society divided against itself. It's an academic p...
Expand comment"Culture" is simply a set of ideas and therefore Cultural appropriation is not a real thing. It is a whacky concept pushed by people who love to keep society divided against itself. It's an academic political concept used by people who specifically want to control a group they ostensibly belong to , in an effort to make people in that group feel bad that others find their ideas valuable. That's it. I am Romanian, which is to say, culturally Roman (that's a simplification of course). If cultural appropriate were a thing, I should be offended and claim injury at everyone's use of the alphabet itself, the Julian Calendar, the basis of much of the globe's legal systems, and in fact much of the language we speak and political concepts we practice - on and on and on. But it's not a thing, it's just a a whacky concept.
Nikolas John and Shadow, yes,'s called playing a role. We either embrace it or eschew it completely.
A few weeks ago I posted an alert to all my fellow Stage 32'ers to be hyper-aware when using Chicago as a location. It's getting worse by the week. Be careful.
Here's the latest on a TV crew being robbed at gun point while doing a story about an armed robbery :
Expand postA few weeks ago I posted an alert to all my fellow Stage 32'ers to be hyper-aware when using Chicago as a location. It's getting worse by the week. Be careful.
Here's the latest on a TV crew being robbed at gun point while doing a story about an armed robbery :
You can do a search on "Hire off-duty Chicago cops for security" and find several companies that can give you some peace of mind and assure your cast & crew's safety.
Keep in mind, the Chicago police force is down over 2000 officers. Calling 911 for an incident where shots are not fired will result in about a 20-30 minute wait for police to arrive.
Kiril Maksimoski That is cool. At AFM last year they talked about Lodz, Poland. Been there a few times and was surprised to see how the city changed. They shot a British film completely there and mimi...
Expand commentKiril Maksimoski That is cool. At AFM last year they talked about Lodz, Poland. Been there a few times and was surprised to see how the city changed. They shot a British film completely there and mimicked London.
Maybe in Romania too...
Or just in Uk altogether - people use Liverpool to look like Early New York and we have plenty of colonial and other style mansions. From Jan 2924 film tax credit rising to 34%, Ireland is 40%.
Chicago just keeps getting more and more dangerous
Expand commentChicago just keeps getting more and more dangerous
As AI imagery improvements and refinements continue, we'll be seeing even more human-like characters being rendered for casting in indie film. The tools and workflows are becoming more simplified, detailed and sophisticated by the week.
Producers will no doubt weigh the costs of creating digital act...
Expand postAs AI imagery improvements and refinements continue, we'll be seeing even more human-like characters being rendered for casting in indie film. The tools and workflows are becoming more simplified, detailed and sophisticated by the week.
Producers will no doubt weigh the costs of creating digital actors against the real human actor cost of:
1. Daily / Weekly Wages & Residuals
2. Food/Lodging/Travel
3. Unpreparedness/Tardiness
4. Script Changes or Improvisation
5. On-Set Conflicts
6. Health Issues or Absences
7. Demanding Behavior
8. Difficulty with Direction
9. Technical issues
10. Frequent Breaks or Distractions
11. Unprofessionalism
12. Union / Guild Fees, Legal Paperwork, and Commitment
13. Payroll Taxes
Time will tell.
Check out this YouTube link
#ai #3D #metahuman #unrealrengine #deforum #mixamo #heygen #did #sadtalker #realtimerendering #runway #gen1 #proceduralsynthesis #cyberrealistic
Joe Orlandino, time has already shown. The Raven movie with Brandon Lee failed, digital Paul Walker did not help the Fast and Furious movie. Digital Arnold Schwarzenegger Didn't Help The Terminator Ge...
Expand commentJoe Orlandino, time has already shown. The Raven movie with Brandon Lee failed, digital Paul Walker did not help the Fast and Furious movie. Digital Arnold Schwarzenegger Didn't Help The Terminator Genisys Movie.
the idea of digital actors is absolutely a failure. The viewer wants to watch live popular stars.
Arthur Charpentier most current marketing studies on the viewing habits of Millennials and GenZ indicate that audience is not triggered by big name film actors or popular Hollywood celebrities. A 2021...
Expand commentArthur Charpentier most current marketing studies on the viewing habits of Millennials and GenZ indicate that audience is not triggered by big name film actors or popular Hollywood celebrities. A 2021 study by Deloitte of 2000 consumers revealed that twenty six percent of GenZ'ers in the survey cited playing video games as their favorite entertainment activity, compared to 14% for listening to music, 12% for browsing the internet and 11% for engaging on social media. Only 10% said they would rather watch a movie or TV show. That gaming imagery is a key takeaway. The research found that GenZ would much rather spend time gaming. Marketers are busy trying to determine how GenZ will impact the film industry longer term.
