Chris H Stevenson's Lounge Discussions

Chris H Stevenson
Are you a hooker?

Guerrilla Warfare for Writers (Special Weapons and Tactics) will help you hook that agent or publisher.

Guerrilla Warfare For Writers
Guerrilla Warfare For Writers
(Special Weapons and Tactics to Increase Your Odds)
Donnalyn Vojta
Adapting from novels - Question

Hi, everyone. I'm new here. It's pretty exciting!

Tell me something. Is it common for authors to hire screenwriters to adapt their books to feature film scripts? If so, what is the normal fee arrangement?

Nicholas Jordan

Definitely go looking for writers; I have seen Majors foul-up a flow trying to DIY ♦ Books differ much from how it is put on Cinema 150 screen that has to be adapted correctly

Chris H Stevenson

This is pretty much what I'm looking for--an interested screenwriter--or producer or director to find interest in one of my published or un-publshed novels. I write with strong visuals and in nearly all genres. I do have an agent.

Donnalyn Vojta

Jeff, disregard my private message. Sorry.

Donnalyn Vojta

Daisy, I believe that’s how it would have to work. Luckily, I own my film rights despite having a book publisher. Phew!!

Chris H Stevenson

If you have an agent, he/she will do everything possible to retain most of ;your rights. Especially film rights. Without an agent, you must be very studious when examining a publisher's contract--it w...

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Hello people, please enter to make the first ever matrix anthology with us

Apologies for brevity, but, as this machine has junked my post, I am keeping it brief. Hello, we are and looking for filmmakers to join us at Thanks ....(hopefully this one won't get binned!)

Doug Nelson

Looks very interesting - I'd like to read some of these 'bags of scenes'. I seen some really awesome indie films come out of NZ during the past couple of years. Best wishes on your project.

Ann-Marie Goldthorp

Thanks Doug. You get access to the scenes on the website Just make an EoI and the info gets sent! Please send anyone you know may be interested to us and we will love you forever! R...

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Chris H Stevenson

Just saying, as I had before--very interesting. I like Rose's energetic presentation, a terrific and delightful delivery about the nuts and bolts of the film projects.

Stephen Olson

Hey Rose, thanks for sharing. If you need any assistance with writing I would be glad to help.

Chris H Stevenson
Novelist and blogster of Guerrilla Warfare for Writers.

I'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten publish...

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Chris H Stevenson
Novelist and blogster of Guerrilla Warfare for Writers.

I'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten publish...

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Chris H Stevenson
Novelist and blogster of Guerrilla Warfare for Writers.

I'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten publish...

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Roy Phillips

Hi. What book of yours do you think would make a great screenplay?

Chris H Stevenson

Hi, Roy, the one that heads the list is a non-fantastical female Iron Man, called Iron Maiden. I went for very high commercial appeal, exotic settings and very diverse characters. I would class it as...

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Chris H Stevenson
Novelists/Writers Unite

I'm back after a debilitating illness that nearly killed me. I might not be remembered. However, I'm in search of bonding with other novelists here in an attempt to find out where and how to team up with an interested screenwriter, producer, director to collaborate on unique and thrilling stories, j...

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Ann-Marie Goldthorp

Glad to hear of your recovery, Chris. Re. Your notice, please contact us ( a young company at on as we have several films on the boil, need collaborative writers...

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Chris H Stevenson

Thank you, Ann, I'll head on over there and check you out.

Michael Cantrell

Chris H Stevenson What exactly do you mean by strong visuals? Oh, I'm working on my first novel right now. I enjoy it, though screenwriting comes more naturally to me. I wish there was a format that b...

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David E. Gates

I write in a very visual sense. People have often commented on how my descriptions make them "feel" as if they are "there".

Chris H Stevenson

Michael, thanks for your question. In narrative, and in many cases dialogue, I try to use the five senses when communicating a scene--sight, hearing, touch, see, smell, to give more than a two-dimensi...

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Chris H Stevenson
Chris Stevenson

I'm a full-time novelist, having been published first in 1987--1991. I then picked up again from 2005 to the present. I write urban and portal fantasies, paranormal romance, SF, Thriller and all genres of Young Adult. I'd like to learn from, and hook up with scouts and screenwriters to learn a thing...

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Chris H Stevenson
Novelists Onboard.

Greetings to all the newbies and how's it going, old timers? I'm Chris Stevenson, presently living in north-east Alabama. I've written nine books (most appear on Amazon), and I specialize in YA (all genres), SF, fantasy, adult thriller and a little bit of horror. I have some nominations and award wi...

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Chris H Stevenson

Oh, I'd say Goonies is right up there. Divergent was kind of weird, but different. Haven't seen Hunger Games all the way through yet. But that's the kind of stuff I write. Still waiting for that option!

Jim Duncan

Welcome, Chris

Chris H Stevenson

Thanks, Jim. Glad to be a member. So many pros here.

Chris H Stevenson
Amazing Stories Writer

My name is Chris Stevenson, and I'm a writer of paranormal romance, YA, horror, fantasy, adult thriller (espionage included) and science fiction. I have nine books published, all, I'm told, visually stunning. I'm currently working on a sequel to my most popular YA portal fantasy, Screamcatcher. My a...

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Chris H Stevenson

Thanks so much, my friends. It's a pleasure to be here. Stage 32 is certainly a group that was very much needed--makes it unique in its perspective and application for those very important parts of the entertainment industry.

Cali Gilbert

Welcome Chris! Always great to connect with a fellow author. Please let me know how I may support you in any way.

Richard "RB" Botto

Appreciate the good words, Chris!

Chris H Stevenson

Thanks, Cali and Richard. I'm likewise to support any authors out there who want to make the first step toward screen. And we can learn most of it here.

