P. Hurst's Lounge Discussions

Connor Thompson
Beginning in Screenwriting

This my first post on the lounge, I have a passion for writing, I have a TV Show idea and the scenes are already playing out through my head. All I have to is put the words in this is the biggest challenge for me and one that I no doubt can accomplish. I am optimistic that I will have a full script in my hands soon enough :)

Monica Mansy

Hi and welcome aboard, Connor Thompson! You've come to the right place! I would definitely suggest poking around the platform. Here are some of the free resources: blogs, free webinars and follow them...

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Craig D Griffiths

My advice is get as much of it out of your head and into paper (computer). Worry about form, software blah blah blah later. All the hard work happens in your head. Get that working and worry about the rest later.

CJ Walley

As Craig D Griffiths says, jump in and have fun. Prove to yourself that you can finish a script before you start taking in views on the craft and business.

David C. Velasco

Welcome Connor and good luck! You'll find much encouragement and wisdom here.

P. Hurst

I’m in the same place. I have been capturing ideas for a couple stories with notebooks and pencil for a couple years. Now I am putting it together in script. It is more challenging than I expected.

Hailey Kathler
New in town!

Hi everyone! My name is Hailey Kathler and I'm a Story Artist/Supervisor in the animation industry up in Vancouver, Canada! I've been working on show pitches for years but recently have started to really work on writing. I'm excited to be here and hopefully make a lot of connections with like-minded...

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Dawn Prato

Nice to meet you, Hailey! I'm in Vancouver as well, it's always great to see another Canuck :) What genres are you primarily interested in?

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Nice to meet you. I had my entertainment law practice in Vancouver before I came to L.A.

Hailey Kathler

Hi everyone! I do mostly write for animation, because I love animation and always have. Some of my scripts could work for live action as well, but I tend to imagine everything in an animated space. I...

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Monica Mansy

Hi, Hailey Kathler! Welcome aboard! You’ll love it here. I would suggest poking around the lounges and checking out the education tab. Happy writing!

Dawn Prato

If you like, check out The Writers' Room, they have pitch practices and all sorts of things to help educate and network. If you ever want a set of eyes on your scripts, let me know, I'm always happy to read!

P. Hurst
Script writing software

Another update and maybe no need for additional comments... I selected FadeIn. --- I am currently doing it by just writing in MSWord and formatting as I go. A bit more laborious I suppose so I am wondering what your opinion is about using dedicated writing software in general and what software you p...

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Ian Buchanan

I think it would be wise to spend a little more time getting to grips with something like Final Draft even if it doesn’t work “out of the box” as you say. As commendable as your resolve is - producers...

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Chaun Lee


Phil Clarke

I echo what most have said above, Phillip (great name, by the way!) If you're just starting out and just want to write (the most important thing of all, right?), then Word can do this at a very basic...

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Bob Johnson

As a side note, anyone who wants a .fdx version already has Final Draft. FD doesn't understand .docx but can import ,txt or .rtf files. You lose most of the formatting, so it's not a great solution. I...

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Geoff Hall

Greetings P. Hurst I use FD, but would love to use John August’s screenwriting programme, Highland. Maybe one day I’ll get a Mac Book and can have it one there! I’d never use MS Word, it just doesn’t...

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J.L. Johnson
What's your process?

I've never really developed a set process for writing but as I get more and more serious about writing I'd love to develop some personal process to sitting in front my blank Final Draft and pouring out. What are some ways you all prepare for a writing session? Do you go in knowing where the story is...

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P. Hurst

I just jot down ideas as soon as they pop in my head. I keep notebooks in a “go bag,” a notepad and pencil in the car, a notepad on my phone, etc. I assemble things later. Just write it down quick and dirty. Edit later

Ronika Merl

I have no creative say... sigh... the stories pop into my head fully formed. Then I write the outline down in a one pager, then write the script, as if from memory. That one pager is really all the outlining I do.

Gilberto Villahermosa

J. L. You have to make writing a habit. Everyday - even when you don't feel like it. Actor and writer Lauren Graham ("The Gilmore Girls" and "Parenthood" and author of two books) recommends "The Kitch...

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David DeHaas

Wow this is an old post lol... I would say I'm still personally learning about my own process, but I think I like the idea of outlining/mapping out a story before delving into the actual script pages....

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Roy Tunnell

I make check lists!

P. Hurst
Another Canadian Noob

Hello people, greetings from freezing Canada. I have zero experience in the biz but have this crazy idea that I can write. A serialized story is what is in the works. I would be happy to connect with people in the Canadian TV industry.

Wayne Jarman

Welcome, Phillip. Hang on to that 'crazy idea' and go for it ...as we all should. Wishing you every success, from Aus.

Jodi Rath

Hi Phillip. My husband used to go to Canada once a year, hop on a train, then jump off in the middle of a forest to camp for a week or two. He's 57 now but still talks about it regularly!

Hayley Pace
Introducing myself!

My name is Hayley, hello! I just found out about Stage 32 through the Netflix Pitching seminar and boy, that was incredibly insightful and AMAZING! I feel I am ready and confident to write my first pitch! So excited to be apart of this community!!

Melissa Butler

Welcome, Hayley. Yes, this was a great masterclass. I'm getting to work now—best of luck with your project.

Hayley Pace

Thank you Melissa! You as well!!

David C. Velasco

Welcome Hayley! You'll find much encouragement here!

P. Hurst

Wasn't that great? So many new ideas swimming in my head tonight

Hayley Pace

Wow thank you so much everyone! Everyone is so helpful here!!

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