Great to hook up, Heather. You have impressive creds and a marvelous profile. I write visual novels, and I'm repped by Sara Camilli. What types of films (genre) are you interested in producing?
Great to hook up, Heather. You have impressive creds and a marvelous profile. I write visual novels, and I'm repped by Sara Camilli. What types of films (genre) are you interested in producing?
Okay, for the genre writers out there, I have a new discussion at Christy's Young Adult Fabuliers
Portal v.s. Urban Fantasy--It's WAR!
Expand postOkay, for the genre writers out there, I have a new discussion at Christy's Young Adult Fabuliers
Portal v.s. Urban Fantasy--It's WAR!
If you would like to scream at Screamcatcher: Web World (a YA fantasy thriller), I'll send you a free PDF copy. Just PM me with your email address or contact me at A review would be glorious and mean the world to me You can check out its flavor here: https://christysyoungadulti...
Expand postIf you would like to scream at Screamcatcher: Web World (a YA fantasy thriller), I'll send you a free PDF copy. Just PM me with your email address or contact me at A review would be glorious and mean the world to me You can check out its flavor here:
I've got a new blog post up at Guerrilla Warfare for Writers--SHOW ME THE MONEY (Author Speed Bumps):
Expand postI've got a new blog post up at Guerrilla Warfare for Writers--SHOW ME THE MONEY (Author Speed Bumps):
Hi, everyone. I'm new here. It's pretty exciting!
Tell me something. Is it common for authors to hire screenwriters to adapt their books to feature film scripts? If so, what is the normal fee arrangement?
Jeff, disregard my private message. Sorry.
Daisy, I believe that’s how it would have to work. Luckily, I own my film rights despite having a book publisher. Phew!!
If you have an agent, he/she will do everything possible to retain most of ;your rights. Especially film rights. Without an agent, you must be very studious when examining a publisher's contract--it w...
Expand commentIf you have an agent, he/she will do everything possible to retain most of ;your rights. Especially film rights. Without an agent, you must be very studious when examining a publisher's contract--it will likely be a standard boilerplate contract that retains most all rights and harbors clauses that are in their favor. Novelists and screenwriters can collaborate on projects where no money is exchanged until the project is sold and accumulates royalties. These types of agreements are a little hard to find, but they are out there. They are like co-authors, working on the same project but crafting in different mediums.
We're now Internet buddies! I'm a novelist, but I sure am glad to meet a screenwriter.
Oh, that's my problem. I have about 11 published and eight with my agent. I've written radio plays but never wanted to tackle screenwriting. I want book to film also
BAD. But I feel guilty being in here.
I'm Christy Breedlove and I think I mangled my Young Adult website. I hope it's at least presentable. I'm a writer, not a programmer. Gak me with a bat and hard darts on me. Would you click on it and pass judgment? This is my first website, and it's still a work in progress. But at least I’ve taken...
Expand postI'm Christy Breedlove and I think I mangled my Young Adult website. I hope it's at least presentable. I'm a writer, not a programmer. Gak me with a bat and hard darts on me. Would you click on it and pass judgment? This is my first website, and it's still a work in progress. But at least I’ve taken over meathead’s duties. Thanks!
I'm not a meathead, Crispy Critter...
I'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten publish...
Expand postI'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten published and nine with my agent). I've written radio plays before, but it has been a very long time since I attempted a screenplay. Any other novelists would be welcome as buddies, too!
Hi. What book of yours do you think would make a great screenplay?
Hi, Roy, the one that heads the list is a non-fantastical female Iron Man, called Iron Maiden. I went for very high commercial appeal, exotic settings and very diverse characters. I would class it as...
Expand commentHi, Roy, the one that heads the list is a non-fantastical female Iron Man, called Iron Maiden. I went for very high commercial appeal, exotic settings and very diverse characters. I would class it as an espionage thriller. The three characters I picked to save the world (so to speak), are a young paraplegic girl, a hefty African-American nurse/manager and a white gay guy, addicted to Barbara Streisand records. It actually works in this character mode. Here's a longish tagline: “A paraplegic woman secrets an exotic military combat exoskeleton out of the country for her boyfriend (who is a traitor and uses her as a mule), and then must use it against a thieving military terrorist group on a Cuban-controled island." I can send a synopsis to you if you wish. And thanks for noticing me.
Can anyone give me a yea or nay on this novel idea. The book is finished, but I just wondered if this sounds like it has enough POC diversity, and action combined to give it commercial appeal. It's called Iron Maiden. Picture Iron Man with a lady at lead, and a very serious, non-fantastical espionag...