Richard "RB" Botto

Dig your spirit, Chris.

Chris H Stevenson
Novelists Onboard.

My name is Chris Stevenson and I'm glad, really glad I found the books and publication section here. I'm interested in meeting other writers who have written visually stunning/heavy stories in any genre. I'm wondering how we go about meeting the pros who might take a look at full length novels for s...

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Chris H Stevenson

Yes, Laurie, that is marketable different and unique at the same time. I love the dragon aspect of it, and so do a lot of other readers. Keep writing and polishing; it sounds like a very enticing read!

Laurie Kehoe

hope to have it done in a week. What is the best way to send it to you for your review?

Chris H Stevenson

The best way is by email in an attachment that I can open. I'm at

Laurie Kehoe

Thanks. I'll send it as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your help. Anxiuos to see what you think

Laurie Kehoe

Sending book. It's done! Thanks again for your assistance. Can't wait to see what you think.

Chris H Stevenson
Picking a Decent Publisher

I don't think I have to mention any of the Big Five giants out there. They always have some type of legitimate distribution, like APG, IPG, Midpoint Trade, Consortium and others. These distributors actively represent publishers and send or hand deliver publisher catalogs, especially new releases. Th...

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Chris H Stevenson
Old Novelist

Howdy, Dreamers! I have been writing for 32 years, publishing novels, non-fiction books, radio horror plays, short stories, reviews, interviews, poetry and thousands of non-fiction automotive articles. I'm on my third agent, and have had eight books and two short stories published, beginning in 1988...

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Chris H Stevenson

Nice to meet you, Kesha. Bill, it's funny you should say that. I am at heart a diehard sci-fi writer and came up in the ranks of the old masters. Poul Anderson was my friend and mentor. I belonged to...

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Chris H Stevenson

Nice to meet you, Ellen. I do love cranking out the books. Got an option for one of my YA books in this very site.

Bill Johnson

Chris, William Nolan lives in my neck of the woods. He tells great stories about a pre-Star Trek William Shatner. He hated the cat in the Logan's Run movie. When I first attended Orycon many years ago...

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Chris H Stevenson

Bill, totally interesting story. Brings back some nostalgia moments. I've loved Logan's Run ever since it came out. I knew a few of the extras and we were about the same age. I've been waiting for a s...

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Eric Kinloch

Hey Chris, great intro very positive and inspiring

Serita Stevens
Hi there!

I've been on Stage32 for sometime now and I love it, esp Joey and the Happy Writers Group. As an established writer of books, scripts, adaptations, etc, I also teach. My newest book, The Ultimate Writers Workbook For Books And Scripts can be found in stores or on line. You can learn more about it at...

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Chris H Stevenson

I just finished a female Iron Man and I think it's going to work out just fine. My agent loves it and says it's the next one out for major submission.

Serita Stevens

That's fabulous!!

Kimite Cancino

Hi. Im 18yo, from South Africa. I love this site since I joined a year ago, and just love following all the good comments, inspiring blogs and amazing talented ppl on here who inspire me everyday with...

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Chris H Stevenson
I've got that new car smell. Well, a little bit.

Chris Stevenson , originally born and raised on the beaches of southern California, moved to Sylvania, Alabama in 2009 and settled in with his twin sister. His occupations have included newspaper reporter, front-line mechanic and federal police officer. He has been writing off and on for 36 years, h...

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Chris H Stevenson

Hi, I'm Chris Stevenson and I've been writing and getting published for 26 years. I write paranormal romance, espionage thrillers, YA, science fiction, fantasy ans some horror. I've written radio plays and short stories for the big slick genre mags. I'd eventually like to collaborate with a screen w...

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Bill Cook

Check my Bio then tell me how I can help.

E-arcs of my novel NIGHT TERRORS

E-arcs of my upcoming urban fantasy novel NIGHT TERRORS are available for readers and reviewers at NetGalley!

Chris H Stevenson

This one sounds pretty interesting. I love the pub Angry Robot. So does my agent.

Rich Hynes
The Adventures of Tek Danger and Larry Applebaum (Discount) Mercenaries For Hire (Free eBook!)

Hello everyone. I'm having a free book promotion for my new ebook on Amazon! You can download a free copy of "The Adventures of Tek Danger and Larry Applebaum (Discount) Mercenaries For Hire" all day today. Here's the URL: R...

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Chris H Stevenson

I'll try that one out.

Bob Jordan
Unfinished Business

My novel has moved into round two of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest and I couldn't be more proud! Click on this link then click on Romance round two entrants. Unfinished Business is a romance/time travel novel. I would love to know what you think o...

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Chris H Stevenson

Congrats on the move up. I didn't make it this year although last year I did.

Katharine Carter
Still learning

I have just finished my tenth novel and also turned it into a movie script. First foray into this division. Fun but exhausting as I had to concentrate really hard. I was amazed at the difference in writing for a movie and a book. I had never given it thought before. Very cool. Good luck to everyone out there.

CJ Walley

Congrats on completing your script Katherine. Very different mindset to get into compared to novel writing.

Chris H Stevenson

I'm three with you, Katherine, having published my ninth. I've sold to great radio scripts, having got the format down but I haven't tried a movie script yet. It's the last format I haven't published yet. It calls out to me. A huge congrats for diversification and skill.

Katharine Carter

Perhaps I'll find it easier the next time around, but hell, writing books is a piece of cake against turning one into a movie script.

Chris H Stevenson

It's the connections that are so hard with scripts. I'd have to involve my agent in any submission attempts to directors or producers. It's happened before, though

Katharine Carter

I am hoping I have those connections. We shall see.

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