Joe Orlandino, In modern conditions, the PR of movie stars is ineffective and does not fall into the sphere of interests of young people.
you are mistaken if you are targeting a young audience, streami...
Expand commentJoe Orlandino, In modern conditions, the PR of movie stars is ineffective and does not fall into the sphere of interests of young people.
you are mistaken if you are targeting a young audience, streaming is used by more adult viewers of movies and TV series.
Personally Joe & Arthur... I will have to say that I MUCH PREFER MYSELF to see "real live" HUMAN actors & actresses continue performing in this EARTH PLANE... to bring great human experiences on the B...
Expand commentPersonally Joe & Arthur... I will have to say that I MUCH PREFER MYSELF to see "real live" HUMAN actors & actresses continue performing in this EARTH PLANE... to bring great human experiences on the BIG SCREEN...
THE WHOLE BUSINESS that has been stirred around "AI" for many decades NOW I ~ if not even a century ago(?) ... issues pertaining to MONEY & MAKING PRODUCTIONS GO MORE SMOOTHLY etc. IS AS JOE says... will be more clear as time moves forward... we are seeing a GRAND SHIFT NOW in the world's needs & desires.... SOME THINGS when it comes to humans are predictable, and much more is NOT. Appreciate this conversation here...
AI FOR ME... is NOT a viable alternative in the BIGGER PICTURE.... it WILL HAVE ITS OWN PROBLEMS - when it comes to utilizing it on a grand scale worldwide.
I've just had one of those 'word drop' moments and I can't remember what these monitoring agreements are called.
Anyone out there that can help me find the acronym?
Geoff, they're called RMA's (revenue monitoring agreements).
In distribution and sales agreements this is usually in the payments section under Reporting, detailing when you should receive revenue reports and statements.
Joe Orlandino Ewan Dunbar thank you, both? So when I come to sign a contract as Director, there should be an RMA/Reporting clause?...
Expand commentJoe Orlandino Ewan Dunbar thank you, both? So when I come to sign a contract as Director, there should be an RMA/Reporting clause?
Once the revenue is calculated what the equity holders received can also be calculated through CAM agreements. Here is a Stage 32 webinar on them that explains a POV on it:
Expand commentOnce the revenue is calculated what the equity holders received can also be calculated through CAM agreements. Here is a Stage 32 webinar on them that explains a POV on it:
Sam Sokolow thank you Sam!
Hi creative army! If you are planning to attend the Venice Film Festival, I just listed our OFFICIAL Stage 32 event with Catalyst Studios - please RSVP if you plan to attend:
Expand postHi creative army! If you are planning to attend the Venice Film Festival, I just listed our OFFICIAL Stage 32 event with Catalyst Studios - please RSVP if you plan to attend:
Hope everyone has an incredible time at the Venice Film Festival! Sounds like it'll be a great place to network.
Very exciting! Thanks for sharing and hope anyone who is attending Venice can make it!
This is going to be awesome!
e stupefacente!! This is going to be an amazing event and such a cool panel!
Great panel. I will be attending it! I already know a few of the panelists! Amazing women!
If you're producing films in Italy and/or scouting for talent there, be sure to use the location filters here on Stage 32 or check out this new LinkedIn group that's grown to over 100 members in just a few weeks.
Se stai producendo film in Italia e/o stai cerca Expand postIf you're producing films in Italy and/or scouting for talent there, be sure to use the location filters here on Stage 32 or check out this new LinkedIn group that's grown to over 100 members in just a few weeks.
Se stai producendo film in Italia e/o stai cercando talenti lì, assicurati di utilizzare i filtri di localizzazione qui su Stage 32 o dai un'occhiata a questo nuovo gruppo LinkedIn che è cresciuto fino a superare i 100 membri in poche settimane.Joe Orlandino Hi Joe, it’s good to see you on the IYW. How are you doing?
Geoff Hall All good.
Thanks for sharing, Joe Orlandino! Making movies is cool. Italy is cool. Making movies in Italy is incredibly cool!!
Nice to see some italian producers here! Great
I just came across a website that offered a $500 course on AI filmmaking and claims a 10-year old made an amazing animated film. I must admit, it struck a chord with me that was uncomfortable. On one side I was curious and on another I didn't want to explore it and it seems like snake oil. However i...