Expand postCan anyone give me a yea or nay on this novel idea. The book is finished, but I just wondered if this sounds like it has enough POC diversity, and action combined to give it commercial appeal. It's called Iron Maiden. Picture Iron Man with a lady at lead, and a very serious, non-fantastical espionage thriller.
Twenty-nine year old Diane Nine has been a paraplegic since the age of five. She’s a nationally famous comic book artist and writer. Her comic book heroine, Endura, is everything Diane is not—strong, mobile and courageous. Diane has been living vicariously through Endura, within a fantasy world where recognition and dreams come true. The only thing she needs in her life besides a fine chardonnay and massage is true love—if she could just keep her celebrity and handicap out of the equation—which means her radar is tuned for Mr. Right. Her life changes when she meets the mysterious Chester Strauss. Chet’s a genius freelance engineer who has developed a revolutionary combat exoskeleton that can change the face of global military warfare. She’s impressed; he’s obsessed. Before long, they’re in the throes a blisteringly hot relationship, and Chet makes an extraordinary promise—he believes he can modify a version of the suit that would allow Diane to walk again. Thrilled with the idea of mobility, Diane agrees to test the prototype suit so that Chet has a “bullet-proof” demonstration to offer the U.S. Department of Defense. He’s expecting a “lucrative contract.”
In reality, Chet Strauss is a traitor to the United States and needs a “mule” to smuggle the suit out of the country. After leaving the suit with Diane, with strict orders to never let it out of her sight, he stages his own kidnapping by leaving clues that lead to the Cuban-controlled island of Juventud. If anyone can get a nuclear powered combat exoskeleton through customs, it’s certainly an innovative celebrity like Diane Nine. Chet is relying on her love-struck loyalty to get the job done.
Diane is frantic, believing that Chet has been kidnapped by unknown factions. When she contacts the CIA, she’s laughed off the phone for making wild claims about nuclear-powered combat suits and clandestine terrorists. Except for a weapon’s analyst who believes that she might be telling the truth—Ambrose Tucker.
With the aid of her nurse Bibi, a Nell Carter look-alike with a Whoopi Goldberg mouth, and her Streisand-addicted gay physical therapist Ollie, Diane embarks on a journey to rescue her missing boyfriend. Diane cleverly hides the suit in her wheelchair carrier, barely getting it through airport Customs. Destination: Cuba.
She and her companions land smack into the hands of Chet Strauss and the Global Socialist Alliance, a triad of third-world country terrorists. During a category 5 hurricane, Diane manages to escape her captors and meet up with her friends, who were discarded by the terrorist group, like so much trash. The trio must hide out in the interior of the island, an island so disaster--ravaged it has no communication or transportation resources. But the terrorists are hot on their heels, engaging them in one attack after another. Diane’s been using the full suit to ward off the terrorists by practicing and discovering its full potential. She has no choice but to become something straight out of the pages of her comics—a one-woman, apocalyptic killing machine, where fantasy meets reality.
The weapons analyst, Ambrose Tucker, arrives on the island and tracks down Diane and her group. Seeing the suit for himself, and discovering that Russia, North Korea, and Iran comprise the GSA triad, he is now convinced that it is a national security issue and must get word out to CIA headquarters and the White House. He sends a courier to request a “hot evac”, but realizes that he is now also stuck on the island and fighting for his life. (Ambrose begins to fall for Diane and soon can’t hide his feelings).
Tucker’s message gets through, launching a covert special ops strike team called Helen of Troy. Though the team suffers casualties, they pick up Diane and her group, and repel a last-ditch attack from the terrorists, who retreat to the coastline for a harried pickup. Just when the U.S. military thinks they have the upper hand they run into the terrorist’s escape vehicle—a Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine. Missile frigates and choppers are called in to confront and force the sub to surface by laying down a barrage of fire. The Russian sub crew surrenders, along with the high-ranking officers of the Global Socialist Alliance, including Chet Strauss, traitor to Diane and the United States Government. Global war is averted. For now.
Diane and her friends end up on the south White House lawn, recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Even though Diane has been reduced to riding in a wheelchair again, the government has promised that a civilian version of the suit will be made available to the American handicapped. While her heart’s been broken in the only true relationship she’s ever had, Ambrose Tucker, the agent who believed in her all along, asks her out on a date. She accepts, knowing that true love just might have another chance in her life after all.
Well, it's a relief to see a price drop to $2.99 for Blackmailed Bride. I hope that's a sweeter spot.
Expand postWell, it's a relief to see a price drop to $2.99 for Blackmailed Bride. I hope that's a sweeter spot.
Guerrilla Warfare for Writers (Special Weapons and Tactics) will help you hook that agent or publisher.
