This my first post on the lounge, I have a passion for writing, I have a TV Show idea and the scenes are already playing out through my head. All I have to is put the words in this is the biggest challenge for me and one that I no doubt can accomplish. I am optimistic that I will have a full script in my hands soon enough :)
Hi and welcome aboard, Connor Thompson! You've come to the right place! I would definitely suggest poking around the platform. Here are some of the free resources: blogs, free webinars and follow them...
Expand commentHi and welcome aboard, Connor Thompson! You've come to the right place! I would definitely suggest poking around the platform. Here are some of the free resources: blogs, free webinars and follow them on IG for some really amazing Lives! Also, if you're looking for guidance for your career, Jason Mirch, the Director of Script Services here at Stage 32, is super helpful and knowledgeable. If you're interested in trying out the Writers' Room for a free month, please shoot him an email here: The Room is a place we can pitch to executives, learn about the craft and business, work on script coverage, get in on table reads and so much more! Happy writing!
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My advice is get as much of it out of your head and into paper (computer). Worry about form, software blah blah blah later. All the hard work happens in your head. Get that working and worry about the rest later.
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As Craig D Griffiths says, jump in and have fun. Prove to yourself that you can finish a script before you start taking in views on the craft and business.
Welcome Connor and good luck! You'll find much encouragement and wisdom here.
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I’m in the same place. I have been capturing ideas for a couple stories with notebooks and pencil for a couple years. Now I am putting it together in script. It is more challenging than I expected.