Expand postI just came across a website that offered a $500 course on AI filmmaking and claims a 10-year old made an amazing animated film. I must admit, it struck a chord with me that was uncomfortable. On one side I was curious and on another I didn't want to explore it and it seems like snake oil. However it's here and there's no getting it back in the AI box. Curious to know what others think of this.
Tripp Mills , check this out
Expand commentTripp Mills , check this out
Saw it with my own eyes. Heard it with my own ears. This is actually real!!
The problem with AI generated content is the IP , who owns it? No one. Therefore as creatives our IP ( intellectual property) is what gives value and worth. Disney is worth $360billion through IP, all...
Expand commentThe problem with AI generated content is the IP , who owns it? No one. Therefore as creatives our IP ( intellectual property) is what gives value and worth. Disney is worth $360billion through IP, all those characters created and made into films, cartoons, stickers, books, even printed on duvet covers all generate revenue. So who makes the money out of AI ?
Well, I am animating a screenplay that I wrote, and I voice acted in, and hired other voice actors to act in. I have no artistic ability, so I used AI to draw the characters and animation backgrounds...
Expand commentWell, I am animating a screenplay that I wrote, and I voice acted in, and hired other voice actors to act in. I have no artistic ability, so I used AI to draw the characters and animation backgrounds (so it looked like the movie in my head when I was writing the screenplay). I read the decision handed down by the court, and they said that if the art was arranged in a way that showed creativity on the part of the human, it was copyrightable. I think animation would count as "arrangement.". Besides, if a movie producer can own a movie that other people (directors/writers/actors/film crew) worked on for years, I don't know why a screenwriter/producer couldn't own/copyright a film that he/she wrote and produced him or herself. Especially if we were the ones who directed the AI to create AI characters and AI "sets" to look and sound like what we were thinking when we wrote the screenplay.
Dive in is my perspective. It ain't going away. We must embrace it, deal with it, or get left behind by that 10-year old.
Interesting take on the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strike
Expand postInteresting take on the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strike
Well contrary to the article, it seems that SAGAftra is still doing interim agreements, publishing the latest approved productions yesterday, some of which were approved after this article was publish...
Expand commentWell contrary to the article, it seems that SAGAftra is still doing interim agreements, publishing the latest approved productions yesterday, some of which were approved after this article was published. There is no solidarity between SAGAftra and WGA - nor should there be. They represent different groups whose functions and collective bargaining interests are not in any real way connected. As well, SAGAftra represents over 171,000 members who have among them between 20k-30k jobs on any given day. The WGA has ~11000 members who in aggregate cover about 1000 jobs on any given day. So in no actual world is SAGAftra going to bend over for WGA when it can get its members working again (nor is it - the interim agreements are de facto proof, and they are on official record saying they don't care about the positions of other unions). Now WGA is back at the table apparently, and if they back off the SVOD numbers issue, they might get a deal. If they don't - then hell will be in it's third ice age before they get to work again and the rest of the industry will simply move on.
Stage 32 is arguably the best resource to find professional talent, both ATL and BTL, for indie filmmakers.. For the past 12 years, I have used S32 to hire crew and cast actors not only in the US but also in the EU. Learning to take advantage of Stage 32's robust filters can connect your production...
Expand postStage 32 is arguably the best resource to find professional talent, both ATL and BTL, for indie filmmakers.. For the past 12 years, I have used S32 to hire crew and cast actors not only in the US but also in the EU. Learning to take advantage of Stage 32's robust filters can connect your production team with the talent you're looking for in the the location you're shooting in. Also, another good resource for actors in the EU is
Once again, if you're planning on doing any filming in Chicago please budget for armed security of at least a crew member with a CCL. It's hard to believe ABC News would have not taken steps to prevent things like this to happen, but it's a daily (hourly) occurrence there as the city continues to ci...
Expand postOnce again, if you're planning on doing any filming in Chicago please budget for armed security of at least a crew member with a CCL. It's hard to believe ABC News would have not taken steps to prevent things like this to happen, but it's a daily (hourly) occurrence there as the city continues to circle the drain. It will only get worse next month as the absurd No Cash Bail law kicks in.
Remember, "Rust", "Midnight Rider", "The Crow" and other tragedies on film sets, you are responsible for the safety of your cast and crew.
Safety is and always should be the number 1 priority on a set. The producers should do everything they can to make sure that everyone is trained, careful, and taking the necessary steps to accomplish...