Hi, Jeff. Sorry I'm late in popping by here. You have an idea in regards to getting books to the screen? Or some other subject? Please let me know what's up and how you are progressing along these lines.
Yeah, I'm still around and about. Answering tons of email. It's a hassle sometimes. Yet fun at other times.
I've got a blog article that concerns agent and publisher rejections, and why there has been a cutback on debut authors. This info/warning would apply to screen writers as well. My site is called Guerrilla Warfare for Writers:
Expand postI've got a blog article that concerns agent and publisher rejections, and why there has been a cutback on debut authors. This info/warning would apply to screen writers as well. My site is called Guerrilla Warfare for Writers:
I'm back after a debilitating illness that nearly killed me. I might not be remembered. However, I'm in search of bonding with other novelists here in an attempt to find out where and how to team up with an interested screenwriter, producer, director to collaborate on unique and thrilling stories, j...
Expand postI'm back after a debilitating illness that nearly killed me. I might not be remembered. However, I'm in search of bonding with other novelists here in an attempt to find out where and how to team up with an interested screenwriter, producer, director to collaborate on unique and thrilling stories, just perfect for the screen. How do we go about contacting and binding with a source that could lead to a team effort bond?
My creds:
Auto Repair Shams and Scams (Forward--Ralph Nader), 1990, Price Stern & Sloan, Los Angeles--226 pages, non-fiction, consumer warning and repair book.
Garage Sale Mania, 1988, Betterway Publications, Crozet, Virginia--190 pages, non-fiction—1988.
Word Wars, a SF novel, to Rain Publishing, Canada—May, 2007.
Once Upon a Goddess, a Fantasy novel, to Rain Publishing, Canada—January, 2008
Planet Janitor; Custodian of the Stars, a SF novel sold to Engage Books, May 2009
The War Gate—paranormal thriller to Pen and Press—August, 2012
Gate Walker, a Paranormal Fantasy, sold to Lyrical Press—January, 2009.
The Wolfen Strain, a fantasy thriller sold to LBF Books, February 2009
The Girl They Sold to the Moon, a YA dystopia, to Intrigue Publishing 2014
Planet Janitor, Omnibus Edition Reprint, Engage Books, March 2016
Blackmailed Bride, erotic romance to Melange Books, Jan 2018
“Stella” by Starlight, to Amazing Stories, 1988.
The Lonely Astronaut, to Amazing Stories, 1988.
Temperamental Circuits, to Gordon Linzner of Space & Time, 1989.
Things that go Clump in the Night, to Richard Fawcett of Doppelganger, 1989.
Dance the Macabre and Dance it Well, to Erskine Carter of Ouroborous, 1989.
Future School, to Chris Bartholomew of Static Movement, January 2006.
The Incredible Mr. Dandy, to Not One of Us.
Planet Janitor: The Moon is not Enough, to Enage Books, 2012
Planet Janitor: Journey Interrupted, to Engage Books, 2012
Other magazine appearances from 1988 to 1991 include, Alpha Adventures, Small Press Writers and Artists Organization and Sycophant.
The Summit, 15-minute horror play to Night Sounds, Embassy Cassette Inc, Santa Ana, California—1990
Night of the Moa, 13-minute horror play to Night Sounds, Embassy Cassette Inc, Santa Ana, California—1990.
Finalist in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest for Temperamental Circuits, 1987. First place, grand prize for The Girl They Sold to the Moon—in the Entranced YA novel writing competition—cash prize.
350 newspaper profiles, stories, and interviews to Sunset Publishing, Anaheim, California, appearing in The West Coast Jewish News, The Senior Citizens Reporter and The Military Review. From 1988 to 1991. Seven automotive and home and garden articles to Dollar Stretcher Magazine, from 12-2-2011 to 2-28-2012. Eight science articles to Xiauduo Media, for Chinese translation( 8 -14 year-old audience)—Astronomy, new transportation technology, space, exoplanets, future spaced ship drives, big bang theory and inflation.
I have written and published over 1,750 non-fiction automotive, aircraft, marine, home and garden and science articles for Demand Media Studios under the Beta-Automotive and E-How stations. Six automotive articles to—6-2012. Published. 440 automotive and general articles to TextBroker--2014—plumbing, gardening, home improvement, home utilities, electricity--Content writing for a total of three years.
Served as content editor for Sunset Publication (see above) for three years. Responsible for all writing assignment content, filler and artwork.
President and founder of Heartland Writers Group, Huntington Beach, California, from 1987 to 1991.
Past agent--Richard Curtis Associates, from 1988 to 1991.
Past agent—TriadaUS (Dr. Uwe Stender), from 2005 to August 2009
Present agent—Sara Camilli
Iron Maiden an adult military espionage thriller.