Expand commentSafety is and always should be the number 1 priority on a set. The producers should do everything they can to make sure that everyone is trained, careful, and taking the necessary steps to accomplish tasks responsibly. However, as someone who went to film school in downtown Chicago and spent years running around with expensive equipment and filming projects all over the city, the biggest step to safety is using common sense. If you're going to be out filming at odd hours or in areas that you're less familiar with, make smart choices such as always traveling in groups, designating more than one person to guard supplies, seeking out city filming permits, letting the local police station know that you'll be filming in their area (when and where), keep the equipment packed away and stowed mostly out of sight when traveling back and forth or while it's not in use, research the area thoroughly when location scouting, etc. If something seems sketchy or you're advised to avoid a certain location, take that seriously. Trust your instincts and do your due diligence. I lived and created in Chicago for nearly 5 years without any dangerous incidents. I had all sorts of ups and downs with those projects, awkward run-ins with people in public areas, locals angry that we shut down an alleyway (with permits and permission from the city), long public transportation rides loaded up with Pelican cases, etc. But there are ways to mitigate risk and still accomplish your goals. Bad things happen everywhere, all we can do is avoid obvious problems to the best of our ability and try to help protect each other.
I agree with Ashley, the best thing to use is common sense. Additionally, news crews are very different than film crew. The equipment, presence and numbers of people are not the same. Comparing intern...
Expand commentI agree with Ashley, the best thing to use is common sense. Additionally, news crews are very different than film crew. The equipment, presence and numbers of people are not the same. Comparing internal film production tragedies to this event above is a bit unfair. Producers absolutely are responsible for everyone's safety. I don't think trying to make people afraid is very helpful.
Dan MaxXx I'd like to believe you meant Producers and Production companies have a responsibility to keep a close eye on the bottom line.
An off-duty Chicago cop would run about $350 per day. That's sl...
Expand commentDan MaxXx I'd like to believe you meant Producers and Production companies have a responsibility to keep a close eye on the bottom line.
An off-duty Chicago cop would run about $350 per day. That's slightly more than the day rate (all in) for an actor on a ULB shoot. With the current out-of-control crime situation in Chicago I would say that security measure would be money well spent.
My intention with this post was not to argue the merits of legislation in Illinois or Chicago's current safety initiatives, but to allow Producers who plan to use Chicago as a location to make wise choices in their production plans.
And you could've very easily informed producers of such risks without disparaging legislation that can literally end up saving someone's life.
Expand commentAnd you could've very easily informed producers of such risks without disparaging legislation that can literally end up saving someone's life.
In the years of experience, before officially getting into filmmaking, whilst pursuing my career, I ventured into the field of security, for experience and practical. An attacker studies the victim's...
Expand commentIn the years of experience, before officially getting into filmmaking, whilst pursuing my career, I ventured into the field of security, for experience and practical. An attacker studies the victim's body language, structure, appearance etc., before launching attacks. You can be a crew member, but body language alone can be a deterrence. However if producers can be trained, if needed, to observe their crew members and see the obvious, this can most certainly also be helpful, with sensitivities and better application.
I guess it would entail putting Fi-Core on your headshot, reel, or CV.
This article appeared yesterday in IndieWire of all places. And oddly, never once is the word 'scab' mentioned.
Expand postI guess it would entail putting Fi-Core on your headshot, reel, or CV.
This article appeared yesterday in IndieWire of all places. And oddly, never once is the word 'scab' mentioned.
Actors who are members of the "Sindacato Nazionale Attori" (SNA) in Italy are not limited to working exclusively on SNA productions.
Being a member of the SNA does not restrict an actor from participating in productions that are not affiliated with the union. Actors in Italy have the freedom to choo...
Expand postActors who are members of the "Sindacato Nazionale Attori" (SNA) in Italy are not limited to working exclusively on SNA productions.
Being a member of the SNA does not restrict an actor from participating in productions that are not affiliated with the union. Actors in Italy have the freedom to choose the projects they want to work on, regardless of whether those projects are produced by SNA or non-SNA entities.
While being part of the SNA provides benefits, it does not impose a restriction on an actor's ability to work on non-SNA productions. It's common for actors in Italy to have a diverse range of work experiences, collaborating with different production companies, theaters, and filmmakers. Whether an actor chooses to work on SNA productions or other projects depends on various factors such as personal preferences, career opportunities, and individual circumstances.
Nice press release to keep indie producers feeling okay, but entirely unworkable. SagAftra and indie producers know that talent of any marketable level won't commit to any project unless it's VERY qui...
Expand commentNice press release to keep indie producers feeling okay, but entirely unworkable. SagAftra and indie producers know that talent of any marketable level won't commit to any project unless it's VERY quick and very limited at this time. Also... no completion bonds available to anyone, no institutional finance available. So it's possible but unlikely.
Thanks for sharing, Joe Orlandino! While it may require some specific work to thread this needle, as Shadow points out, it is positive that the guild is trying to support artists in this specific lane...
Expand commentThanks for sharing, Joe Orlandino! While it may require some specific work to thread this needle, as Shadow points out, it is positive that the guild is trying to support artists in this specific lane. Obviously every step should be discussed with, and approved by, the guild if anyone tries this. Always good to work with the guilds directly and especially during this time.
I believe Shadow's earlier comment rings true. As streamlined, secure payment systems continue to develop and disintermediation spreads we'll be hearing more and more about guild/union members going f...
Expand commentI believe Shadow's earlier comment rings true. As streamlined, secure payment systems continue to develop and disintermediation spreads we'll be hearing more and more about guild/union members going financial core.
Smaller budget indie productions aren’t likely to finance through lenders, so they likely won’t need to be bonded. Also, they’re probably not casting A-listers. This strike isn’t ending soon IMO. Once...
Expand commentSmaller budget indie productions aren’t likely to finance through lenders, so they likely won’t need to be bonded. Also, they’re probably not casting A-listers. This strike isn’t ending soon IMO. Once it does, studio content budgets will be lower than ever as they recover from the economic toll. It may give indie producers a chance to find financiers and distributors for a market that will be eager for content.
SAG-AFTRA went on strike. Are there any producers / indie filmmakers who are currently working with SAG talent but in production with an Ultra Low Budget project? If so, how are you covering your expenses? As we know, the chances you've obtained a completion bond for your film production under the U...
Expand postSAG-AFTRA went on strike. Are there any producers / indie filmmakers who are currently working with SAG talent but in production with an Ultra Low Budget project? If so, how are you covering your expenses? As we know, the chances you've obtained a completion bond for your film production under the Ultra Low Budget theatrical agreement is unlikely. Or, maybe you were able to obtain business interruption insurance? How is that playing out for your production? Please weigh in, inquiring minds want to know. #sagaftra #sagstrike #bankruptcy
Like many others, we postponed production on films we were going to shoot. HOWEVER as independents, we are using this time to get ahead of others in our development and our early prep. Anything that d...
Expand commentLike many others, we postponed production on films we were going to shoot. HOWEVER as independents, we are using this time to get ahead of others in our development and our early prep. Anything that doesn't require a SAG actor and those that do, we suggest that if they want to work with us, they go financial core and problem solved.
The noted writer-director of 'Seven Pounds' and The 'Pursuit of Happyness' truly missed the mark with his $1.8 million 6 minute short film "Calabria, my land".
The result when a filmmaker doesn't know or respect his audience.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...
Expand postThe noted writer-director of 'Seven Pounds' and The 'Pursuit of Happyness' truly missed the mark with his $1.8 million 6 minute short film "Calabria, my land".
The result when a filmmaker doesn't know or respect his audience.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Il risultato quando un cineaste non conosce o rispetta il suo pubblico.
Stereotypes and Superficiality
The reaction, especially from the Calabrians, was rather negative . Even several intellectuals from the "tip" of the boot wanted to emphasize their indignation towards "Calabria my land": Gioacchino Criaco , Santo Gioffrè , Bruno Gemelli , Ulderico Nisticò joined in a chorus of harsh criticisms . These writers and historians, very attached to their homeland, have seen in the video a miscommunication of reality : Calabria seems a backward and stereotyped place, stuck in the 50s, where there is nothing really typical, authentic and contemporary. Also, the video is so shallow as to bea set of stereotypes about Southern Italy , made using images that could have been shot anywhere, so much so that the video could be recycled for other places in the Mediterranean.
Two weeks ago, I followed up on my own post about the employment of MetaHuman and said, "the platforms and processors will undoubtedly keep improving." Well, it's happening faster than most anyone can imagine. Check this clip - "Blue Dot"
Expand postTwo weeks ago, I followed up on my own post about the employment of MetaHuman and said, "the platforms and processors will undoubtedly keep improving." Well, it's happening faster than most anyone can imagine. Check this clip - "Blue Dot"
Unreal engine is truly unreal. Blurring the lines between CG and Live Action..
My goodness. It really is unreal. Incredibly lifelike.
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1 person likes this
interesting development, we'll have to keep our eyes out on that
As a script writer, I have always wanted the power to create and see my own stories. Well, I guess that time is here now!