Valley of the Mastodons, a non-fiction book involving the Ice Age megafauna discoveries in Hemet, California, during the Diamond Valley reservoir dig in 1994--1997. Proposal, chapter outline, and 100 pages available upon request
Dispossessed Incorporated, an urban ghost fantasy with time travel.
The Omega Wars—SF, apocalyptic alien invasion (Sequel to PJ)
Dream Chasers (Web World, Dream Snatchers, The Shimmering Eye), A YA fantasy trilogy about teenage paranormal investigators.
Earth Angel, a paranormal cop thriller.
Sky High—YA dystopian thriller—Logan’s Run/Road Warrior mash-up. The Wonders of the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits—a chapter book about the Ice Age and the megafauna entrapment—told in a nonfiction/storytelling format.
Chris H Stevenson What exactly do you mean by strong visuals? Oh, I'm working on my first novel right now. I enjoy it, though screenwriting comes more naturally to me. I wish there was a format that b...
Expand commentChris H Stevenson What exactly do you mean by strong visuals? Oh, I'm working on my first novel right now. I enjoy it, though screenwriting comes more naturally to me. I wish there was a format that blended the two lol. That would be the sweet spot for me.
I write in a very visual sense. People have often commented on how my descriptions make them "feel" as if they are "there".
Michael, thanks for your question. In narrative, and in many cases dialogue, I try to use the five senses when communicating a scene--sight, hearing, touch, see, smell, to give more than a two-dimensi...
Expand commentMichael, thanks for your question. In narrative, and in many cases dialogue, I try to use the five senses when communicating a scene--sight, hearing, touch, see, smell, to give more than a two-dimensional perspective on any type of object. The use of metaphor and simile also help to contribute to the mind's eye, and works especially good in describing locals and geographical locations. David is right, in that you want to convey a "feeling" that goes deep down into your core--a feeling that you have been transported and are there. Strong visuals.
I do wish there was a medium that defined both novels and screen plays as one entity. Unfortunately, we do have to transpose one medium to the other. Novelizations are treatments that turn an original screen play into a novel. Roughly 65% of all films are created from the original book format, and that includes bios and documentaries.
I'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten publish...
Expand postI'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten published and nine with my agent). I've written radio plays before, but it has been a very long time since I attempted a screenplay. Any other novelists would be welcome as buddies, too!
The one book I’ve written that heads the list is a non-fantastical female Iron Man, called Iron Maiden. I went for very high commercial appeal, exotic settings and very diverse characters. I would class it as an espionage thriller. The three characters I picked to save the world (so to speak), are a young paraplegic girl, a hefty African-American nurse/manager and a white gay guy, addicted to Barbara Streisand records. It actually works in this character mode. Here's a longish tagline: “A paraplegic woman secrets an exotic military combat exoskeleton out of the country for her boyfriend (who is a traitor and uses her as a mule), and then must use it against a thieving military terrorist group on a Cuban-controlled island." I can send a synopsis to anyone who would like one.
I'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten publish...
Expand postI'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten published and nine with my agent). I've written radio plays before, but it has been a very long time since I attempted a screenplay. Any other novelists would be welcome as buddies, too!
The one book I’ve written that heads the list is a non-fantastical female Iron Man, called Iron Maiden. I went for very high commercial appeal, exotic settings and very diverse characters. I would class it as an espionage thriller. The three characters I picked to save the world (so to speak), are a young paraplegic girl, a hefty African-American nurse/manager and a white gay guy, addicted to Barbara Streisand records. It actually works in this character mode. Here's a longish tagline: “A paraplegic woman secrets an exotic military combat exoskeleton out of the country for her boyfriend (who is a traitor and uses her as a mule), and then must use it against a thieving military terrorist group on a Cuban-controlled island." I can send a synopsis to anyone who would like one.
Apologies for brevity, but, as this machine has junked my post, I am keeping it brief. Hello, we are and looking for filmmakers to join us at Thanks ....(hopefully this one won't get binned!)
Thanks Doug. You get access to the scenes on the website Just make an EoI and the info gets sent! Please send anyone you know may be interested to us and we will love you forever! R...
Expand commentThanks Doug. You get access to the scenes on the website Just make an EoI and the info gets sent! Please send anyone you know may be interested to us and we will love you forever! Rose and AM
Just saying, as I had before--very interesting. I like Rose's energetic presentation, a terrific and delightful delivery about the nuts and bolts of the film projects.
Hey Rose, thanks for sharing. If you need any assistance with writing I would be glad to help.
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Thanks Chris!
Any and all that are funded! ;-)
And/or high concept, contained budget...
You know the drill! ;-)
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That's A--firmative.